Elucidating the ligand shell structure and dynamics of Au683MBA32 gold nanocluster using molecular dynamics simulations
Synthesising novel gold nanoparticles and -clusters can be often easier than characterising
them, and after experimental analysis many options for the possible molecular
formula of the cluster may remain as equally valid options. These options
may be investigated by quantum computational means, such as density functional
theory, but since DFT includes the electronic interactions, this might take time
and excessive effort if the amount of options is large. In this thesis a new way of
easing the computational task is introduced by a novel method, that combines a
guessing algorithm and molecular dynamics simulations. The algorithm produces
possible structures by utilising existing structures of known clusters, and molecular
dynamics are used to compute the dynamics and interactions in the structures to
differentiate between a good guess and a bad one with lower computational cost.
This method was utilised in this thesis on gold nanocluster Au683MBA32. Three
models were generated using the algorithm with the help of the information gained in
previous research (Pablo D. Jadzinsky et al. Science, 318 (5849):430–433, 2007 and
Azubel et al. Science, 345(6199):909–912, 2014). The structures were simulated in a
custom made GROMACS force-field (Pohjolainen et al. Journal of Chemical Theory and
Computation, 12(3):1342-1350, 2016) for 50 ns in NPT conditions. The resulting
trajectories were examined for indicators of internal stability and compared with
experimental results.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201709043650Käytä tätä linkitykseen.
Tietueessa on rajoitettuja tiedostoja. You can request a copy of this thesis here The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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