Yli rajojen kohti yhteistä tavoitetta : tapaustutkimus Perusturvaliikelaitos Saarikan työntekijöiden moniammatillisen yhteistyön kokemuksista
YLI RAJOJEN KOHTI YHTEISTÄ TAVOITETTA - Tapaustutkimus Perusturvaliikelaitos
Saarikan työntekijöiden moniammatillisen yhteistyön kokemuksista
Kirsi Miettinen
Pro gradu -tutkielma
Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos
Jyväskylän Yliopisto
Ohjaaja: Tuija Virkki
Syksy 2016
Sivumäärä 75 +10 sivua
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielma on tapaustutkimus Perusturvaliikelaitos Saarikan työntekijöiden
moniammatillisen oppimisen ja kehittämisen areenasta, joka kokoaa yhteen eri alojen
toimijat ja asiantuntijat. Areenan ytimessä on moniammatillinen ja usein organisaatiorajat
ylittävä interventio asiakastilanteissa. Perusturvaliikelaitos Saarikka on perustettu
1.1.2009. Se on Kannonkosken, Karstulan, Kivijärven ja Kyyjärven kuntien sekä Saarijärven
kaupungin perustama pohjoisessa Keski-Suomessa toimiva organisaatio, joka järjestää
alueensa asukkaiden sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut. Tutkielma tarkastelee Saarikan alueen
sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden moniammatillista yhteistyötä ja sen kehittä-
mistä. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään eri ammattialojen työntekijöiden moniammatillisen yhteistyön
osaamista, asiantuntijuutta sekä kehittämistarpeita.
Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys on oppiva organisaatio. Organisaatiossa oppiminen
nähdään muutoksena, muuttumisena, innovaatioina ja osallistumisena. Tämä vaatii muutosta
toiminta- ja työskentelytavoissa sekä laajapohjaista osallistumista. Organisaation johtamistapa
on avainasemassa edistämässä kehittymistä kohti oppivaa organisaatioita. Moniammatillisuus
on ammattilaisten välistä suunnittelua, tavoitteiden määrittelyä ja yhteisen
työn koordinointia. Moniammatillisuus ymmärretään eri organisaatioita edustavien työntekijöiden
kohtaamisena ja työskentelynä kohti yhteistä päämäärää. Moniammatillisen yhteistyön
tavoitteena on tietojen, taitojen, tehtävien ja kokemusten jakaminen.
Tutkimusmenetelminä olen käyttänyt kyselyä ja osallistuvaa havainnointia. Aineiston olen
kerännyt Saarikan työntekijälle sähköpostitse lähetetyllä Webpropol -kyselyllä. Lisäksi
olen kerännyt osallistuvaa havainnointimateriaalia osallistumalla moniammatillisiin työ-
ryhmiin. Olen käynyt läpi aineistoa laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin ja tuloksena olen
saanut viisi teemaa, jotka toistuvat koko aineistossa.
Saarikan 634 työntekijälle lähetetyn Internet -kyselyn vastausprosentti oli 16,2 %. Tutkimuksen
tulokset osoittavat, että moniammatillinen yhteistyö on hyvällä alulla, mutta vaatii
vielä harjoittelua. Saarikan työntekijöillä on myönteinen tahtotila, halua ja intoa tehdä moniammatillista
yhteistyötä. Tarvitaan lisäkoulutusta ja yhteisiä kokemuksia yhteistyön toteuttamiseen.
Myönteinen suhtautuminen asiaan näkyy selvästi, vain keinot tehdä moniammatillista
yhteistyötä vaativat yhteensovittamista. Havainnoinnista saatu tieto on kyselyn
kanssa saman
WORKING FOR A COMMON GOAL ACROSS BOUNDARIES – Case study of the experiences from multiprofessional cooperation gained by the employees of the Saarikka Public Undertaking for Social Services Kirsi Miettinen Social work Master’s thesis Department of social sciences and philosophy University of Jyväskylä Supervisor: Tuija Virkki Autumn 2016 Number of pages: 75+10 This master’s thesis is a case study of the multiprofessional learning and development arena of the employees of the Saarikka Public Undertaking for Social Services that brings together service providers and experts from several fields of activity. The core of the arena consists of multiprofessional intervention frequently transcending organisational boundaries and involving customers requiring various forms of assistance. The Saarikka Public Undertaking for Social Services was established on 1 January 2009. It is an organisation formed in northern Central Finland by the municipalities of Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kivijärvi, Kyyjärvi and city of Saarijärvi to provide health and social services for the residents. The study looks into multiprofessional cooperation between the employees of health the social services in Saarikka’s operative area and the efforts to develop it. The study evaluates the skills, expertise and development needs of the employees representing a range of occupations in the context of multiprofessional cooperation. The theoretical frame of reference of the study is the learning organisation. Learning within an organisation manifests itself as change, evolution, innovation and engagement. This calls for changes in the operating methods and ways of working as well as extensive involvement. A key role in promoting the emergence of a learning organisation is played by the way in which the organisation is managed. Multiprofessionalism means planning, establishment of objectives and coordination of work in consultation with various professionals. Multiprofessionalism is understood as a meeting between employees representing different organisations and joint efforts to achieve a shared goal. The objective of multiprofessional cooperation is to share knowledge, skills, duties and experiences. The methods used were a questionnaire and participatory observation. The data were collected using a Webpopol query sent to Saarikka’s employees by e-mail. Additionally, I gathered participatory observational data by taking part in multiprofessional working groups. I have examined the data using content analysis which yielded five themes recurring throughout the body of data. The response rate in the survey sent to 634 Saarikka employees was 16.2%. The findings show that while multiprofessional cooperation has got off to a good start, further practice is called for. The Saarikka employees are positively attuned, willing and keen to engage in multiprofessional cooperation. Additional training and shared experiences are needed to implement cooperation. While a positive attitude is evident, the ways and means of multiprofessional cooperation require closer coordination. The observations support the findings of the query. There is a willingness to develop the existing forms of cooperation.
WORKING FOR A COMMON GOAL ACROSS BOUNDARIES – Case study of the experiences from multiprofessional cooperation gained by the employees of the Saarikka Public Undertaking for Social Services Kirsi Miettinen Social work Master’s thesis Department of social sciences and philosophy University of Jyväskylä Supervisor: Tuija Virkki Autumn 2016 Number of pages: 75+10 This master’s thesis is a case study of the multiprofessional learning and development arena of the employees of the Saarikka Public Undertaking for Social Services that brings together service providers and experts from several fields of activity. The core of the arena consists of multiprofessional intervention frequently transcending organisational boundaries and involving customers requiring various forms of assistance. The Saarikka Public Undertaking for Social Services was established on 1 January 2009. It is an organisation formed in northern Central Finland by the municipalities of Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kivijärvi, Kyyjärvi and city of Saarijärvi to provide health and social services for the residents. The study looks into multiprofessional cooperation between the employees of health the social services in Saarikka’s operative area and the efforts to develop it. The study evaluates the skills, expertise and development needs of the employees representing a range of occupations in the context of multiprofessional cooperation. The theoretical frame of reference of the study is the learning organisation. Learning within an organisation manifests itself as change, evolution, innovation and engagement. This calls for changes in the operating methods and ways of working as well as extensive involvement. A key role in promoting the emergence of a learning organisation is played by the way in which the organisation is managed. Multiprofessionalism means planning, establishment of objectives and coordination of work in consultation with various professionals. Multiprofessionalism is understood as a meeting between employees representing different organisations and joint efforts to achieve a shared goal. The objective of multiprofessional cooperation is to share knowledge, skills, duties and experiences. The methods used were a questionnaire and participatory observation. The data were collected using a Webpopol query sent to Saarikka’s employees by e-mail. Additionally, I gathered participatory observational data by taking part in multiprofessional working groups. I have examined the data using content analysis which yielded five themes recurring throughout the body of data. The response rate in the survey sent to 634 Saarikka employees was 16.2%. The findings show that while multiprofessional cooperation has got off to a good start, further practice is called for. The Saarikka employees are positively attuned, willing and keen to engage in multiprofessional cooperation. Additional training and shared experiences are needed to implement cooperation. While a positive attitude is evident, the ways and means of multiprofessional cooperation require closer coordination. The observations support the findings of the query. There is a willingness to develop the existing forms of cooperation.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201701071081Use this for linking