A nomad from within? : resilient identities in an interconnected world : Russian-speaking immigrant women in Italy (re)-constructing the self
Within the current political context of global migration the concept of ‘identity’
has played a major role in the struggle between assimilative and exclusionary
practices and policies. Such policies in many cases are the result of a wronged
imagination about human identity and the subjects who possess it. In my master’s
thesis I conceptualize ‘resilient identity’ as an innovative and highly needed
approach to studying today’s constantly transforming subjectivity. Through the
analysis of the self-narratives of Russian-speaking female immigrants in Italy, I
explore how ‘resilience of identity’ is constructed and manifests itself. My thesis
additionally brings together the philosophical and theoretical heritage of Rosi
Braidotti’s nomadic theory and Amartya Sen’s identity thinking. This heritage
together with the new concept of ‘resilient identity’ allows me to critically revise
the traditional understanding of identity and, to describe a today’s subject “from
within” based on subjects’ own perceptions about the self. This description allows
me to generate some recommendations for future research and policy-making
Main Author
Master thesis
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