Esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan ominaispiirteet
Kandidaatintutkielma käsittelee esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan ominaispiirteitä. Tutkielmassa määritellään esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan erilaiset kokonaisuudet ja niihin liittyvät haasteet sekä arvioidaan esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan mahdollistavia sovelluksia ja palveluita. Tiedonhallinnan eri ulottuvuuksia käsitellään tutkielmassa yhtenäisen viitekehyksen perusteella. Esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan ominaispiirteitä arvioidaan tutkielmassa teknologisten ratkaisujen, havainnollistavien mallien sekä erilaisten kontekstien näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on muodostaa kokonaisvaltainen ja hyödyllinen käsitys esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnasta sekä siihen liittyvistä teknologisista ja liiketoiminnallisista ominaisuuksista. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella kehitettiin kattava analyysi esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnasta. Keskeisimpinä tuloksina löydettiin esineiden internetin tiedonhallintaa edistäviä arkkitehtuureja, malleja sekä tietoturvaan ja tiedon integrointiin pohjautuvia ratkaisuja. Esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan haasteiksi muodostuivat ongelmat tiedonsiirrossa, tietoturvassa, standardeissa ja liiketoiminnallisissa erityispiirteissä. Lisäksi tulosten perusteella arvioitiin pilvialusta- ja datakeskusratkaisujen sopivuutta esineiden internetin tiedonhallinnan tukemiseksi. Kandidaatintutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja tutkimus perustuu pääosin akateemisten julkaisujen tieteellisiin artikkeleihin.
The Bachelor’s Thesis covers the characteristics of data management of internet of things. In the study, the different aspects of data management of internet of things, various challenges based on those aspects and the enabling applications and services are being defined and evaluated. The perspectives of data management are being described by using a unified framework. In the study, the characteristics of data management of internet of things are being estimated by reviewing versatile technological applications, illustrative models and different contexts. The object of the study is to create a comprehensive and useful understanding about the data management of internet of things and its technological and business features. Based on the results, an extensive analysis of the data management of internet of things was developed. The most essential results were the architectures, models and solutions, developed for data security and data integration that improved the data management of internet of things. Problems with data transfer, data security, standards and business characteristics were defined as the challenges of data management of internet of things. In addition, the applicability of various cloud platform and datacenter solutions of the data management of internet of things was reviewed based on the results. The Bachelor’s Thesis has been executed as a literature review and the research is founded mainly on scientific articles of academic journals.
The Bachelor’s Thesis covers the characteristics of data management of internet of things. In the study, the different aspects of data management of internet of things, various challenges based on those aspects and the enabling applications and services are being defined and evaluated. The perspectives of data management are being described by using a unified framework. In the study, the characteristics of data management of internet of things are being estimated by reviewing versatile technological applications, illustrative models and different contexts. The object of the study is to create a comprehensive and useful understanding about the data management of internet of things and its technological and business features. Based on the results, an extensive analysis of the data management of internet of things was developed. The most essential results were the architectures, models and solutions, developed for data security and data integration that improved the data management of internet of things. Problems with data transfer, data security, standards and business characteristics were defined as the challenges of data management of internet of things. In addition, the applicability of various cloud platform and datacenter solutions of the data management of internet of things was reviewed based on the results. The Bachelor’s Thesis has been executed as a literature review and the research is founded mainly on scientific articles of academic journals.
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Bachelor thesis
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