Justice in and to nature : an application of the broad framework of environmental and ecological justice
This dissertation applies and develops the broad framework of environmental and
ecological justice. It is a new relational approach to justice, whose elements have
been introduced by David Schlosberg in his works on environmental and
ecological justice. The present study provides a systematisation of the framework
and applies it to contemporary environmental topics using the methods of
conceptual analysis and case-implication critique. The main outcome of this study
is that the elements comprising the broad framework of environmental and
ecological justice provide fresh and useful insights into topics like species
extinctions and ecosystem wellbeing. In particular, the holistic and conflict-
resolutive characteristics of the framework show promise. The dissertation consists
of four original research articles and an introductory chapter. The introductory
section outlines the context of the study, articulates its theoretical background and
methodological choices, and sums up the research contributions of the essays. In
the end, remarks on the limitations of the present study and on questions for future
research are presented. The first article provides a comparative analysis of the
broad framework of environmental and ecological justice with deep ecology. The
article demonstrates that many central ideas of the broad framework are
remarkably similar to those of deep ecology. The article situates the broad
framework in the continuum of environmental normative theorising and
demonstrates how the approaches can learn from each other. The second essay
applies the broad framework in the context of global climate negotiations. The
essay asserts that a focus on distributive justice cannot capture all the relevant
aspects of climate injustice. The essay demonstrates how the notions of recognition
and representation help reveal various forms of injustice, which is crucial for
understanding the problems inherent in climate negotiations. In the third article,
the capabilities-based elements of the framework are developed in the context of
ecosystems. With reference to studies on ecosystem wellbeing, it is proposed that
resilience comprises a central ecosystem capability. The implications of this
argument for policymaking are also discussed. The fourth article examines whether
species as groups can have capabilities. The outcome is that species as evolutionary
groups can be viewed to possess capabilities, which enables but does not
necessitate making the claim that species are recipients of justice.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-7127-4Use this for linking
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Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research