Kontiolahtelaisten nuorten toiveet kunnan liikuntapaikoista ja -palveluista
Lauri Kontkanen (2017). Kontiolahtelaisten nuorten toiveet kunnan liikuntapaikoista ja -
palveluista. Liikuntapedagogiikan pro gradu -tutkielma. Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta.
Jyväskylän yliopisto, 68 s, 1 liite.
Tausta. Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia nuorten liikuntapaikka ja -palvelutoiveita
Kontiolahdella. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, mitkä ovat nuorten eniten harrastamat liikuntalajit,
ja missä liikuntaseuroissa he liikkuivat. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin liikunnan
harrastamisen esteitä. Tutkimukseni on jatkoa syksyllä 2013 valmistuneelle Kontiolahden
liikuntapaikkasuunnitelmalle, jonka sain kunnalta tehtäväksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa on
tarkoitus syventää tietoa lasten ja nuorten liikunnanharrastamisesta ja siihen liittyvistä
Metodit. Tutkimuksen otokseen kuuluivat Kontiolahden ainoan yläkoulun kaikki
seitsemäsluokkalaiset (n=199) sekä noin 75 % Kontiolahden lukion kakkosluokkalaista
(n=32). Lukiolaiset vastasivat nettikyselyyn omatoimisesti ja seitsemäsluokkalaisten kanssa
kysely tehtiin johdetusti luokittain helmikuussa 2013. Saadut tulokset analysoitiin SPSS 20-
ohjelmalla. Aineistoa analysoitiin frekvenssien, prosenttiosuuksien ja ristiintaulukoinnin sekä
khiin neliö -testin avulla.
Tulokset. Toivotuin liikuntapaikka nuorilla oli keila- ja uimahalli, jota toivoivat yli
kolmannes nuorista. Kunnassa ei ollut kyselyn hetkellä kumpaakaan liikuntapaikkaa, mutta
lähimmät uimahallit löytyvät naapurikunnasta Joensuusta. Lisää toimintaa kaivattiin tanssiin
(27 %), jääkiekkoon (26 %), kuntosalitoimintaan (23 %) ja sählyyn (17 %). Suurimmat esteet
nuorten liikunnalle olivat ajanpuute, harrastuksen kalleus ja harrastustoverin puute. Eniten
harrastetut vapaa-ajan harrastukset olivat seitsemäsluokkalaisilla talvella laskettelu (27 %),
kesällä uinti (38 %) sekä syksyllä ja keväällä lenkkeilyn eri variaatiot (28 %). Lukion
kakkosluokkalaisten harrastetuimmat lajit olivat talvella hiihto (25 %), keväällä, kesällä ja
syksyllä lenkkeily (20 %) ja juoksu (17 %) sekä pyöräily (16 %). Laskettelun harrastajamäärä
oli valtakunnallisesti verrattuna hyvin suuri ja oli yhteydessä asuinpaikan etäisyyteen
Johtopäätökset. Kontiolahden urheiluseurojen tuottamat palvelut vastasivat vain osittain
nuorten liikuntapalvelutoivomuksia, sillä urheiluseuroihin kuuluvista nuorista 62 % harrasti
jotakin lajia ulkopaikkakuntalaisessa seurassa. Näissä harrastetaan yleisimmin lajia, jonka
tarjontaa ei ollut Kontiolahdella. Eniten puutteita oli tanssin, jääkiekon ja uinnin
harrastusmahdollisuuksissa. Liikunnanharrastamisen olosuhteet ja mahdollisuudet kunnassa
sekä vuodenajat heijastuivat nuorten liikuntakäyttäytymiseen.
Avainsanat: liikuntapaikka, liikuntapalvelut, urheiluseura, laji, toiveet, esteet, nuoret
ABSTRACT Lauri Kontkanen (2017). The adolescents’ expectations for the sport facilities and services of the Kontiolahti municipality. Master’s thesis of Sport Pedagogy. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. 68 pp., 1 appendix. Background. The aim of the study was to investigate adolescents’ expectations for sport facilities and services in the municipality of Kontiolahti. The present study surveyed which were the most popular sports among the adolescents and which sport clubs were they members of. In addition, the present study also examined what were the barriers to physical activity. This research is a continuation of The sport facilities plan of Kontiolahti, which was commissioned by the municipality and was published in the autumn of 2013. The purpose of this research is to look at the responses of the youngsters in more depth. Methods. The present study was participated in by all 7th grade (13 years old) pupils (n=199) at Kontiolahti secondary school and 75 % of the 2nd grade (approximately 16 years old) students (n=32) at Kontiolahti senior high school. The latter participated by answering independently to an internet questionnaire while the 7th grade pupils answered the questionnaire in their classrooms with guidance from the researcher. The survey was conducted in February 2013. The results were analyzed with the SPSS 20.0 –program. The results of the questionnaire are presented through frequencies, percentages, cross tabulation and a Chi square-test. Results. The sport facilities that were most requested by the adolescents were a bowling alley and a swimming pool. At the moment the municipality of Kontiolahti has neither of these facilities. The nearest such facilities can be found in the neighbouring city of Joensuu. More organized activities were wished for dancing (27 % of the respondents), ice hockey (26 %), gym (23 %) and floorball (17 %). The biggest barriers to exercise were the lack of time, the cost and the absence of a companion. The most popular sport activities among the 7th grade pupils in each season of the year were downhill skiing (27 % of respondents) in the winter, swimming (38 %) in the summer and jogging (28 %) in the spring and autumn. The most popular sport among the senior high school students was cross-country skiing (25 % of the respondents) in winter while spring, summer and autumn the three most popular sports were jogging (20% of the respondents), running (17%) and cycling (16%). The amount of adolescents whose hobby was downhill skiing or snowboarding was very high compared to national averages, this was attributed to the proximity of the downhill ski facilities to their homes. Conclusions. The sport services provided by the sport clubs in Kontiolahti only partly meet the adolescents’ expectations with 62% of the adolescents who participated in youth sport being members of sport clubs outside of Kontiolahti. The most common reasons were that these sport clubs offer sports that are not available in Kontiolahti. In particular opportunities for dancing, playing ice hockey and swimming are needed more. Adolescents also choose sports according to circumstances and seasons of the year. Keywords: sport facilities, sport services, sport clubs, sport, expectations, barriers, adolescents
ABSTRACT Lauri Kontkanen (2017). The adolescents’ expectations for the sport facilities and services of the Kontiolahti municipality. Master’s thesis of Sport Pedagogy. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä. 68 pp., 1 appendix. Background. The aim of the study was to investigate adolescents’ expectations for sport facilities and services in the municipality of Kontiolahti. The present study surveyed which were the most popular sports among the adolescents and which sport clubs were they members of. In addition, the present study also examined what were the barriers to physical activity. This research is a continuation of The sport facilities plan of Kontiolahti, which was commissioned by the municipality and was published in the autumn of 2013. The purpose of this research is to look at the responses of the youngsters in more depth. Methods. The present study was participated in by all 7th grade (13 years old) pupils (n=199) at Kontiolahti secondary school and 75 % of the 2nd grade (approximately 16 years old) students (n=32) at Kontiolahti senior high school. The latter participated by answering independently to an internet questionnaire while the 7th grade pupils answered the questionnaire in their classrooms with guidance from the researcher. The survey was conducted in February 2013. The results were analyzed with the SPSS 20.0 –program. The results of the questionnaire are presented through frequencies, percentages, cross tabulation and a Chi square-test. Results. The sport facilities that were most requested by the adolescents were a bowling alley and a swimming pool. At the moment the municipality of Kontiolahti has neither of these facilities. The nearest such facilities can be found in the neighbouring city of Joensuu. More organized activities were wished for dancing (27 % of the respondents), ice hockey (26 %), gym (23 %) and floorball (17 %). The biggest barriers to exercise were the lack of time, the cost and the absence of a companion. The most popular sport activities among the 7th grade pupils in each season of the year were downhill skiing (27 % of respondents) in the winter, swimming (38 %) in the summer and jogging (28 %) in the spring and autumn. The most popular sport among the senior high school students was cross-country skiing (25 % of the respondents) in winter while spring, summer and autumn the three most popular sports were jogging (20% of the respondents), running (17%) and cycling (16%). The amount of adolescents whose hobby was downhill skiing or snowboarding was very high compared to national averages, this was attributed to the proximity of the downhill ski facilities to their homes. Conclusions. The sport services provided by the sport clubs in Kontiolahti only partly meet the adolescents’ expectations with 62% of the adolescents who participated in youth sport being members of sport clubs outside of Kontiolahti. The most common reasons were that these sport clubs offer sports that are not available in Kontiolahti. In particular opportunities for dancing, playing ice hockey and swimming are needed more. Adolescents also choose sports according to circumstances and seasons of the year. Keywords: sport facilities, sport services, sport clubs, sport, expectations, barriers, adolescents
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Master thesis
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