Samsung and Volkswagen Crisis Communication in Facebook and Twitter : A Comparative Study
Since September 2015 at least two major crises have emerged where major industrial companies producing
consumer products have been involved. In September 2015 diesel cars manufactured by Volkswagen turned
out to be equipped with cheating software that caused NO2 and other emission values to be reduced to
acceptable levels while tested from the real, unacceptable values in normal use. In August 2016 reports
began to appear that the battery of a new smart phone produced by Samsung, Galaxy Note7, could begin to
burn, or even explode, while the device was on. In Nov. 2016 also 34 washing machine models were
reported to have caused damages due to disintegration. In all cases, the companies have experienced
substantial financial losses, their shares have lost value, and their reputation has suffered among consumers
and other stakeholders. In this paper, we study the commonalities and differences in the crisis management
strategies of the companies, mostly concentrating on the crisis communication aspects. We draw on
Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT). The communication behaviour of the companies and
various stakeholders during crisis is performed by investigating the official web sites of the companies and
communication in Twitter and Facebook on their own accounts. We also collected streaming data from
Twitter where Samsung and the troubled smart phone or washing machines were mentioned. For VW we
also collected streaming data where the emission scandal or its ramifications were mentioned and performed
several analyses, including sentiment analysis.
Main Authors
Conference paper
Publication in research information system
SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications
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Review status
Peer reviewed
International conference on web information systems and technologies
Is part of publication
WEBIST 2017 : Proceedings of the 13rd International conference on web information systems and technologies. Volume 1
- Zhang, B., Veijalainen, J., & Kotkov, D. (2017). Samsung and Volkswagen Crisis Communication in Facebook and Twitter : A Comparative Study. In T. A. Majchrzak, P. Traverso, K.-H. Krempels, & V. Monfort (Eds.), WEBIST 2017 : Proceedings of the 13rd International conference on web information systems and technologies. Volume 1 (pp. 312-323). SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications.
Copyright© the Authors & SCITEPRESS, 2017.