Verification and Validation of the Musical Self-Concept Inquiry (MUSCI) to Measure ’Musical Self-Concept’ of German Students at Secondary Education Schools
Musical development can be very differently during adolescence and the mechanisms and reasons,
which lead to these differences, are often objects of music educational research. To measure the aspects
of musical development of German students, the psychometric construct ‘musical self-concept’ can be
used. So the first aim of this study was to verify the factor structure of the initial MUSCI-questionnaire
to measure ‘musical self-concept’ of German students. The second aim was to re-specify the
underlying factor model as well as to validate the renewed sub-facets of the questionnaire with musicspecific
background variables (e. g. interest in ‘music’) as well as the construct ‘musical
sophistication’. Data of 516 students (f = 260, m = 251, missing = 5) from three Grammar (n = 382)
and three Middle (n = 112) Schools as well as one Junior High School (n = 22) are presented. The data
comprised self-assessed ‘musical self-concept’ and ‘musical sophistication’ as well as music-specific
and demographic background variables. Data analyses included structural equation models (SEM),
reliability measurement, and correlational analyses. The re-specified factor model shows a good fit
(RMSEA = .040, /df = 1.808, TLI = .927 CFI = .941) as well as good subscale reliabilities ( = .635
to = .799). In order to analyze concurrent validity, the relationships between the re-specified subfacets
of the MUSCI-questionnaire with ‘musical sophistication’ (r = .113 to r = .567) and musicspecific
variables (r = .112 to r = .489) were defined. The results demonstrate that the renewed version
of the MUSCI-questionnaire can be used to measure ‘musical self-concept’ of German students.
Main Author
Conference paper
Department of Music, University of Jyväskylä & Finnish Centre for Interdisciplinary Music Research
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Is part of publication
The 9th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus16), Jyväskylän yliopisto, June 8-10 2016 : programme, abstracts & proceedings, ISBN 978-951-39-6708-6
- Fiedler, D. (2016). Verification and Validation of the Musical Self-Concept Inquiry (MUSCI) to Measure ’Musical Self-Concept’ of German Students at Secondary Education Schools. In The 9th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus16), Jyväskylän yliopisto, June 8-10 2016 : programme, abstracts & proceedings. Department of Music, University of Jyväskylä & Finnish Centre for Interdisciplinary Music Research. Retrieved from
Copyright© Fiedler & International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, 2016