Näkyvä lapsuus : lapsuuskuva havainnointipäiväkirjassa ja television mainoskuvissa
This research addresses images of childhood in the context of media and
children´s everyday lives. Images of childhood reproduced by young children
themselves and by their parents and day-care personnel, and in television
advertising were investigated. Representations are studied as social, cultural
and historical entities that are formed in the course of everyday life. The
question is asked, what kind of childhood is (re)produced in children's everyday lives
and in the media context, and how are the representations created using visual and
textual materials connected with the cultural imagery of childhood? To collect child
observations and descriptions of daily lives as provided by adults and children
together, a so called observational child diary was created.
The data consist of television advertisements (104 commercials, with 174
child performers), observational diaries (108 diaries, completed by 54 children,
their parents and day-care personnel) and pictures and captions prepared for
these diaries (496 units produced by children, their parents and day-care personnel). Analysis of the data and theory formation continued throughout the
study, following the principles of adaptive theory. Various methods were used
in the analysis.
The results showed that while perceptions about the child were described
by personal interpretations and impressions, cultural models were also employed. At the core of perceptions about childhood was a dual image, which is
anchored in the binary storylines of agency and individuality and dependency
and family-centricity. The child is simultaneously an unruly and innocent object,
subject to devotion and control. Similarly, the child as a subject was found to be
linked with either agency or dependency, as evidenced in the themes of family-
centricity or individualism. These perceptions or images of childhood subdi-
vide into four descriptions: the child of the future, the nurtured child, the child as a
resource and the controlled child. In the narrative of individual agency, childhood
is viewed as an investment in the future. The familistic narrative of dependency
and family-centricity sees the child in a nostalgic light.
The observational diary enabled the inclusion of personal representations
as a subject of study and motivated the participating adults to pay closer attention to the child and child-related everyday interaction. It also rendered visible
adult perceptions and details of daily life.

University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7143-4ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- Väitöskirjat [3635]
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