"Mussa on se aggressio" : asiakkaiden parisuhdeväkivallalle antamat selitykset ja terapeuttien vastaukset pariterapiaistunnoilla
Tutkimuksemme tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia selityksiä pariterapiaan parisuhdeväkivallan vuoksi hakeutuneet pariskunnat tarjosivat väkivallalle ja miten terapeutit näihin selityksiin vastasivat. Olimme myös kiinnostuneita siitä, miten vastuu väkivallasta jakautui asiakkaiden tarjoamissa selityksissä.
Aineistomme koostui 50:stä pariterapiaistunnosta jotka sijoittuivat pariskuntien terapiaprosessin alkupäähän. Rajasimme aineistomme niihin terapian kohtiin, joissa keskusteltiin fyysisistä väkivaltatilanteista puolisoiden välillä, ja etsimme niistä asiakkaiden puheenvuoroja, joissa he esittivät selityksiä tapahtuneelle väkivallalle. Tutkimme aineistoa diskurssianalyysin periaatteiden mukaisesti aineistolähtöisesti, ja muodostimme löytämistämme diskursseista yleisempiä luokkia.
Löytämämme kymmenen eri selitysdiskurssia olivat jaettavissa kolmeen eri yläluokkaan, jotka olivat väkivalta kontrollin välineenä, väkivalta tunteen ilmentymänä sekä väkivalta hallitsemattomana tekona. Terapeuttien vastaukset näihin selityksiin muodostivat viisi eri vastaustyyliä; minimivastaukset, tarkentavat kysymykset, heijastaminen, vastuuttaminen sekä asiakkaan tunnekokemuksen vahvistaminen. Asiakkaiden selityksissä vastuu jaettiin moninaisesti väkivallan tekijälle tai hänen ulkopuolelleen, joko uhrille tai jollekin tilannetekijälle, kuten päihteelle. Kaikista vähiten asiakkaiden selityksissä vastuuta jaettiin väkivallan tekijälle.
Tutkimuksemme tulokset osoittavat, että parisuhdeväkivallalle tarjotaan moninaisia selityksiä ja että vastuun kuuluminen väkivallan tekijälle ei ole itsestäänselvyys niin parisuhdeväkivallan tekijöille, kuin uhreillekaan. Tuloksemme myös antavat viitteitä siitä, millaisin tavoin terapeutit pyrkivät toimimaan hoitaessaan parisuhdeväkivaltaa pariterapia-asetelmassa. Tutkimusta terapeuttien vastaustyyleistä ei juurikaan ole tehty ja vaatiikin yhä lisää tutkimusta kattavan teorian muodostamiseksi.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate, what kinds of explanations couples suffering from interpersonal violence (IPV) give to instances of physical violence, in couples therapy setting, and what were the therapist's immediate responses to these explanations. We were also interested in examining, how liability over physical violence was attributed in the explanations that were given by the client’s. Our data consisted of 50 couples therapy sessions situated in the beginning of the couple’s therapy process. The data was defined by situations in the sessions where there was talk of physical violence happened between the spouses. From these situations, the statements where clients gave explanations for instances of physical violence were chosen for further examination. The data was analyzed using the principles of discourse analysis of data-drivenness, and discourses found were grouped into broader categories. The ten distinct discourses of explanation which were established in the couples therapy sessions were grouped into three broader categories, that were violence as means of control, violence as an emotional outlet and violence as an uncontrollable act. Therapist’s responses to these explanations formed five different verbal response modes that were minimum responses, specifying questions, reflection, asserting liability and validation of emotional experience. Clients attributed liability for violence in their explanations in varying ways either to the aggressor, or outside of him/her, to the victim or to some situational factor such as alcohol. Out of all these liability attributions, attributing of liability to the aggressor was by far the least common. These findings speak to the fact that varying explanations are given for instances of IPV by the couples experiencing it, and that the attribution of liability to the aggressor is not self-evident to either the aggressors or the victims of IPV. Our results also give suggestions about the ways in which therapist’s attempt to treat IPV in a couples therapy setting. However, there are not enough studies done about the therapist’s verbal responses for comprehensive theory formulation.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate, what kinds of explanations couples suffering from interpersonal violence (IPV) give to instances of physical violence, in couples therapy setting, and what were the therapist's immediate responses to these explanations. We were also interested in examining, how liability over physical violence was attributed in the explanations that were given by the client’s. Our data consisted of 50 couples therapy sessions situated in the beginning of the couple’s therapy process. The data was defined by situations in the sessions where there was talk of physical violence happened between the spouses. From these situations, the statements where clients gave explanations for instances of physical violence were chosen for further examination. The data was analyzed using the principles of discourse analysis of data-drivenness, and discourses found were grouped into broader categories. The ten distinct discourses of explanation which were established in the couples therapy sessions were grouped into three broader categories, that were violence as means of control, violence as an emotional outlet and violence as an uncontrollable act. Therapist’s responses to these explanations formed five different verbal response modes that were minimum responses, specifying questions, reflection, asserting liability and validation of emotional experience. Clients attributed liability for violence in their explanations in varying ways either to the aggressor, or outside of him/her, to the victim or to some situational factor such as alcohol. Out of all these liability attributions, attributing of liability to the aggressor was by far the least common. These findings speak to the fact that varying explanations are given for instances of IPV by the couples experiencing it, and that the attribution of liability to the aggressor is not self-evident to either the aggressors or the victims of IPV. Our results also give suggestions about the ways in which therapist’s attempt to treat IPV in a couples therapy setting. However, there are not enough studies done about the therapist’s verbal responses for comprehensive theory formulation.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201705242486Use this for linking