Structural characterization of site-modified nanocapsid with monodispersed gold clusters

Hepatitis E Virus-like particles self-assemble in to noninfectious nanocapsids that are resistant to proteolytic/acidic mucosal delivery conditions. Previously, the nanocapsid was engineered to specifcally bind and enter breast cancer cells, where successful tumor targeting was demonstrated in animal models. In the present study, the nanocapsid surface was modifed with a solvent-exposed cysteine to conjugate monolayer protected gold nanoclusters (AuNC). Unlike commercially available gold nanoparticles, AuNCs monodisperse in water and are composed of a discrete number of gold atoms, forming a crystalline gold core. Au102pMBA44 (Au102) was an ideal conjugate given its small 2.5nm size and detectability in cryoEM. Au102 was bound directly to nanocapsid surface cysteines via direct ligand exchange. In addition, Au102 was functionalized with a maleimide linker (Au102_C6MI) for maleimide-thiol conjugation to nanocapsid cysteines. The AuNC-bound nanocapsid constructs were conjugated in various conditions. We found Au102_C6MI to bind nanocapsid more efciently, while Au102 remained more soluble over time. Nanocapsids conjugated to Au102_C6MI were imaged in cryoEM for single particle reconstruction to localize AuNC position on the nanocapsid surface. We resolved fve unique high intensity volumes that formed a ring-shaped density at the 5-fold symmetry center. This fnding was further supported by independent rigid modeling.
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Nature Publishing Group
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Peer reviewed
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Scientific Reports
  • Stark, M., Baikoghli, M. A., Lahtinen, T., Malola, S., Xing, L., Nguyen, M., Nguyen, M., Sikaroudi, A., Marjomäki, V., Häkkinen, H., & Cheng, H. (2017). Structural characterization of site-modified nanocapsid with monodispersed gold clusters. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 17048.
Open Access
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Akatemiahanke, SA
Academy Project, AoF
Research Council of Finland
Additional information about funding
We thank J. Koivisto, K. Salorinne, J. Noronha for characterization and preparation of gold nanoclusters and conjugation. We also thank Fei Guo for his technical support in obtaining Cryo Electron Microscopy images. This work has been funded by the Finland Distinguished Professor Program by TEKES (grant 1913/31/2012) and by the Academy of Finland (grant 266492 and Academy Professorship of H.H.), by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and by the NIH (grants: AI095382, EB021230, CA198880) to RHC.
Copyright© the Authors, 2017. This is an open access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
