Multitasking oppimistilanteessa : empiirinen tutkimus digitaalisten laitteiden käytön vaikutuksista opiskeluun yliopistoluennoilla
Tutkielmassa otetaan selvää digitaalisten laitteiden (puhelin, tietokone, tabletti) käytön ja samanaikaisesta opetuksen seuraamisesta johtuvan multitaskingin vaikutuksista opiskeluun yliopistoluennoilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää opiskelijoille suunnatun kyselytutkimuksen ja luentotilanteessa järjestetyn kokeen avulla, mihin tarkoitukseen digitaalisia laitteita luennoilla käytetään, onko laitteiden käytöstä luennoilla hyötyä tai haittaa oppimiseen – vaikuttaako laitteiden käyttö keskittymiseen ja oppimistilanteesta muodostuvaan muistijälkeen.
Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat Jyväskylän yliopiston opiskelijat keväällä 2017. Tutkimusmateriaali kerättiin kyselyllä (N = 347), jossa kartoitettiin opiskelijoiden mielipiteitä, kokemuksia ja asenteita digitaalisten laitteiden luentojen aikaisesta käytöstä. Kyselyn lisäksi aineistoa kerättiin luonnollisessa luentotilanteessa toteutetussa koejärjestelyssä (N = 85), jossa opiskelijoiden mielipiteiden lisäksi mitattiin vain kyniä ja paperia työvälineinään käyttäneen koeryhmän ja multitaskingille altistuneen kontrolliryhmän välisiä eroja luennolla käsiteltyjen aiheiden mieleen palauttamisessa.
Kyselytutkimuksessa opiskelijajoukosta profiloitui digitaalisten laitteiden pääasiallisen käyttötarkoituksen mukaan kolme erilaista käyttäjäryhmää: luentojen aikana opiskeluun tai viihteeseen laitettaan käyttävien opiskelijaryhmät sekä ryhmä, joka käyttää laitetta luennolla harvoin tai ei koskaan. Ryhmien välisissä vertailuissa havaittiin selkeitä eroja muun muassa suhtautumisessa laitteiden käytön hyödyllisyyteen ja häiritsevyyteen luentojen aikana. Koejärjestelyn tuloksista puolestaan tehtiin havainto, että opiskelijat kykenivät palauttamaan mieliinsä luennon sisällön samankaltaisesti huolimatta siitä, altistuivatko laitteiden käytöstä johtuvalle multitaskingille tai eivät.
Tutkimustuloksista voidaan päätellä, että luentojen aikaisen digitaalisen laitteen käyttötarkoituksella on ratkaisevaa merkitystä - sillä miten ja mihin laitetta pääasiallisesti käytetään, on vaikutusta luennoilla opiskeluun. Vaikka laitteiden käyttäminen luennoilla väistämättä johtaa useamman tehtävän suorittamiseen samanaikaisesti ja haastaa siten kognitiivisen tiedonkäsittelykykymme, riippuu hyvin monenlaisista yksilö- ja tilannetekijöistä sekä käytettävissä olevasta aikaikkunasta, kuinka kyvykkäästi opiskelija päällekkäisten tehtäviensä suorittamisessa onnistuu ja kykenee toimimaan tavoitteidensa mukaisesti ärsykkeitä tulvivassa oppimisympäristössä.
Multitasking in learning situation – an empirical survey of the influence of digital device use on learning during the lectures in university. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the influence of the digital device use (mobile phone, laptop, tablet) on learning during the lectures in university. The goal was to examine how multitasking impacts on learning through a query and an experimental design implemented in lecture situation. What purposes are the digital devices used for in lessons, are there any advantage or disadvantage factors on learning when using these devices – could there also be influence on focusing and recalling lesson contents? The study was accomplished among Jyväskylä University students in spring 2017. Data was collected by query (N = 347), where opinions, experiences and attitudes about using digital devices during lectures were asked. Also there was created an experimental design (N = 85) in natural lecture situation. The groups of students – pencil and paper group, and multitasking control group –participated in an experimental lecture situation, and the goal was to find out if there would be any differences between two different groups how well students will manage to recall content of a lesson after the lecture was ended. When studying the query data, there was possibility to recognize three different kinds of groups which were categorized with the purpose of the digital device use during the lectures. Those profiles are: the group of students which use digital device for learning, the group of students which use digital device for entertainment and the group of students which hardly ever use digital device during lectures. When comparing these groups there was remarking differences i.e. in between attitudes in experienced usefulness and distraction effects of digital devices on learning. In addition to that, it was found in an experimental lecture situation that students from both experimental groups were able to recall the content of lesson similarly, nevertheless they had used digital devices during the lecture or not. The results of this study is, that the meaning of the digital device use during the lecture is crucial – it really matters how and what purposes the digital devices are used. Even though the use of digital device inevitably leads to multitasking situations and will challenge human cognition hard, it depends on the context, individual qualities and time sharing how well student will manage with multitasking tasks, and will achieve his/hers own goals in distracted learning environments.
Multitasking in learning situation – an empirical survey of the influence of digital device use on learning during the lectures in university. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the influence of the digital device use (mobile phone, laptop, tablet) on learning during the lectures in university. The goal was to examine how multitasking impacts on learning through a query and an experimental design implemented in lecture situation. What purposes are the digital devices used for in lessons, are there any advantage or disadvantage factors on learning when using these devices – could there also be influence on focusing and recalling lesson contents? The study was accomplished among Jyväskylä University students in spring 2017. Data was collected by query (N = 347), where opinions, experiences and attitudes about using digital devices during lectures were asked. Also there was created an experimental design (N = 85) in natural lecture situation. The groups of students – pencil and paper group, and multitasking control group –participated in an experimental lecture situation, and the goal was to find out if there would be any differences between two different groups how well students will manage to recall content of a lesson after the lecture was ended. When studying the query data, there was possibility to recognize three different kinds of groups which were categorized with the purpose of the digital device use during the lectures. Those profiles are: the group of students which use digital device for learning, the group of students which use digital device for entertainment and the group of students which hardly ever use digital device during lectures. When comparing these groups there was remarking differences i.e. in between attitudes in experienced usefulness and distraction effects of digital devices on learning. In addition to that, it was found in an experimental lecture situation that students from both experimental groups were able to recall the content of lesson similarly, nevertheless they had used digital devices during the lecture or not. The results of this study is, that the meaning of the digital device use during the lecture is crucial – it really matters how and what purposes the digital devices are used. Even though the use of digital device inevitably leads to multitasking situations and will challenge human cognition hard, it depends on the context, individual qualities and time sharing how well student will manage with multitasking tasks, and will achieve his/hers own goals in distracted learning environments.
Main Author
Master thesis
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