Sopimuspalokuntalaisten liikunnan harrastaminen ja alkoholinkäyttö sekä elintapaohjauksen koettu tarve
Sopimuspalokunta on pelastuslaitoksen kanssa pelastustoimeen kuuluvien tehtävien hoidosta sopimuksen tehnyt palokunta (VPK, sivutoiminen tai teollisuus- ja laitospalokunta). Vapaaehtoisina toimivien sopimuspalokuntalaisten elintapoja on toistaiseksi tutkittu melko vähän, vaikka sopimuspalokuntalaisten hyvinvointi ja työkyky vaikuttavat keskeisesti siihen, miten pelastustoimeen liittyviä tehtäviä pystytään hoitamaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää sopimuspalokuntalaisten liikunnan harrastamista ja alkoholinkäyttöä sekä elintapaohjauksen koettua tarvetta. Aineistona käytettiin yhden Etelä-Suomessa sijaitsevan pelastuslaitoksen sopimuspalokuntien hälytysosastojen jäsenien kyselyä (n = 241). Muuttujien välisten tilastollisten yhteyksien tarkastelussa käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja - testiä. Liikunnan harrastamista ja alkoholinkäyttöä selittäviä tekijöitä selvitettiin logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla.
Lähes 62 prosenttia sopimuspalokuntalaisista harrasti hyöty- tai arkiliikuntaa päivittäin. Sen sijaan kestävyysliikuntaa kerran viikossa tai harvemmin harrastavia oli lähes puolet. Lihaskuntoharjoittelua kaksi kertaa viikossa tai useammin harjoittelevia oli lähes kolmannes. Yli 40-vuotiaat avio- tai avoliitossa elävät harrastivat kestävyysliikuntaa aktiivisimmin. Lihaskuntoharjoittelua aktiivisimmin harrastivat sen sijaan lapsettomat, yksin elävät ja sopimuspalokunnassa alle kymmenen vuotta työskennelleet sopimuspalokuntalaiset. Työkyvyn ylläpitäminen oli tärkein liikunnan harrastamista edistävä tekijä. Neljäsosa käytti alkoholia kaksi kertaa viikossa tai useammin ja yksi kymmenestä joi humalahakuisesti viikoittain. Vajaa puolet toivoi saavansa liikuntatottumuksiin liittyvää elintapaohjausta ammattilaisen ohjaamassa ryhmässä tai yksilöohjauksena kasvokkain. Alkoholitottumuksiin liittyvää elintapaohjausta sopimuspalokuntalaiset eivät kokeneet tarvitsevansa.
Sopimuspalokuntalaiset harrastavat hyöty- tai arkiliikuntaa aktiivisemmin kuin muu väestö, kun taas kestävyysliikuntaa vähemmän kuin päätoimiset palomiehet tai muu väestö. Lihaskuntoharjoittelua sopimuspalokuntalaiset harrastavat vähemmän kuin päätoimiset palomiehet, mutta aktiivisemmin kuin muu väestö. Alkoholia sopimuspalokuntalaiset käyttävät harvemmin ja vähemmän humalahakuisemmin kuin päätoimiset palomiehet tai muu väestö. Sekä väestön että sopimuspalokuntalaisten liikuntasuositukseen verrattuna sopimuspalokuntalaisten tulisi lisätä erityisesti kestävyys- ja liikehallintaharjoittelua. Liikuntatottumuksiin liittyvässä elintapaohjauksessa olisi tärkeää huomioida sopimuspalokuntalaisten päätoimisesta ansiotyöstä aiheutuvat vapaa-ajan rajallisuuden haasteet sekä liikuntamotivaatiota edistävät tekijät.
Contract fire department is unit that has done contract with rescue services department of executing rescue services (Volunteer-, part time- or industrial fire department). Until now, the lifestyle of volunteer contract firefighters has been only scantly researched despite the fact that their wellbeing and ability to work are the key factors at their performance in the rescue services. The aim of this thesis was to study contract firefighters health behavior, namely physical training and alcohol use. In addition to this, thesis sheds light into what kind of lifestyle guidance contract firefighters expressed needing themselves. The data used in this study was collected between June and September 2015. The questionnaire was filled by 241 contract firefighters in one regional rescue services department in southern Finland. Statistical analysis was conducted by cross tabulations while statistical significances were tested by the Chi-square test. Binary logistic regression was used to explain the variables related to physical training and alcohol use. The findings showed that almost 62 prosent of contract firefighters participated in various forms of daily activities every day. Despite that nearly half of the respondents exercised endurance training once a week or less often. Almost a third of the surveyed contract firefighters trained muscle strength two times a week or more. Endurance training was exercised most active by contract firefighters over 40 and in marriage or cohabitation. Despite muscle strength training was exercised most active by contract firefighters living alone without children and worked under ten years in contract fire department. Maintaining the ability to work was the most important factor in promoting physical training. Quarter of the surveyed contract firefighter were found to use alcohol at least twice a week, while one out of ten was binge drinking every week. Less than half of contract firefighters would like to have individual or group based lifestyle guidance based on physical training. Lifestyle guidance based on alcohol use was not seen to be needed. As a conclusion, contract firefighters perform daily activities more active than the general population. But they tend to execrise less often endurance than the career firefighters or the general population. Contract firefighters tend to train muscle strength less often than career firefighters but more active than the general population. Contract firefighters use alcohol less frequently and not so binge as career firefighters or the general population. Contract firefighters should exercise more active especially endurance- and balance training, when their physical activity is compared to recommendations of general population and contract firefighters. When designing lifestyle guidance related to physical training habits it is important to pay a close attention to the contract firefighters rather limited leisure time and the various factors enhancing motivation for physical activity.
Contract fire department is unit that has done contract with rescue services department of executing rescue services (Volunteer-, part time- or industrial fire department). Until now, the lifestyle of volunteer contract firefighters has been only scantly researched despite the fact that their wellbeing and ability to work are the key factors at their performance in the rescue services. The aim of this thesis was to study contract firefighters health behavior, namely physical training and alcohol use. In addition to this, thesis sheds light into what kind of lifestyle guidance contract firefighters expressed needing themselves. The data used in this study was collected between June and September 2015. The questionnaire was filled by 241 contract firefighters in one regional rescue services department in southern Finland. Statistical analysis was conducted by cross tabulations while statistical significances were tested by the Chi-square test. Binary logistic regression was used to explain the variables related to physical training and alcohol use. The findings showed that almost 62 prosent of contract firefighters participated in various forms of daily activities every day. Despite that nearly half of the respondents exercised endurance training once a week or less often. Almost a third of the surveyed contract firefighters trained muscle strength two times a week or more. Endurance training was exercised most active by contract firefighters over 40 and in marriage or cohabitation. Despite muscle strength training was exercised most active by contract firefighters living alone without children and worked under ten years in contract fire department. Maintaining the ability to work was the most important factor in promoting physical training. Quarter of the surveyed contract firefighter were found to use alcohol at least twice a week, while one out of ten was binge drinking every week. Less than half of contract firefighters would like to have individual or group based lifestyle guidance based on physical training. Lifestyle guidance based on alcohol use was not seen to be needed. As a conclusion, contract firefighters perform daily activities more active than the general population. But they tend to execrise less often endurance than the career firefighters or the general population. Contract firefighters tend to train muscle strength less often than career firefighters but more active than the general population. Contract firefighters use alcohol less frequently and not so binge as career firefighters or the general population. Contract firefighters should exercise more active especially endurance- and balance training, when their physical activity is compared to recommendations of general population and contract firefighters. When designing lifestyle guidance related to physical training habits it is important to pay a close attention to the contract firefighters rather limited leisure time and the various factors enhancing motivation for physical activity.
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Master thesis
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