When Customer base is not loyalty! : Differences in the Consumers' Appraisal of Performance of Mobile Telecommunications Service Providers in Port Harcourt
Reports from both local and international telecommunications
agencies attest that Nigerian telecommunications industry is the
fastest growing in Africa and one of the fastest growing in the world.
Currently, the sector boasts of about 157 million active subscribers
being serviced by four dominant operators. However, there have
been strident calls by consumers to the regulatory agencies to apply
sanctions to the operators as a result of persistent poor quality of
service. As a matter of fact, all the service providers do not deliver
uniform level of service. This study is therefore aimed at examining
the differences in the consumers’ appraisal of the quality of service
and offerings of the service providers. SPSS 24 was employed in the
analysis with analytical tools such as analysis of variance (ANOVA)
and T-Test. Our study found that having large customer base does
not translate to customer loyalty. Additionally, women subscribers
were more emotionally responsive to the value-based offerings than
the men as older subscribers were more satisfied than younger
subscribers. Theoretically, our study extends the debate on the
differences between customer retention and customer loyalty in the
context of an emerging market. It is recommended that managers
should focus on customer loyalty which has a more profitable longrun
effect for the firm.
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Conference paper
Publication in research information system
Rivers State University
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201705242494Use this for linking
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Non-peer reviewed
River State University Marketing Academic Conference
Is part of publication
Re-Inventing of Wheel of Nigeria's Economic Growth through Marketing : Where Are We Now? Proceedings of the 1st Annual RSU Marketing Academic Conference in Collaboration with the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria, 3-4 May, 2017
- Ukpabi, D., Karjaluoto, H., Ikaba, V., & Piabari, N. (2017). When Customer base is not loyalty! : Differences in the Consumers' Appraisal of Performance of Mobile Telecommunications Service Providers in Port Harcourt. In G. A. Okwandu, & N. G. Nwokah (Eds.), Re-Inventing of Wheel of Nigeria's Economic Growth through Marketing : Where Are We Now? Proceedings of the 1st Annual RSU Marketing Academic Conference in Collaboration with the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria, 3-4 May, 2017 (pp. 140-155). Rivers State University.
Copyright© the Authors & © Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, 2017.