Seksuaalista väkivaltaa kokeneiden parien tyytyväisyys ja tyytymättömyys parisuhteessa
Tässä pro gradu –tutkielmassa tarkoituksenani oli selvittää, miten seksuaalista väkivaltaa kokeneet
pariskunnat puhuvat parisuhteestaan lähisuhdeväkivallan ehkäisemiseen tarkoitetussa pariterapiassa.
Tavoitteenani oli selvittää, millaisia tyytyväisyyttä tai tyytymättömyyttä herättäviä asioita parit
nostavat esiin puhuessaan parisuhteestaan, miten nuo asiat liittyvät parisuhteen väkivaltaan ja mitkä
asiat selittävät parisuhteessa pysymistä väkivallasta huolimatta.
Tutkimus on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston Psykoterapian opetus- ja tutkimusklinikan Pariterapia
parisuhdeväkivallan ehkäisemisen keinona –tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui neljän parin
nauhoitetuista pariterapiakäynneistä. Kriteerinä parien valinnassa oli, että he olivat ACBI (Abusive
and Controlling Behaviour Inventory) –lomakkeen vastausten perusteella kokeneet seksuaalista
väkivaltaa parisuhteessaan useita kertoja kuukaudessa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin
Pariskuntien keskusteluissa nousi esiin kuusi parisuhteen teemaa: (1) yhteinen aika, (2) yhdessä
keskustelu, (3) positiivisten tunteiden ja välittämisen ilmaiseminen, (4) seksi ja intiimiys, (5) tasaarvo
sekä (6) luottamus. Teemoista keskustellessaan parit puhuivat useammin tyytymättömyydestään
edellä mainittujen asioiden vähäisyyteen tai toteutumattomuuteen. Väkivallasta parit puhuivat
pääasiassa epäsuorasti, mutta kaikkien teemojen kohdalla se tuli jollain lailla esiin. Parisuhdettaan
jatkaneiden ja eroon päätyneiden parien tarkastelulla saatiin viitteellisiä tuloksia siitä, että vähäisetkin
myönteiset asiat parisuhteessa sekä molemminpuolinen halu muuttaa tyytymättömyyttä tuottavia
asioita voivat olla yhteydessä parisuhteen jatkamiseen väkivallasta huolimatta. Lisäksi vaikuttaisi
siltä, että seksuaalisella tyytyväisyydellä ja aktiivisuudella voisi olla erityistä merkitystä suhteen
Tulokset osoittivat, että seksuaalista väkivaltaa kokeneilla pareilla tyytymättömyyttä tuottivat
samankaltaiset asiat kuin aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella pareilla yleensä. Koska parisuhteen
teemat nousivat keskustelunaiheiksi spontaanisti, voidaan niiden olettaa olevan merkityksellisiä
pareille ja siten niistä on syytä keskustella pariterapiassa. Tuloksilla on merkitystä kliinisessä työssä,
jossa niitä voidaan käyttää suunniteltaessa erityisesti seksuaalista väkivaltaa kokeneiden parien
The purpose of this master thesis was to study how couples experiencing sexual violence talk about their relationships in couple’s therapy developed for preventing intimate partner violence. My aim was to examine which matters increase satisfaction or dissatisfaction in couples’ relationships, how those matters are related to the violence couples were experiencing and which matters may explain the fact that many couples stay together despite the violence. This study is a part of a research project carried out by the Psychotherapy Training and Research Centre of University of Jyväskylä. The data consist of four couples’ recorded therapy sessions. Couples were chosen by using ACBI (Abusive and Controlling Behavior Inventory) –forms and they all had experienced intimate sexual violence several times a month. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. Six themes emerged from the couples’ discussions: (1) time spent together, (2) dialogue, (3) expressing positive emotions and caring, (4) sex and intimacy, (5) equality, and (6) trust. The couples typically discussed the lack or insufficient amount of the matters rather than about being happy about them. Even though the couples discussed violence indirectly all the themes were covered in their discussions. By examining the differences between the couples who divorced and those who continued their relationship, it seems that even modest positive aspects in the relationship and the willingness of both parties to improve upon the sources of unhappiness could be a factor in continuing the relationship despite the violence. Also it seems that sexual satisfaction and activity could have an important role in the longevity of the relationship. The results show that couples experiencing sexual violence are dissatisfied with similar matters as other couples according to previous research. Because these six themes emerged spontaneously in the discussion among spouses, it can be said that they were somehow significant for them and it is valid to discuss the themes in couple’s therapy. The results are significant for clinical practitioners working with couples experiencing especially sexual violence.
The purpose of this master thesis was to study how couples experiencing sexual violence talk about their relationships in couple’s therapy developed for preventing intimate partner violence. My aim was to examine which matters increase satisfaction or dissatisfaction in couples’ relationships, how those matters are related to the violence couples were experiencing and which matters may explain the fact that many couples stay together despite the violence. This study is a part of a research project carried out by the Psychotherapy Training and Research Centre of University of Jyväskylä. The data consist of four couples’ recorded therapy sessions. Couples were chosen by using ACBI (Abusive and Controlling Behavior Inventory) –forms and they all had experienced intimate sexual violence several times a month. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. Six themes emerged from the couples’ discussions: (1) time spent together, (2) dialogue, (3) expressing positive emotions and caring, (4) sex and intimacy, (5) equality, and (6) trust. The couples typically discussed the lack or insufficient amount of the matters rather than about being happy about them. Even though the couples discussed violence indirectly all the themes were covered in their discussions. By examining the differences between the couples who divorced and those who continued their relationship, it seems that even modest positive aspects in the relationship and the willingness of both parties to improve upon the sources of unhappiness could be a factor in continuing the relationship despite the violence. Also it seems that sexual satisfaction and activity could have an important role in the longevity of the relationship. The results show that couples experiencing sexual violence are dissatisfied with similar matters as other couples according to previous research. Because these six themes emerged spontaneously in the discussion among spouses, it can be said that they were somehow significant for them and it is valid to discuss the themes in couple’s therapy. The results are significant for clinical practitioners working with couples experiencing especially sexual violence.
Main Author
Master thesis
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