Managing complexity in global IT projects
Projektien hallintaan kuuluu paljon erilaisia osa-alueita, joita projektipäällikön ja korkeamman tason henkilöstön tulee ottaa huomioon ennen projektin alkua ja sen aikana. Projektin kompleksisuus nousee kuitenkin erittäin korkealle ta-solle, kun kyseessä on kansainvälinen IT-projekti. Tämän kaltaisissa projek-teissa on useita osa-alueita, jotka voivat vaikuttaa kriittisesti niiden onnistumi-seen. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy havainnoimaan, mistä asioista kompleksisuus koostuu globaalien IT-projektien tapauksessa, miten se linkittyy kompleksi-suusteoriaan ja miten tätä kompleksisuutta kyetään hallitsemaan. Tekotapana tässä tutkimuksessa on kirjallisuuskatsaus. Kirjallisuus on kerätty kirjastoista, sekä alan kirjallisuutta kokoavista tietokannoista, kuten IEEE Exploresta. Yksi mielenkiintoisimmista löydöksistä oli kuinka globaalien IT-projektien eri osa-alueet (dimensiot) ovat suorasti vaikutuksessa toisiinsa, jonka vuoksi organi-saation johdon tulisi keskittyä jokaisen dimension hallintaan yhtäläisellä tark-kuudella. Jokaisen läpikäydyn dimension hallintamenetelmiä tarkasteltiin, ar-vioitiin ja pyrittiin löytämään kompleksisuuden hallinnan kannalta optimaali-set menetelmät.
Project management includes a large amount of different areas which need con-sidering by project managers and other higher level personnel in the beginning of a project and during it. However, the complexity of a project rises to a very high level when talking about global IT projects. There exists a great number of areas in this kind of projects, which can critically affect their success rate. This thesis focuses on observing what the complexity consists of in the case of a global IT project, how it is linked to complexity theory, and how this complex-ion can be managed. This research is conducted as a literature review. The lit-erature has been collected from the libraries, and by using databases that col-lect academic journals such as IEEE explore. One of the most interesting find-ings was that the areas (dimensions) of global IT projects are straightly connect-ed to each other, leading to a conclusion that organization’s management should focus on the management of each of the dimensions with same amount of effort. The management methods of each reviewed dimension were observed, reviewed, and the optimal solutions regarding the management of complexity were sought.
Project management includes a large amount of different areas which need con-sidering by project managers and other higher level personnel in the beginning of a project and during it. However, the complexity of a project rises to a very high level when talking about global IT projects. There exists a great number of areas in this kind of projects, which can critically affect their success rate. This thesis focuses on observing what the complexity consists of in the case of a global IT project, how it is linked to complexity theory, and how this complex-ion can be managed. This research is conducted as a literature review. The lit-erature has been collected from the libraries, and by using databases that col-lect academic journals such as IEEE explore. One of the most interesting find-ings was that the areas (dimensions) of global IT projects are straightly connect-ed to each other, leading to a conclusion that organization’s management should focus on the management of each of the dimensions with same amount of effort. The management methods of each reviewed dimension were observed, reviewed, and the optimal solutions regarding the management of complexity were sought.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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