Is frailty associated with life-space mobility and perceived autonomy in participation outdoors? : A longitudinal study

Background: essential aspects of independence in community mobility among older people concern the control over where, when and how to participate (perceived autonomy), and actual mobility (life-space mobility; frequency, distance and need of assistance). We studied relationships between frailty and life-space mobility and perceived autonomy in participation outdoors among community-dwelling 75–90 years old people. Methods: longitudinal analyses of the ‘Life-space mobility in old age’ cohort study (n = 753). Life-space mobility (Life-Space Assessment, range 0–120) and perceived autonomy in participation outdoors (Impact on Participation and Autonomy subscale ‘autonomy outdoors’, range 0–20) were assessed at baseline and 2 years later. Baseline frailty indicators were unintentional weight loss (self-report), weakness (5 times chair rise), exhaustion (self-report), slowness (2.44 m walk) and low physical activity (self-report). Results: in total, 53% had no frailty, 43% pre-frailty (1–2 frailty indicators) and 4% frailty (≥3 indicators). Generalised estimation equation models showed that life-space mobility was lower among those with frailty and pre-frailty compared with those without frailty and, in addition, declined at a faster pace. Perceived autonomy in participation outdoors was more restricted among those with frailty and pre-frailty compared with those without frailty, but the rate of decline did not differ. Conclusion: frailty was associated with more restricted life-space mobility and poorer perceived autonomy in the decision-making concerning community mobility. Over the follow-up, frailty predicted a steeper decline in life-space mobility but not in perceived autonomy. Further study is warranted to determine whether compensation strategies or changes in the valuation of activities underlie this discrepancy.
Main Authors
Articles Research article
Publication in research information system
Oxford University Press; British Geriatrics Society
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Age and Ageing
  • Portegijs, E., Rantakokko, M., Viljanen, A., Sipilä, S., & Rantanen, T. (2016). Is frailty associated with life-space mobility and perceived autonomy in participation outdoors? : A longitudinal study. Age and Ageing, 45(5), 550-553.
Open Access
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Tutkijatohtori, SA
Postdoctoral Researcher, AoF
Research Council of Finland
Additional information about funding
This work was supported by the Academy of Finland (grant numbers 255403 to [T.R.], 285747 to [M.R.]) and the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture to [T.R.] and [E.P.]. The financial sponsors played no role in the design, execution, analysis and interpretation of data, or writing of the study.
Copyright© The Author 2016. This is a final draft version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
