Dual-process Accounts of Reasoning in User's Information System Risky Behavior
End user of information system (IS) is the weakest point in terms of IS security. A variety of
approaches are developed to convince end users to avoid IS risky behaviors. However, they do
not always work. We would like to argue that one of the reasons is that previous studies focused
on System 2 thinking (analytic, deliberate, rule-governed and effortful process) and overlooked
the factors that can influence people who are using System 1 thinking (automatic, effortless,
associative and intuitive process). In this study, we propose a model that integrates influential
factors for both modes of thinking together. Moderators of such relationships will be discussed
as well. A laboratory experiment will be conducted to verify the proposed theory. Neuroscience
technique will be used to differentiate the two modes of thinking.
Main Authors
Conference paper
Publication in research information system
Dalian University of Technology
Original source
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201607073524Use this for linking
Review status
Non-peer reviewed
China Summer Workshop on Information Management
Is part of publication
CSWIM 2016 : Proceedings of the 10th China Summer Workshop on Information Management. “Internet Plus, Business Innovation and Analytics”
- Li, Y., & Zhang, N. (2016). Dual-process Accounts of Reasoning in User's Information System Risky Behavior. In W. Li, Q. Min, G. Qu, & J. Chen (Eds.), CSWIM 2016 : Proceedings of the 10th China Summer Workshop on Information Management. “Internet Plus, Business Innovation and Analytics” (pp. 156-161). Dalian University of Technology. http://2016.cswimworkshop.org/proceedings
Copyright© the Authors & Dalian University of Technology, 2016.