Hormonal and HRV responses to block training guided by heart rate variability
Aku Nikander (2017). Hormonal and HRV responses to block training guided by heart rate variability. Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Liikuntafysiologian pro-gradu tutkielma, 67 s.
Harjoittelun sekä kuormituksen seuranta intensiivisten harjoitusjaksojen aikana on tärkeää. Seuranta voidaan jakaa ulkoisiin ja sisäisiin metodeihin. Ulkoisilla metodeilla tarkoitetaan suorituskykytestejä ja sisäisillä metodeilla esimerkiksi sykevälivaihtelua ja seerumin hormonipitoisuutta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli verrata korkea-intensiteettisen (HIT) blokkiharjoittelun sykevälivaihtelu- ja hormonivasteita ennaltamäärätyn (PD) ja sykeohjatun (HRVG) ryhmän välillä.
Metodit. Tutkimukseen osallistui 24 kestävyysharjoitellutta miestä (19-37-vuotiaita). 3-viikon kontrollijakson jälkeen koehenkilöt jaettiin iän, suorituskykytestien ja sykevälivaihtelun mukaan kahteen ryhmään (HRVG ja PD). HRVG-ryhmä harjoitteli 3-päivän juoksevan RMSSD keskiarvon mukaan. PD-ryhmä harjoitteli ennaltamäärätyn ohjelman mukaan. Kestävyyssuorituskyky, sykevälivaihtelu (HRV) ja seerumin hormonipitoisuudet mitattiin ennen, puolessa välissä ja 8-viikon harjoitusjakson jälkeen.
Tulokset. Kummatkin ryhmät paransivat merkitsevästi maksimaalista juoksunopeutta (Vmax) (p<0.001) suorassa mattotestissä. Suhteellinen muutos oli kuitenkin merkitsevästi suurempi HRVG- ryhmällä (p<0.05) suurella vaikutusasteella (ES= 0.95). Yöllinen syke laski kummallakin ryhmällä (p<0.01), mutta HRV muuttujat (RMSSD, LF ja TP) kasvoivat merkitsevästi vain HRVG-ryhmällä (p<0.05). Vmax ja absoluuttinen seerumin testosteronipitoisuus korreloivat merkitsevästi. Lisäksi, yksilöllinen Vmax muutos sekä seerumin testosteronipitoisuus korreloivat merkitsevästi mid-mittauksen ja post-mittauksen välillä. Yksilöllinen perustason HF korreloi merkitsevästi Vmax muutoksen kanssa PD-ryhmässä.
Johtopäätökset. HIT-blokkiperiodisaatio näyttäisi olevan tehokas keino parantaa kestävyyssuorituskykyä kestävyysharjoitelleilla urheilijoilla. Perustuen harjoittelulla saavutettuihin parannuksiin kestävyyssuorituskyvyssä sekä merkitseviin muutoksiin sykevälivaihtelussa ja seerumin testosteronipitoisuuksissa HRVG-ryhmässä, yksilölliseti sykeohjattu harjoittelu saattaa olla optimaalisempi tapa adaptoitua harjoitteluun verrattuna ennaltamäärättyyn ohjelmointiin.
Aku Nikander (2017). Hormonal and HRV responses to block training guided by heart rate variability. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master´s Thesis in Exercise Physiology. 67 pp. During intensive training periods, the role of monitoring performance and fatigue becomes important. Monitoring can be divided to external and internal methods. External methods include performance tests and internal methods includes markers such as heart rate variability (HRV) and serum hormone concentrations. The aim of this study was to compare hormonal and HRV responses between predetermined (PD) and heart rate variability guided (HRVG) block periodization of high-intensity aerobic training (HIT). Methods. After 3-weeks control period, subjects (24) were matched for age, endurance performance and HRV into two training groups (HRVG and PD) for the 8-week long training period. The HRVG group trained according to a 3-day rolling average morning RMSSD, whereas PD trained based on a predetermined training program. Endurance performance, heart rate variability (HRV) and serum hormone concentrations were measured before, in the middle and after 8-weeks training period in 24 (19 - 37 years old) endurance trained males Results. Both groups improved significantly maximal velocity (Vmax) (p<0.001) on the incremental treadmill test. The relative change in Vmax was significantly greater in HRVG (p< 0.05) with large effect size (ES=0.95). Nocturnal heart rate decreased in both groups (p<0.01), but HRV (RMSSD, LF and TP) increased significantly only in HRVG (p<0.05). Significant correlations were found between individual Vmax changes and absolute serum testosterone level as well as indivudal Vmax changes and changes in serum testosterone concentrations from mid to post. Individual baseline level of HF correlated significantly with Vmax changes in PD. Conclusions. Block periodization of HIT seems to be an effective way to improve endurance and running performance in already trained males. Based on training induced increases in endurance performance combined with significant changes in HRV and serum testosterone observed in HRVG, individually HRV guided training may be more optimal compared to predetermined training.
Aku Nikander (2017). Hormonal and HRV responses to block training guided by heart rate variability. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master´s Thesis in Exercise Physiology. 67 pp. During intensive training periods, the role of monitoring performance and fatigue becomes important. Monitoring can be divided to external and internal methods. External methods include performance tests and internal methods includes markers such as heart rate variability (HRV) and serum hormone concentrations. The aim of this study was to compare hormonal and HRV responses between predetermined (PD) and heart rate variability guided (HRVG) block periodization of high-intensity aerobic training (HIT). Methods. After 3-weeks control period, subjects (24) were matched for age, endurance performance and HRV into two training groups (HRVG and PD) for the 8-week long training period. The HRVG group trained according to a 3-day rolling average morning RMSSD, whereas PD trained based on a predetermined training program. Endurance performance, heart rate variability (HRV) and serum hormone concentrations were measured before, in the middle and after 8-weeks training period in 24 (19 - 37 years old) endurance trained males Results. Both groups improved significantly maximal velocity (Vmax) (p<0.001) on the incremental treadmill test. The relative change in Vmax was significantly greater in HRVG (p< 0.05) with large effect size (ES=0.95). Nocturnal heart rate decreased in both groups (p<0.01), but HRV (RMSSD, LF and TP) increased significantly only in HRVG (p<0.05). Significant correlations were found between individual Vmax changes and absolute serum testosterone level as well as indivudal Vmax changes and changes in serum testosterone concentrations from mid to post. Individual baseline level of HF correlated significantly with Vmax changes in PD. Conclusions. Block periodization of HIT seems to be an effective way to improve endurance and running performance in already trained males. Based on training induced increases in endurance performance combined with significant changes in HRV and serum testosterone observed in HRVG, individually HRV guided training may be more optimal compared to predetermined training.
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