Isovanhemmat lastensa perheiden tukena
Tutkimuksen aiheena on isovanhemmuuden kokeminen erityisesti perheiden tukijana. Perheiden lähiverkostojen jäseninä ja ylläpitäjinä sekä perheiden haasteisiin ja avuntarpeisiin vastaajina isovanhemmat ovat tärkeässä asemassa lapsiperheiden elämässä. Nykyperheet kokevat usein monenlaisia haasteita, jotka johtuvat muun muassa epävarmasta työllisyystilanteesta, avioeroista, uusperhekuvioista, toimeentulo-ongelmista ja vanhemman uupumuksesta. Tutkimuskysymyksinä ovat perheiden haasteet ajassa isovanhempien kokemina, sekä millaisia isovanhemmuuden kategorian selontekojen luokkia aineistosta on löydettävissä isovanhemmuuden haasteisiin vastaamisessa.
Tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä ovat kriittinen perhetutkimus ja ikätutkimus. Kriittinen perhetutkimus liittyy luontevasti nykyperheiden tilanteeseen, jossa ihmissuhdekuviot ovat usein muuttuvia. Perhe voi muotoutua uudelleen jopa useampaan kertaan vanhemman eron, uuden parisuhteen ja uusperheen lasten myötä. Myös työura on usealla vanhemmalla nykyisin katkonainen, toisaalta työura on usein vanhemmille tärkeä. Kriittinen perhetutkimus tarkastelee perhettä ja työtä elämänkokonaisuutena, ei erillisinä osa-alueina, joten se soveltuu hyvin myös työelämän tarkasteluun. Tutkimusaineiston tarinoiden kirjoittajista osa on jo eläkkeellä, osa vielä työelämässä. Ikätutkimuksen avulla on mahdollista valottaa isovanhempien elämänkaarta ja -tilannetta, heidän tyytyväisyyttään elämäänsä ja kohtaamiaan haasteita.
Tutkimusaineisto on FSD2815 Isovanhemmuuden uudet haasteet -kirjoituskilpailu 2009. Koska tutkimusaineisto koostuu tarinoista, lähestymistapa aineistoon on narratiivinen. Tutkimusmenetelminä ovat sisällönanalyysi ja kategoria-analyysi.
Isovanhemmat kokevat perheillä olevan haasteita enemmän kuin aikaisempina vuosikymmeninä. Eniten isovanhemmat tuovat esille vanhempien kohtaamia haasteita kuten turvaverkostojen puutteen, jaksamisen haasteet, työuran katkonaisuuden, taloudelliset ongelmat ja kypsymättömyyden vanhemmaksi. Lastenlasten haasteina useimmin mainittuja ovat muun muassa vanhempien ero, juurettomuus ja lapsuuden huolettomuuden katoaminen. Isovanhemmat tuovat perheiden haasteina esille myös ihmissuhdeongelmat, kontaktien ylläpidon heikkouden ja arvojen muutoksen. Isovanhemmuuden kategorian selonteoista hahmottui neljä ryhmää, isovanhemmuuden tyyppiä, perheiden haasteisiin vastaamisessa. Nimesin nämä selontekojen ryhmät seuraavasti: auttava, sopeutuva, arvioiva ja luova isovanhemmuus.
Isovanhemmat toimivat paljon lapsiperheiden tukena kohdaten välillä vaativiakin haasteita. Isovanhemmat ovat voimavara, ja heidän kokemusasiantuntijuuttaan perheiden tilanteesta ja näkemystään lasten elämää rakentavista tukitoimista voisi hyödyntää enemmänkin kuin aikaisemmin. Kertomuksista välittyy myös, että isovanhemmat ovat usein aika yksin perheen tukijoina, joten he saattaisivat hyötyä esimerkiksi tukiryhmistä.
The subject of this study is to find out how grandparents live their grandparenthood, specially as supporters of families. As members and administrators of familie’s local networks as well as taking up the challenges and the needs of assistance, grandparents play a significant role in lives of families with children. Nowadays families often meet many kinds of challenges due to many things, for example uncertain employment situation, divorces, reconstitued family patterns, livelihood problems and parental burnout. Research questions are what are the challenges of families nowadays according to grandparents, and what kind of grandparenthood category reports and report types in responding to the challenges of families can be found from the research material. Research frameworks are critical family studies and aging research. Critical family styudies fits naturally with the current situations of families, where interpersonal patterns are often variable. A family may be formed more than once or twice due to divorces, new partners of parents and children of the new father or mother. Many parents have nowadays also an intermittend career, on the other hand a career is often very important for a parent. Critical family studies regards family and work as a part of the whole life, not as separete parts, so critical family studies fits well also for the examination of working life. Some writers of my research material have already retired, other writers are still working. With help of aging researchs it‘s possible to shed light on the life cycle and life situation of grandparents, how satisfied grandparents are with their lives, and what challenges they have encountered. Research material is FSD2815 new challenges of grandparenthood -writing competition 2009. As the study material consists of stories, approach to the material is narrative. The research methods are content analysis and category analysis. Grandparents tell that families have nowadays more challenges than before. The most mentioned challenges that meet parents are lacking safety nets, coping challenges, intermittend careers, economic problems and immature parenthood. Typical challenges that grandchildren meet are divorces, rootlessness and losing the carelessness of childhood. Other challenges of families that grandparents mention are problems with human relationships, weakness in maintaining contacts and change in values. In my research material there were four types of reports from grandparenthood category in responding to the challenges of families. I named those report types as follows: helping, adaptable, evaluative and creative grandparenhood. Grandparents work a lot as supporters of families with children meeting sometimes also quite demanding challenges. Grandparents experience in situations of families and opinions from support actions for childhood could be more utilized. The stories written by grandparents tell also, that grandparents are sometimes quite alone as supporters of families, and they could benefit for examle from support groups.
The subject of this study is to find out how grandparents live their grandparenthood, specially as supporters of families. As members and administrators of familie’s local networks as well as taking up the challenges and the needs of assistance, grandparents play a significant role in lives of families with children. Nowadays families often meet many kinds of challenges due to many things, for example uncertain employment situation, divorces, reconstitued family patterns, livelihood problems and parental burnout. Research questions are what are the challenges of families nowadays according to grandparents, and what kind of grandparenthood category reports and report types in responding to the challenges of families can be found from the research material. Research frameworks are critical family studies and aging research. Critical family styudies fits naturally with the current situations of families, where interpersonal patterns are often variable. A family may be formed more than once or twice due to divorces, new partners of parents and children of the new father or mother. Many parents have nowadays also an intermittend career, on the other hand a career is often very important for a parent. Critical family studies regards family and work as a part of the whole life, not as separete parts, so critical family studies fits well also for the examination of working life. Some writers of my research material have already retired, other writers are still working. With help of aging researchs it‘s possible to shed light on the life cycle and life situation of grandparents, how satisfied grandparents are with their lives, and what challenges they have encountered. Research material is FSD2815 new challenges of grandparenthood -writing competition 2009. As the study material consists of stories, approach to the material is narrative. The research methods are content analysis and category analysis. Grandparents tell that families have nowadays more challenges than before. The most mentioned challenges that meet parents are lacking safety nets, coping challenges, intermittend careers, economic problems and immature parenthood. Typical challenges that grandchildren meet are divorces, rootlessness and losing the carelessness of childhood. Other challenges of families that grandparents mention are problems with human relationships, weakness in maintaining contacts and change in values. In my research material there were four types of reports from grandparenthood category in responding to the challenges of families. I named those report types as follows: helping, adaptable, evaluative and creative grandparenhood. Grandparents work a lot as supporters of families with children meeting sometimes also quite demanding challenges. Grandparents experience in situations of families and opinions from support actions for childhood could be more utilized. The stories written by grandparents tell also, that grandparents are sometimes quite alone as supporters of families, and they could benefit for examle from support groups.
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Master thesis
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