Effects of biochar addition on anaerobic digestion and comparison of different biochar qualities
Tässä pro gradu -työssä tutkittiin, voidaanko anaerobisen mädätyksen toimintaa parantaa lisäämällä mädätysprosessiin pieniä määriä biohiiltä. Anaerobista mädätystä tutkittiin laboratoriomittakaavan biokaasukokeilla, joissa biokaasureaktoreita käsiteltiin sekä pyrolyyttisesti että hydrodermaalisesti tuotetulla biohiilellä. Biohiilen mahdolliseen kykyyn lievittää ammoniakki-inhibitiota kiinnitettiin huomiota. Seitsemän pyrolyyttisen ja yhden hydrodermaalisen hiilen ominaisuuksia vertailtiin, jotta voitaisiin määrittää soveltuvia biohiiliä anaerobiseen mädätykseen. Biohiilistä analysoitiin ammonium-adsorptiokapasiteetti, irtoavan liukoisen orgaanisen kokonaishiilen (DOC) ja liukoisen kokonaistypen (DTN) määrä sekä PAH-yhdisteiden määrä.
Ammonium-adsorptiokapasiteetin mittaukset osoittivat, että biohiilet kykenevät adsorboimaan ammonium-ioneja, mutta tunnettuun ammonium-adsorbenttiin zeoliittiin verrattuna adsorptio oli vähäisempää. Zeoliitin ja biohiilten adsorptio vaihteli välillä 5,0–17,3 mg/g ja 0,8–4,4 mg/g adsorbentin konsentraatiosta riippuen. Korkea adsorptiokapasiteetti olisi hyödyllinen ammoniakki-inhibition lievittämisen kannalta. Irtoavat DOC- ja DTN- määrät olivat välillä 8,9–6397 mg/l ja 0,83–2705 mg/l. Biohiilten PAH-määrät vaihtelivat välillä 1,6–190 mg/kg ja joidenkin näytteiden korkeat arvot osoittivat, että haitta-aineisiin tulee kiinnittää huomiota, jos mädäte hyödynnetään maanparannusaineena. Biohiilten ominaisuuksien todettiin riippuvan valmistusprosessista ja –materiaalista, ja näitä optimoimalla voi olla mahdollista valmistaa anaerobiseen mädätykseen paremmin soveltuvia biohiiliä.
Biokaasukokeiden perusteella pyrolyyttisellä biohiilellä ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta metaanin tuotantoon, kun taas hydrodermaalinen biohiili paransi sitä. Hydrodermaalista biohiiltä lisättiin sekä normaaliin että ammoniumilla lisättyyn syötteeseen. Molemmissa olosuhteissa hydrodermaalinen biohiili lisäsi metaanintuotantoa kontrolleihin verrattuna (15 % ja 26 %). Koska biohiilten ammonium-adsorptiokapasiteetti oli rajallinen, hyvät vaikutukset voivat johtua muista mekanismeista. Hydrodermaalinen biohiili on biohajoavampi pyrolyyttiseen biohiileen verrattuna, mikä voi selittää tuloksia. Lisätty hiilimäärä oli 4,5 % syötteen tuorepainoon verrattuna, ja tällaisella määrällä todettiin olevan vaikutuksia metaanintuotantoon. Toisaalta kokeissa oli tilastollisia epävarmuustekijöitä, joiden vuoksi tuloksia tulee tulkita varovaisesti. Jatkotutkimuksia useammilla rinnakkaisilla näytteillä tulisi tehdä havaintojen varmistamiseksi ja tilastollisesti pätevien tulosten saamiseksi.
In this thesis, the effects of biochar addition on anaerobic digestion were studied to find out could biochar enhance the methane production. Both pyrolytic biochar and hydrothermally carbonized hydrochar were applied to anaerobic digesters in laboratory scale biogas experiments. The possible ability of biochar to mitigate ammonia inhibition was addressed. Seven pyrolytic biochars and one hydrochar were compared to find suitable biochars for anaerobic digestion. The ammonium adsorption capacity, nutrient release in respect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved total nitrogen (DTN), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed from the biochar samples. Ammonium adsorption capacities showed that biochars could adsorb ammonium ions but compared with a well-known ammonium adsorbent zeolite the adsorption was lower. The adsorption in zeolite varied between 5.0–17.3 mg/g and in biochars 0.8–4.4 mg/g depending on the adsorbent concentration. High adsorption capacity could be useful in mitigating ammonia inhibition. All the biochars released DOC and DTN in the range of 8.9–6397 mg/l and 0.83–2705 mg/l. The PAHs in the biochars varied in the range of 1.6–190 mg/kg and high levels in some biochars showed that focus on contaminants must be considered, if the produced digestate is utilized as soil amendment. Characteristics of biochars seemed to vary depending on the feedstock and manufacturing methods, and therefore the optimization of biochars could be beneficial when considering their use in anaerobic digestion. In biogas experiments the pyrolytic biochar did not have a significant effect on the methane production, while the hydrochar seemed to enhance it. Hydrochar was applied to normal feedstock and to feedstock with increased ammonium concentration. In both conditions the cumulative methane production was higher in hydrochar treated groups (15 % and 26 % respectively). Due to the limited ammonium adsorption capacities of the biochars it is possible that the good effects of the hydrochar were based on other mechanisms. Hydrochar has higher biodegradability compared with pyrolytic biochar and this could explain the better results. The applied hydrochar dosage was 4.5 % compared to the feedstock fresh weight and with this kind of dosage differences in the methane production were observed. On the other hand, the experiments have statistical limitations and the results must be interpreted with a high caution. Further experiments with more replicates and statistical analyses should be done to ensure the observations and get scientifically reliable results.
In this thesis, the effects of biochar addition on anaerobic digestion were studied to find out could biochar enhance the methane production. Both pyrolytic biochar and hydrothermally carbonized hydrochar were applied to anaerobic digesters in laboratory scale biogas experiments. The possible ability of biochar to mitigate ammonia inhibition was addressed. Seven pyrolytic biochars and one hydrochar were compared to find suitable biochars for anaerobic digestion. The ammonium adsorption capacity, nutrient release in respect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved total nitrogen (DTN), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed from the biochar samples. Ammonium adsorption capacities showed that biochars could adsorb ammonium ions but compared with a well-known ammonium adsorbent zeolite the adsorption was lower. The adsorption in zeolite varied between 5.0–17.3 mg/g and in biochars 0.8–4.4 mg/g depending on the adsorbent concentration. High adsorption capacity could be useful in mitigating ammonia inhibition. All the biochars released DOC and DTN in the range of 8.9–6397 mg/l and 0.83–2705 mg/l. The PAHs in the biochars varied in the range of 1.6–190 mg/kg and high levels in some biochars showed that focus on contaminants must be considered, if the produced digestate is utilized as soil amendment. Characteristics of biochars seemed to vary depending on the feedstock and manufacturing methods, and therefore the optimization of biochars could be beneficial when considering their use in anaerobic digestion. In biogas experiments the pyrolytic biochar did not have a significant effect on the methane production, while the hydrochar seemed to enhance it. Hydrochar was applied to normal feedstock and to feedstock with increased ammonium concentration. In both conditions the cumulative methane production was higher in hydrochar treated groups (15 % and 26 % respectively). Due to the limited ammonium adsorption capacities of the biochars it is possible that the good effects of the hydrochar were based on other mechanisms. Hydrochar has higher biodegradability compared with pyrolytic biochar and this could explain the better results. The applied hydrochar dosage was 4.5 % compared to the feedstock fresh weight and with this kind of dosage differences in the methane production were observed. On the other hand, the experiments have statistical limitations and the results must be interpreted with a high caution. Further experiments with more replicates and statistical analyses should be done to ensure the observations and get scientifically reliable results.
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Master thesis
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