Esineiden Internet – nykyajan ja tulevaisuuden ongelmia sekä ratkaisuja kyberturvallisuuden näkökulmasta
Kyberturvallisuus on hyvin tärkeä osa nykyaikaista yhteiskuntaa, sillä suuri osa toiminnastamme, esimerkiksi monissa palveluissa asiointi, tapahtuu Internetin tai muun verkoston kautta. Esineiden Internet on seuraava askel digitaaliselle yhteiskunnalle, jossa perinteisten tietokoneiden lisäksi myös muutkin arkipäiväiset laitteet yhdistetään verkkoon. Esineiden Internet kuitenkin eroa perinteisestä Internetistä monessa mielessä, ja näin ollen sen myöskin sen turvallisuuden toteuttamisessa eivät kaikki perinteiset ratkaisut toimi samalla tavalla.
Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on käydä läpi Esineiden Internetin kyberturvallisuuden, ja jossain määrin fyysinen turvallisuuden, tilannetta tällä hetkellä. Tämä sisältää suurimpien tämän hetkisten ongelmien tarkastelua, ja siinä tapauksessa, että näihin ongelmiin on esitelty mahdollisia ratkaisuja, myös niiden esittelyä. Tutkielmassa myös tarkastellaan suppeasti Esineiden Internetin tulevaisuuden näkymiä turvallisuuden kannalta, eli mihin aiheisiin olisi tärkeää tehdä lisää tutkimusta, ja mitä tällä hetkellä tehdään turvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Tutkielman keskeisenä huomiona oli, että Esineiden Internet kohtaa monia ongelmia, jotka ovat osittain samoja kuin perinteisessä Internetissä, osittain erilaisia. Joihinkin näistä ongelmista löytyy jo ratkaisuja, mutta lisä tutkimukselle on kuitenkin paljon tarvetta käytännössä kaikilla turvallisuuden osa-alueilla, sillä ratkaisut ovat usein konseptuaalisella tasolla, johtuen siitä, että Esineiden Internetiä ei ole vielä täysin realisoitu siinä kaavassa joihin ratkaisuja olisi tarkoitus soveltaa. Kuitenkin tällä hetkellä on meneillään useita projekteja ympäri maailmaa, joiden tarkoituksena on antaa lisää tietoa Esineiden Internetin turvallisuuden takaamiseen. Suurimmaksi ongelmaksi tutkielmassa muodostui sen yleisluontoisuus, eli tutkielma ei tarkastele aihetta kovinkaan tarkasti, johtuen siitä, että se olisi kandidaatintutkielman rajoitteissa epärealistista.
Cyber security is an important part of a modern society, because a large part of our daily actions, utilizing different services for example, is conducted through the Internet, or some other network. The Internet of Things is the next step for a digital society, where alongside traditional computer, other common equipment are also connected to a network. However, the Internet of Things differs from the the traditional Internet in many ways, and so not all of its security solutions are similar to those in traditional networks. The purpose of this study is to have a look at the cyber security, and partially the physical security, of the Intenet of Things, and what is the situation at this moment. This is achieved through the presentation of some of the problems IoT is currently facing in terms of security, and the presentation of possible solutions to these problems, if they exist. The study also takes quick look at the possible future prospects of the security of the Internet of Things, meaning which areas of security should be studied more, and what is currently being done to improve security. The central finding of the study was, that the Internet of Things is facing many problems in terms of security, which are partially the same as in the tradional Internet, and partially different. Some solutions have been developed for these problems, but more research is still required, as most of these solutions exist only on a conceptual level, because the full realization of the IoT paradigm has yet to accomplished. However, there are multiple ongoing projects around the world, which plan to contribute to the security of the Internet of Things. The greatest fault of this study was in in its general nature. Because of the limitations of the scope of a Bachelor’s Thesis, a deeper inspection of the subject was not feasible.
Cyber security is an important part of a modern society, because a large part of our daily actions, utilizing different services for example, is conducted through the Internet, or some other network. The Internet of Things is the next step for a digital society, where alongside traditional computer, other common equipment are also connected to a network. However, the Internet of Things differs from the the traditional Internet in many ways, and so not all of its security solutions are similar to those in traditional networks. The purpose of this study is to have a look at the cyber security, and partially the physical security, of the Intenet of Things, and what is the situation at this moment. This is achieved through the presentation of some of the problems IoT is currently facing in terms of security, and the presentation of possible solutions to these problems, if they exist. The study also takes quick look at the possible future prospects of the security of the Internet of Things, meaning which areas of security should be studied more, and what is currently being done to improve security. The central finding of the study was, that the Internet of Things is facing many problems in terms of security, which are partially the same as in the tradional Internet, and partially different. Some solutions have been developed for these problems, but more research is still required, as most of these solutions exist only on a conceptual level, because the full realization of the IoT paradigm has yet to accomplished. However, there are multiple ongoing projects around the world, which plan to contribute to the security of the Internet of Things. The greatest fault of this study was in in its general nature. Because of the limitations of the scope of a Bachelor’s Thesis, a deeper inspection of the subject was not feasible.
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Bachelor thesis
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