Electrical measurements of femtosecond laser treated graphene
Tutkielman pääasiallinen tavoite oli valmistaa sähköisiin mittauksiin sopivia grafeenilaitteita ja tutkia femtosekuntilaserkäsittelyn vaikutusta grafeenin sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin. Tutkielmassa käsitellään grafeenin valmistamista kemiallisella kaasufaasipinnoituksella, laitegeometrian määrittelyä ja käsittelemättömän, sekä femtosekuntilaserilla käsitellyn grafeenin sähköisiä mittauksia. Grafeenin synteesin alustana käytettiin kupariohutkalvoja ja pääasiallisena lähtöaineena oli etanoli tai metaani. Metaanin käyttö grafeenin synteesissä johti paremmin toistettaviin tuloksiin. Lisäksi havaittiin, että synteesissä käytetyn uunin latausjärjestelmän teräksinen osa lisäsi kupariohutkalvon reikiintymistä synteesin aikana. Teräsosan vaihtaminen kvartsiin vähensi huomattavasti reikiintymistä. Laitegeometria määriteltiin käyttämällä elektronimikroskooppi pohjaista litografiaa. Prosessissa grafeenin ja resistin väliin höyrystettiin ohut metallikalvo, jonka avulla pyrittiin välttämään resististä jääviä epäpuhtauksia grafeenilaitteiden pinnalla. Grafeenin sähköisiä ominaisuuksia mitattiin huoneilmassa, typessä, kosteuskammiossa ja matalassa lämpötilassa. Mittauksista pystyi näkemään grafeenin varauksenkuljettajatiheyden määrittämän sähkönjohtavuuden, sekä ilmakehän hiukkasten ja substraatin varausansojen varauksen vaikutuksen varauksenkuljettajatiheyteen. Grafeenin femtosekuntilaserkäsittely tehtiin typessä ja huoneilmassa. Huoneilmassa tehty käsittely hapetti grafeenin nostaen samalla sen sähköistä vastusta. Hapetuksen vahvuutta pystyttiin lisäämään askeleittain tai vaihtoehtoisesti grafeenin voitiin hapettaa suoraan eristäviä kuvioita. Käsittely hapetti grafeenin rikkomatta hilan yhtenäisyyttä ja reaktio näytti tapahtuvan vain päällimmäisille, ilmakehän kanssa kosketuksissa oleville, kerroksille. Typessä tehty femtosekuntilaserkäsittely lisäsi negatiivisten varauksenkuljettajien määrää grafeenissa (n-tyyppinen douppaus) ja tämän käsittelyn avulla pystyttiin määrittämään myös epätasaisia varauksenkuljettajaprofiileja grafeeniin. Typessä käsitelty grafeeni vuorovaikutti huomattavasti huoneilman molekyylien ja substraattien varausansojen kanssa.
The main goal of this thesis was to fabricate graphene devices suitable for electrical measurements and research femtosecond laser induced functionalization of the devices. The research required synthesis of graphene by chemical vapor deposition at high temperature and fabrication of device geometry and electrical measurements of pristine and laser treated graphene. The synthesis was done on catalytic copper thin films from liquid ethanol added by bubbling and gaseous methane as carbon sources and it was found that the gaseous methane provides more repeatable concentration of carbon during the synthesis. It was also found that the steel based loading system caused damage to the catalytic surface and a quartz based system resulted in more consistent growth platform for the graphene. The post-synthesis processing of the graphene was done by a process with metal thin films between patterning resits and graphene to avoid adding resists residues on the graphene. The method developed in the thesis was able to provide a reliable method to produce measurable graphene devices. The electrical measurements of the graphene were done for pristine samples in ambient atmosphere, $N_2$, different humidities and lower temperatures. The gated measurements provided information about the density of states limited conductance and charging effects on the graphene by atmospheric molecules and charge traps. The femtosecond functionalization of graphene was done in $N_2$ and ambient atmosphere. In ambient atmosphere the treatment resulted in oxidized graphene and it was possible to induce the oxidization gradually by repeated treatment steps towards a fully insulating state whilst preserving the structural continuity of the graphene device. The oxidization is only done to features in contact with the ambient atmosphere and it was found out that for example folds can be used to mask graphene from the oxidization. In $N_2$ atmosphere the treatment resulted in n-type doping, amount of which depends on the power of the treatment. The n-type doping resulted in a high counter charging or screening in ambient atmosphere and also was slowly countered by charge traps in the substrate. The n-type doping by femtosecond laser was also used to pattern an unevenly doped diffusive graphene channel. Femtosecond laser induced treatment offers multiple ways to engineer graphene based electronics.
The main goal of this thesis was to fabricate graphene devices suitable for electrical measurements and research femtosecond laser induced functionalization of the devices. The research required synthesis of graphene by chemical vapor deposition at high temperature and fabrication of device geometry and electrical measurements of pristine and laser treated graphene. The synthesis was done on catalytic copper thin films from liquid ethanol added by bubbling and gaseous methane as carbon sources and it was found that the gaseous methane provides more repeatable concentration of carbon during the synthesis. It was also found that the steel based loading system caused damage to the catalytic surface and a quartz based system resulted in more consistent growth platform for the graphene. The post-synthesis processing of the graphene was done by a process with metal thin films between patterning resits and graphene to avoid adding resists residues on the graphene. The method developed in the thesis was able to provide a reliable method to produce measurable graphene devices. The electrical measurements of the graphene were done for pristine samples in ambient atmosphere, $N_2$, different humidities and lower temperatures. The gated measurements provided information about the density of states limited conductance and charging effects on the graphene by atmospheric molecules and charge traps. The femtosecond functionalization of graphene was done in $N_2$ and ambient atmosphere. In ambient atmosphere the treatment resulted in oxidized graphene and it was possible to induce the oxidization gradually by repeated treatment steps towards a fully insulating state whilst preserving the structural continuity of the graphene device. The oxidization is only done to features in contact with the ambient atmosphere and it was found out that for example folds can be used to mask graphene from the oxidization. In $N_2$ atmosphere the treatment resulted in n-type doping, amount of which depends on the power of the treatment. The n-type doping resulted in a high counter charging or screening in ambient atmosphere and also was slowly countered by charge traps in the substrate. The n-type doping by femtosecond laser was also used to pattern an unevenly doped diffusive graphene channel. Femtosecond laser induced treatment offers multiple ways to engineer graphene based electronics.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201705242496Use this for linking