Theory-Based Interventions Combining Mental Simulation and Planning Techniques to Improve Physical Activity: Null Results from Two Randomized Controlled Trials
Interventions to assist individuals in initiating and maintaining regular participation in
physical activity are not always effective. Psychological and behavioral theories advocate
the importance of both motivation and volition in interventions to change health
behavior. Interventions adopting self-regulation strategies that foster motivational and
volitional components may, therefore, have utility in promoting regular physical activity
participation. We tested the efficacy of an intervention adopting motivational (mental
simulation) and volitional (implementation intentions) components to promote a regular
physical activity in two studies. Study 1 adopted a cluster randomized design in which
participants (n = 92) were allocated to one of three conditions: mental simulation plus
implementation intention, implementation intention only, or control. Study 2 adopted
a 2 (mental simulation vs. no mental simulation) × 2 (implementation intention vs.
no implementation intention) randomized controlled design in which fitness center
attendees (n = 184) were randomly allocated one of four conditions: mental simulation
only, implementation intention only, combined, or control. Physical activity behavior was
measured by self-report (Study 1) or fitness center attendance (Study 2) at 4- (Studies 1
and 2) and 19- (Study 2 only) week follow-up periods. Findings revealed no statistically
significant main or interactive effects of the mental simulation and implementation
intention conditions on physical activity outcomes in either study. Findings are in contrast
to previous research which has found pervasive effects for both intervention strategies.
Findings are discussed in light of study limitations including the relatively small sample
sizes, particularly for Study 1, deviations in the operationalization of the intervention
components from previous research and the lack of a prompt for a goal intention.
Future research should focus on ensuring uniformity in the format of the intervention
components, test the effects of each component alone and in combination using
standardized measures across multiple samples, and systematically explore effects of
candidate moderators.
Main Authors
Research article
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Frontiers Research Foundation
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
- Meslot, C., Gauchet, A., Allenet, B., François, O., & Hagger, M. (2016). Theory-Based Interventions Combining Mental Simulation and Planning Techniques to Improve Physical Activity: Null Results from Two Randomized Controlled Trials. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, Article 1789.
Copyright© 2016 Meslot, Gauchet, Allenet, François and Hagger. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY).