The joint effects of parenting styles and the child's temperamental characteristics in children's social-emotional development
This research examined the joint effects of parenting and the temperamental
characteristics of children on their social-emotional development during their early
school years. Three studies, focusing on different aspects of social-emotional
development as well as on different temperamental characteristics, were carried
out. The first study investigated the extent to which mothers' and fathers' parenting
styles differently impact their children's social-emotional development, based on
the children's tendency to show signs of social withdrawal. The second study
focused on the different impacts of parenting styles on children's emotional
expression, depending on the children's temperament type. The third study
examined the different impacts of parenting styles on children's development of
pro-social behaviors among shy and non-shy children. Three longitudinal Finnish
data sets were used: 1) 378 children and their parents, followed from Grades 1 to 3;
2) 153 first-grade children and their parents, followed through the first grade; and 3)
200 children and their parents followed from 3 years of age to Grade 3. The results
showed, first, that, during the transition to primary school, socially withdrawn, shy,
or inhibited children overall benefited from parental—particularly maternal—
affection more than other children in terms of their social and emotional
development. Second, children with difficult temperaments were found to benefit
from maternal behavioral control more than others in terms of decreased negative
emotions during Grade 1. Third, although maternal psychological control increased
first graders' negative emotions independently of temperament type, socially
withdrawn children suffered more under parental psychological control than nonwithdrawn children in terms of increased internalizing problem behaviors. Forth,
interestingly, among children showing signs of social withdrawal, maternal
psychological control was positively associated with pro-social skills and
negatively with externalizing problem behaviors. Overall, the results suggested
that parenting styles play a role in children's social-emotional development,
particularly among temperamentally vulnerable children, such as those showing
signs of social withdrawal, shyness, or difficult or inhibited temperament.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
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Published in
Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research