Pyöräilyyn suunnitellun epäsuoran VO2max -testin validointi
Aerobisen suorituskyvyn määrittäjänä käytetään usein maksimaalista hapenottokykyä (VO2max). VO2max -arvojen avulla voidaan muun muassa monitoroida yksilön harjoittelustatusta tai terveydentilaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kuinka tarkasti Firstbeat Technologies Oy:n kehittämä kuntotesti arvioi maksimaalista hapenkulutusta (VO2max), kun testi toteutetaan pyöräillen. Menetelmä laskee arvion VO2max -arvosta neuroverkkomallinnukseen perustuvalla menetelmällä, jossa käytetään määrittäjinä sykettä, kuormitusintensiteetin muutoksia (on/off -vaste) sekä sykevälivaihtelun avulla määritettyä hengitysfrekvenssiä. Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä 29 koehenkilöä, 15 naista (ikä 28,1 ± 5,4 vuotta) ja 14 miestä (ikä 29,7 ± 4,9 vuotta). Tutkimukseen sisältyi kaksi testikertaa: maksimaalinen testi laboratoriossa ja submaksimaalinen kenttätesti normaalissa liikenneympäristössä. Laboratoriossa suoritetun maksimaalisen testin aikana tutkittavilta kerättiin sykedata, tehontuotto sekä hengityskaasumuuttujat. Maksimaalisen testin yhteydessä suoritettiin samanaikaisesti suora VO2max -testi, josta saatuja tuloksia käytettiin tässä tutkimuksessa referenssiarvoina Firstbeatin kuntotestin antamiin arvioihin. Submaksimaalisessa testissä tutkittavat suorittivat 30 minuutin mittaisen pyöräilyn, jonka aikana kerättiin sykedata sekä tehontuotto. Molemmat testit suoritettiin samalla pyörällä. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin lisäksi löytyykö pyöräilyn aikaisen maksimaalisen tehontuoton ja isometrisen polvenojennusvoiman välille tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä. Tulokset osoittivat Firstbeatin kuntotestin yliarvioivan maksimaalista hapenkulutusta keskimäärin 0,54 ml/kg/min (1,3 %). Laboratoriotestit aliarvioivat maksimaalista hapenkulutusta 0,88 ml/kg/min (2,2 %), ja kenttätesteissä ero oli yliarvioiva 1,85 ml/kg/min (4,6 %) erotuksella. Bland-Altmanin kaaviolla tarkasteltuna luottamusvälit olivat laboratoriotesteissä –7,5 ¬– 9,3 ml/kg/min ja kenttätesteissä –8.9¬ – 5.2 ml/kg/min. Sekä laboratorio- että kenttätestien ja suoran VO2max -testien välillä esiintyi merkitsevä positiivinen korrelaatio (r=0.843; p<0.01 ja r=0.863; p<0.01, vastaavasti). Laboratoriossa suoritettujen testien absoluuttinen prosentuaalinen keskivirhe oli 8,7 %, ja kenttätesteissä 7.7 %. Tutkimuksessa isometrisen polvenojennusvoiman ja maksimaalisen tehontuoton välillä esiintyi tilastollisesti merkitsevä korrelaatio (r= 0.684; p<0.01). Tulosten perusteella Firstbeat Technologies Oy:n kuntotesti antaa suhteellisen tarkan arvion maksimaalisesta hapenkulutuksesta pyöräilyssä ja sitä voidaan pitää soveltuvana menetelmänä kuntoliikkujien kuntotestaukseen.
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is a commonly used physiological determinant, which gives a good insight about one’s aerobic capacity and also overall health. It is verified that higher oxygen consumption capacity correlates for instance with lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, measuring VO2max is a useful tool for individual itself to use, not just for monitoring their own physical training status and progress, but also in the perspective of keeping count of their activity and health. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the validity of the Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.’s product, Firstbeat Fitness Test, which is an indirect method used for VO2max evaluation. The method is based on the measurement of heart rate, the differences in the on ⁄ off dynamics of heart rate and the respiration rate determined from HR variability. In total 29 subjects, 15 women (age 28.1 ± 5.4 years) and 14 men (age 29.7 ± 4.9 years) took part in the study. The study contained two different tests: a maximal test performed in the laboratory settings and a submaximal field test performed outdoors in the normal traffic environment. During the maximal test heart rate data, power output data and respiratory gases were collected. A direct VO2max test was performed simultaneously in the laboratory. The results of the direct maximal VO2max tests were used as reference values to the Firstbeat Fitness Test results. In the submaximal field test subjects cycled approximately 30 minutes, and heart rate data and power output data were collected during the test. Both tests were performed using the same bicycle. This study also examined the correlation between the maximal power output during the maximal test and the isometric knee extension force. The results of this study suggest that the Firstbeat Fitness Test overestimates maximal oxygen consumption on average 0.54 ml/kg/min (1.3 %). The method underestimated the values in the laboratory settings approximately 0.88 ml/kg/min (2.2 %), and overestimated the values in the field settings 1.85 ml/kg/min (4.6 %). Based on Bland-Altman plot the limits of agreement were –7,5 ¬– 9,3 ml/kg/min and – 8.9¬ – 5.2 ml/kg/min. Significant positive correlation was found with both tests compared to direct VO2max test ((r=0.843; p<0.01 and r=0.863; p<0.01, respectively). The mean absolute percentage error of the laboratory tests and field tests were 8.7 % and 7.7 %. The correlation between the peak power production and maximal isometric knee extension force was found to be statistically significant (r = 0.684; p<0.01). Based on the results of this study the Firstbeat Fitness Test gives fairly accurate estimation of the VO2max values, and therefore can be seen as suitable method for estimation.
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is a commonly used physiological determinant, which gives a good insight about one’s aerobic capacity and also overall health. It is verified that higher oxygen consumption capacity correlates for instance with lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, measuring VO2max is a useful tool for individual itself to use, not just for monitoring their own physical training status and progress, but also in the perspective of keeping count of their activity and health. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the validity of the Firstbeat Technologies Ltd.’s product, Firstbeat Fitness Test, which is an indirect method used for VO2max evaluation. The method is based on the measurement of heart rate, the differences in the on ⁄ off dynamics of heart rate and the respiration rate determined from HR variability. In total 29 subjects, 15 women (age 28.1 ± 5.4 years) and 14 men (age 29.7 ± 4.9 years) took part in the study. The study contained two different tests: a maximal test performed in the laboratory settings and a submaximal field test performed outdoors in the normal traffic environment. During the maximal test heart rate data, power output data and respiratory gases were collected. A direct VO2max test was performed simultaneously in the laboratory. The results of the direct maximal VO2max tests were used as reference values to the Firstbeat Fitness Test results. In the submaximal field test subjects cycled approximately 30 minutes, and heart rate data and power output data were collected during the test. Both tests were performed using the same bicycle. This study also examined the correlation between the maximal power output during the maximal test and the isometric knee extension force. The results of this study suggest that the Firstbeat Fitness Test overestimates maximal oxygen consumption on average 0.54 ml/kg/min (1.3 %). The method underestimated the values in the laboratory settings approximately 0.88 ml/kg/min (2.2 %), and overestimated the values in the field settings 1.85 ml/kg/min (4.6 %). Based on Bland-Altman plot the limits of agreement were –7,5 ¬– 9,3 ml/kg/min and – 8.9¬ – 5.2 ml/kg/min. Significant positive correlation was found with both tests compared to direct VO2max test ((r=0.843; p<0.01 and r=0.863; p<0.01, respectively). The mean absolute percentage error of the laboratory tests and field tests were 8.7 % and 7.7 %. The correlation between the peak power production and maximal isometric knee extension force was found to be statistically significant (r = 0.684; p<0.01). Based on the results of this study the Firstbeat Fitness Test gives fairly accurate estimation of the VO2max values, and therefore can be seen as suitable method for estimation.
Main Author
Master thesis
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