An off-line ion guide quadrupole mass spectrometer system
Off-line ioniohjain kvadrupolimassaspektrometri systeemi.
Uuden erillisen ioniohjain-kvadrupolimassaspektrometri (IGQMS) -systeemin käyttöönotto on esitetty tässä työssä. Laitteisto on kehitetty
uusien tekniikoiden testaamiseen ja kehittämiseen IGISOL–laitoksella. Työssä
on tutkittu laitteiston differentiaalista pumpaussysteemiä ja laitteiston
etuosan kuljetustehokkuutta käyttäen 223Ra alfa-rekyylilähdettä. Painemittausten
tulokset eri parametreilla ovat esitetty. Kaasuohjaimen käyttöpainealue on mitattu olevan 1 ja 700 mbar:n välillä pitäen käyttöpaineen
QMS kammiossa, ja skimmer-systeemin läpäisytehokkuus olevan lähellä
100 %.
The commissioning of a new off-line ion guide quadrupole mass spectrometer (IGQMS) system, an off-line platform for the testing and development of new techniques to be implemented at the IGISOL–facility, is presented in this thesis. The differential pumping system is investigated and results of efficiency measurements of the front part of the system using a 223Ra alpha-recoil source are presented. Operational gas cell pressures from 1 up to 700 mbar have been demonstrated while maintaining operational pressure in the QMS chamber. A range of pressure measurements with different parameters is presented, and a transport efficiency through a squeezer-skimmer system of nearly 100 % has been measured.
The commissioning of a new off-line ion guide quadrupole mass spectrometer (IGQMS) system, an off-line platform for the testing and development of new techniques to be implemented at the IGISOL–facility, is presented in this thesis. The differential pumping system is investigated and results of efficiency measurements of the front part of the system using a 223Ra alpha-recoil source are presented. Operational gas cell pressures from 1 up to 700 mbar have been demonstrated while maintaining operational pressure in the QMS chamber. A range of pressure measurements with different parameters is presented, and a transport efficiency through a squeezer-skimmer system of nearly 100 % has been measured.
Main Author
Master thesis
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