Investigating in vivo cell and tissue internalization during zebrafish neurulation
Neurulaatio, eli hermostoputken muodostuminen, on yksi selkärankaisten yksilökehityksen varhaisimmista morfologisista prosesseista, jossa levymäisestä solukosta muodostuu sylinterimäinen putki, johon myöhemmin kehittyy selkäranka ja aivot. Neurulaatiota on tutkittu eniten linnuilla ja sammakkoeläimillä, joilla neurulaatio perustuu selkä- eli dorsaalipuolen epiteelisoluista muodostuvan hermostolevyn taipumiseen alkion dorsaalin keskilinjan myötäisesti syvempien kudosten sisälle muodostaen lopulta sylinterimäisen hermostoputken. Keskilinjan solujen internalisaatio, eli sisäänpäin työntyminen tunnetaan solu- ja molekyylitasolla kuitenkin edelleen heikosti sopivan in vivo -mallin puutteesta johtuen. Viime vuosikymmenenä seeprakala (Danio rerio) on osoittautunut loistavaksi in vivo -malliksi sekä biologisten, geneettisten että optisten ominaisuuksiensa ansiosta. Huolimatta vuosien tutkimuksesta seeprakalan neurulaation aikainen solujärjestys ja dynamiikka ovat edelleen kiistanalaisia. Tässä Pro Gradu -tutkielmassa olen osoittanut konfokaalimikroskopiaa, uudenlaista 3D-mallinnusta ja automaattista soluseurantaa yhdistämällä, että seeprakalan hermostolevyn taipuminen perustuu kahden erillisen solujoukon samanaikaisiin liikkeisiin ja keskilinjan solujen muodonmuutoksiin neurulaation varhaisten vaiheiden aikana. Lisäksi pystyin paikallistamaan geneettisiä menetelmiä hyödyntämällä adheesiomolekyyli N-kadheriinin ekspression hermostolevyn solukon dorsaalipuolen uloimmalle pinnalle neurulaation varhaisten vaiheiden aikana. Edelleen osoitin, että seeprakalan keskilinjan solujen muodonmuutos riippuu N-kadheriinista ja adheesio ohjaa näin ollen solujen kollektiivista migraatiota ja lopulta keskilinjan internalisaatiota. Lisäksi paikallistin myosiini II ekspression, jonka on esitetty ajavan kudoksen internalisaatiota epiteelisolukossa, seeprakalan hermostolevyn uloimmalle pinnalle. Vaikka myosiini on läsnä internalisaation kannalta otollisella hetkellä, on vielä epäselvää, osallistuuko myosiini seeprakalan ei-epiteelisen hermostokudoksen muodostumiseen. Kaiken kaikkiaan Pro Gradu -tutkielmani tulokset osoittavat, että adheesiomolekyyli N-kadheriini on välttämätön ohjaamaan hermostolevyn solujoukkojen kollektiivista kaksijakoista migraatiota ja kudoksen internalisaatiota alkion keskilinjalla ja että myosiini II saattaa olla ohjaava voima solun tukirangan dynamiikassa myös seeprakalan hermostolevyn internalisaation aikana.
Neurulation is the process by which an initially flat sheet of cells, called neural plate, is transformed into a hollow cylinder structure, called neural tube, which eventually give rise to the brain and spinal cord. This morphogenetic process relies on collective cellular processes tightly coordinated in both space and time. Neurulation has been largely studied in amniotes and amphibian models. In their anterio-dorsal regions neural tube is generally achieved by bending of the neural plate around the embryonic midline and by fusing of the folding edges forming a hollow neural tube. However, due to the lack of suitable in vivo model neurulation is not yet fully understood at the cellular level and the molecular mechanism underlying the tissue morphogenesis have remained unknown. During recent years, the tropical zebrafish (Danio rerio) have emerged a valuable model system to study developmental processes at both cellular and sub-cellular level due to its biological, genetic and optical advantages. In this thesis work I have combined customized confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) together with novel visualization and automatic cell tracking method to investigate and describe cell dynamics during initial stages of zebrafish neural tube formation. In this work I showed that the internalization of the neural tissue at the embryonic midline is achieved by an interplay of the dynamics of two distinct cell population within the neural plate during the keel transition. Lateral cells converge fast towards the embryonic midline while medial cells undergo cell shape changes preceding midline internalization. I found that the cell-cell adhesion molecule N-cadherin is essential to organize these collective neural cell movements during the initial stages of zebrafish neurulation. In absence of N-cadherin, embryos develop abnormal neural tube morphology and tissue fails to internalize at the embryonic midline. Furthermore I studied the potential role of subcellular motor, non-muscular myosin II, which is thought to operate during the epithelial tissue bending, and showed that at least myosin II expression is located both in space and time favourable to be associated also in tissue internalization in non-epithelial zebrafish neural plate internalization. Collectively these observations reveal that N-cadherin is required to organize collective cell dynamics during early neural tube morphogenesis and that at subcellular level, cytoskeleton dynamics driven by non-muscular myosin II molecule might play a major role. The novel approaches and methodology of this thesis enabled to investigate and integrate tissue formation at both cellular and tissue level in living vertebrate.
Neurulation is the process by which an initially flat sheet of cells, called neural plate, is transformed into a hollow cylinder structure, called neural tube, which eventually give rise to the brain and spinal cord. This morphogenetic process relies on collective cellular processes tightly coordinated in both space and time. Neurulation has been largely studied in amniotes and amphibian models. In their anterio-dorsal regions neural tube is generally achieved by bending of the neural plate around the embryonic midline and by fusing of the folding edges forming a hollow neural tube. However, due to the lack of suitable in vivo model neurulation is not yet fully understood at the cellular level and the molecular mechanism underlying the tissue morphogenesis have remained unknown. During recent years, the tropical zebrafish (Danio rerio) have emerged a valuable model system to study developmental processes at both cellular and sub-cellular level due to its biological, genetic and optical advantages. In this thesis work I have combined customized confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) together with novel visualization and automatic cell tracking method to investigate and describe cell dynamics during initial stages of zebrafish neural tube formation. In this work I showed that the internalization of the neural tissue at the embryonic midline is achieved by an interplay of the dynamics of two distinct cell population within the neural plate during the keel transition. Lateral cells converge fast towards the embryonic midline while medial cells undergo cell shape changes preceding midline internalization. I found that the cell-cell adhesion molecule N-cadherin is essential to organize these collective neural cell movements during the initial stages of zebrafish neurulation. In absence of N-cadherin, embryos develop abnormal neural tube morphology and tissue fails to internalize at the embryonic midline. Furthermore I studied the potential role of subcellular motor, non-muscular myosin II, which is thought to operate during the epithelial tissue bending, and showed that at least myosin II expression is located both in space and time favourable to be associated also in tissue internalization in non-epithelial zebrafish neural plate internalization. Collectively these observations reveal that N-cadherin is required to organize collective cell dynamics during early neural tube morphogenesis and that at subcellular level, cytoskeleton dynamics driven by non-muscular myosin II molecule might play a major role. The novel approaches and methodology of this thesis enabled to investigate and integrate tissue formation at both cellular and tissue level in living vertebrate.
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Master thesis
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