Adorno's tragic vision
This dissertation deals with the tragic vision that motivates certain key aspects
of Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy. While in the formative early work, the
Dialectic of Enlightenment, co-written with Max Horkheimer, the tragic views are
clear, in later works, such as the Aesthetic Theory and the Negative Dialectics, they
are only implicit. The study reconstructs the tragic vision found in the Dialectic
of Enlightenment and uses it as a key to understand Adorno’s mature philosophy.
A tragic vision is born when specific philosophical convictions regarding
agency and morality coalesce with certain ethical and political conditions. A
tragic vision forms the grounds for tragic views. For Adorno, the key convictions rise out of the failures of reason and culture to enable the eradication of
unnecessary suffering by creating the kind of conditions in which human beings could flourish. These convictions give rise to a view of humanity as blind
to its own shortcomings and thus doomed to perpetuate suffering in the name
of progress and growth.
Adorno’s persistent negativism prevents him from offering practical solutions for changing the world, but he does offer a scathing critique of the modern
world that continues to resonate with new generations of readers. The analysis
of the tragic vision presented in this dissertation will highlight the fundamental
philosophical and ethical commitments underlying Adorno’s views and will
thus allow both situating his work into a larger cultural context and juxtaposing
it with the work of other philosophers, as well as other writers, thereby opening
new vistas for research not just on Adorno but on continental philosophy, social
theory, and the domain of arts and letters at large.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research