Kyberosaamisen nykyiset ja tulevat tarpeet julkisen sektorin organisaatioissa
Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan kahden julkisen sektorin organisaation kyberammatillisen osaamisen nykyisiä ja lähitulevaisuuden tarpeita. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatioissa kyberammatillinen osaaminen liittyy vahvasti niiden ydintoimintoihin. Kyberammatillista osaamista tarkastellaan NCWF-viitekehyksen kategorioiden ja eritysalueiden kautta. Viitekehyksen luokittelujen perusteella laaditaan organisaatiokohtainen ydinkompetenssiesitys organisaatio-osaamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus edustaa laadullisen tutkimuksen case-lähestymistapaa, jossa aineistonkeruumuotona on teemahaastattelu ja aineiston analyysimenetelmänä teorialähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Tulosten perusteella ydinkompetenssiesitysten painopistealueet vaihtelevat merkittävästi organisaatioiden välillä. Toisaalta riittävän kyberosaamisen saavuttaminen lähitulevaisuuden taktisen ja operationaalisen tason ydintoimintojen alueella on selkeästi keskeinen haaste molemmissa organisaatioissa. Jatkotutkimusten kannalta olennaista olisi keskittyä syvällisen, kyberammatilliseen osaamiseen liittyvän tiedon hankintaan eri tyyppisistä organisaatioista. Tältä pohjalta mahdollistuisi relevanttien hypoteesien muodostaminen, mikä palvelisi myös kvantitatiivisia tutkimusasetelmia ja sitä kautta tutkimustulosten yleistettävyyttä.
The investigation will assess the need of the cyberprofessional expertise in two public sector organizations. In the target organizations cyberprofessional exper-tise is related to their core activities. Cyberprofessional expertise is examined on the basis of NCWF -framework and its categories and specialty areas. A frame of reference on the basis of an organization-wide core competency ratings shall be drawn up in the presentation from the perspective of the organizational knowledge. The study represents a qualitative research and its case study -ap-proach, in which the material collection takes the form of a theme interview and the material analysis a theory based content analysis. On the basis of the results the priorities of the core competence presentations vary significantly between or-ganizations. On the other hand, the achievement of a sufficient level of the cyber expertise in the area of the tactical and operational core activities is clearly a key challenge in both organizations. Essential for further research would be to focus to obtain on an in-depth knowledge of the cyberprofessional expertise in differ-ent types of organizations. On this basis, it would be possible to form relevant hypotheses which would also serve quantitative studies and through this gener-alization of the research results. Keywords: public sector, cyberprofessional expertise, core competence, case -study
The investigation will assess the need of the cyberprofessional expertise in two public sector organizations. In the target organizations cyberprofessional exper-tise is related to their core activities. Cyberprofessional expertise is examined on the basis of NCWF -framework and its categories and specialty areas. A frame of reference on the basis of an organization-wide core competency ratings shall be drawn up in the presentation from the perspective of the organizational knowledge. The study represents a qualitative research and its case study -ap-proach, in which the material collection takes the form of a theme interview and the material analysis a theory based content analysis. On the basis of the results the priorities of the core competence presentations vary significantly between or-ganizations. On the other hand, the achievement of a sufficient level of the cyber expertise in the area of the tactical and operational core activities is clearly a key challenge in both organizations. Essential for further research would be to focus to obtain on an in-depth knowledge of the cyberprofessional expertise in differ-ent types of organizations. On this basis, it would be possible to form relevant hypotheses which would also serve quantitative studies and through this gener-alization of the research results. Keywords: public sector, cyberprofessional expertise, core competence, case -study
Main Author
Master thesis
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