The Low Barrier Hydrogen Bond in the Photoactive Yellow Protein : A Vacuum Artifact Absent in the Crystal and Solution
There has been considerable debate on the
existence of a low-barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) in the
photoactive yellow protein (PYP). The debate was initially
triggered by the neutron diffraction study of Yamaguchi et al.
(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U. S. A., 2009, 106, 440−444) who
suggested a model in which a neutral Arg52 residue triggers the
formation of the LBHB in PYP. Here, we present an alternative
model that is consistent within the error margins of the
Yamaguchi structure factors. The model explains an increased
hydrogen bond length without nuclear quantum effects and for a
protonated Arg52. We tested both models by calculations under
crystal, solution, and vacuum conditions. Contrary to the
common assumption in the field, we found that a single PYP in
vacuum does not provide an accurate description of the crystal conditions but instead introduces strong artifacts, which favor a
LBHB and a large 1
H NMR chemical shift. Our model of the crystal environment was found to stabilize the two Arg52 hydrogen
bonds and crystal water positions for the protonated Arg52 residue in free MD simulations and predicted an Arg52 pKa upshift
with respect to PYP in solution. The crystal and solution environments resulted in almost identical 1
H chemical shifts that agree
with NMR solution data. We also calculated the effect of the Arg52 protonation state on the LBHB in 3D nuclear equilibrium
density calculations. Only the charged crystal structure in vacuum supports a LBHB if Arg52 is neutral in PYP at the previously
reported level of theory (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 3542−3552). We attribute the anomalies in the interpretation of the
neutron data to a shift of the potential minimum, which does not involve nuclear quantum effects and is transferable beyond the
Yamaguchi structure.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
American Chemical Society
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Graen, T., Inhester, L., Clemens, M., Grubmüller, H., & Groenhof, G. (2016). The Low Barrier Hydrogen Bond in the Photoactive Yellow Protein : A Vacuum Artifact Absent in the Crystal and Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(51), 16620-16631.
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Akatemiatutkijan tutkimuskulut, SA
Research costs of Academy Research Fellow, AoF

Additional information about funding
GG is supported by the Academy of Finland grant 292820. TG was supported by the MPG (International Max Planck Research School - Physics of Biological and Complex Systems). LI was supported by the DFG SFB755. MC was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation grant 83940. We thank Dr. Heikki Takala for valuable discussions. We thank Dr. Mehdi Davari for his contributions at the start of the project.
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