Service platform implementation for simulation systems
Nykyään olemassa olevia simulaatiojärjestelmiä hyödynnetään koneiden itseoppimisen ja tietojärjestelmäpohjaisten (KDD) alustojen kehityksessä. Tämän takia simulaatioiden merkitys ja vaikutus tulee kasvamaan suuressa määrin jokapäiväisessä elinympäristössämme. Yritykset kuten Ahphabet (Google), Facebook ja SpaceX edustavat yrityksinä kehitystä mallintamiseen ja simulointiin siirtyvästä tavasta kehittää MDA pohjaisia tuotteita itsenäisesti toimivista autoista avaruustutkimukseen. Ihmisen näkökulmasta nykyinen kehitys tulee muuttamaan ympäristöä tavalla, jossa kanssakäyminen koneiden kanssa muuttuu luonnolliseksi osaksi arkea.
Tutkielman Tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa palvelualusta kahden simulaatiojärjestelmän väliin. Projektissa käytettiin Simulink ja APROS järjestelmiä toteuttamaan vaadittu integraatio. Simulaatioiden kehitykseen tarkoitettuina järjestelminä Simulink on laajaalainen ja APROS on selkeästi rajoitetumpaa käyttötarkoitusta varten suunniteltu. Projekti mahdollisti simulaatiosta syntyvän tietovirran kehittyneemmän analysoinnin ja hallinnan. Toteutusta varten demo projektiksi valittiin CFB-reaktorin toimintaa mallintava ja VTT:n kehittämä simulaatio.
Tutkielmassa yhdistettiin järjestelmien toiminnallisuudet laajemmaksi kokonaisuudeksi jaetun Service Platform alustan kautta. Mallintamista ja simulointia varten soveltuvista arkkitehtuureista valittiin MDA. Vastaavasti palvelun suunnittelun lähtökohdaksi valikoituivat SOA ja HLA. Yhdessä arkkitehtuurit muodostivat teoreettisen perustan työn esittämiselle tutkimukii sen muodossa.
Projektista syntyi yksittäisillä aika-askeleilla synkronoitu toteutus, jossa CFB-mallin suoritus on jaettu kahden alustan väliin. Saavutettu tulos edistää eri järjestelmiin toteutettujen yksittäisten simulaatioiden yhdistämistä keskittymällä integraation yksityiskohtiin.
At present, the simulation systems are harnessed for the research of machining learning and knowledge discovery and databases (KDD). For this reason, the impact of simulations systems will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. Enterprises like the Alphabet (Google), Facebook, and SpaceX are all developing new technologies from self-driving cars to space exploration; all require simulation and model driven architecture (MDA) based approaches. All of these innovations share the similarity of being designed to facilitate human by performing tasks based on system simulations using distinct mathematical models, rules, and platforms. The goal of this research was to model the process of designing service implementation for simulations. This meant analyzing, designing and implementing an inter-platform solution for simulations. The advanced process simulation environment (APROS) and Simulink were used for this endeavor; these two platforms represent the generic (Simulink) and specialized (APROS) platform for simulations. The new integrated system solution was designed to offer enhanced capabilities to monitor and analyze data flow in the operational environment at large. The circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) model developed by the VTT (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) was used to facilitate the process and data flow components. The means of reaching the goal of this project is to combine the functionalities of the two platforms to work as one process by using service design principles. The modelling concepts of this research are derived from the MDA. The additional concepts associated with the services are based on the service driven architecture (SOA) and high level architecture (HLA). This architecture forms the theoretical background to the construct presented in this research. The result of this project is synchronized time-driven process that allows the CFB-model to function as an inter-platform system. The gained result prove that dedicating resources into addressing the unique characteristics associated with transforming simulation to work as an independent application is worth pursuing.
At present, the simulation systems are harnessed for the research of machining learning and knowledge discovery and databases (KDD). For this reason, the impact of simulations systems will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. Enterprises like the Alphabet (Google), Facebook, and SpaceX are all developing new technologies from self-driving cars to space exploration; all require simulation and model driven architecture (MDA) based approaches. All of these innovations share the similarity of being designed to facilitate human by performing tasks based on system simulations using distinct mathematical models, rules, and platforms. The goal of this research was to model the process of designing service implementation for simulations. This meant analyzing, designing and implementing an inter-platform solution for simulations. The advanced process simulation environment (APROS) and Simulink were used for this endeavor; these two platforms represent the generic (Simulink) and specialized (APROS) platform for simulations. The new integrated system solution was designed to offer enhanced capabilities to monitor and analyze data flow in the operational environment at large. The circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) model developed by the VTT (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) was used to facilitate the process and data flow components. The means of reaching the goal of this project is to combine the functionalities of the two platforms to work as one process by using service design principles. The modelling concepts of this research are derived from the MDA. The additional concepts associated with the services are based on the service driven architecture (SOA) and high level architecture (HLA). This architecture forms the theoretical background to the construct presented in this research. The result of this project is synchronized time-driven process that allows the CFB-model to function as an inter-platform system. The gained result prove that dedicating resources into addressing the unique characteristics associated with transforming simulation to work as an independent application is worth pursuing.
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Master thesis
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