Experiential Education of Mathematics: Art and Games for Digital Natives
As attitude-researches point out, students tend to sustain an aversion to mathematics,
while remaining largely ignorant of how deeply embedded it is in the world
around them. Most students however are able to recognize patterns and numerous
research and empirical evidence indicates that they become easily motivated when
mathematical connections are presented in ways which relate to their experiences
by triggering their natural curiosities. PISA and TIMSS results and recommendations
are that students should find education enjoyable, develop self-belief and stamina
to address challenging problems and situations. Experience-centered education
of mathematics through arts and playful activities might be an effective way to
grasp the complex relationship between mathematics attitudes and joy of learning
and support the students in their study achievements. In this article we show that
creating visual illusions, paradox structures and ‘impossible’ figures through playful
and artistic procedures, holds an exciting pedagogical opportunity for raising
students’ interest towards mathematics and natural sciences and technical aspects
of visual arts. There are certain digital games as well, which employ visual illusions
as a part of their game mechanic. Most of these games were not designed as
an educational game, but they may be used for educational purposes, to clarify
mathematical concepts behind and related to visual illusions (symmetry, perspective,
isometric projection etc.).
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Kasvatuksen historian verkosto
Original source
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201607063504Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Kasvatus ja aika
- Fenyvesi, K., Koskimaa, R., & Lavicza, Z. (2015). Experiential Education of Mathematics: Art and Games for Digital Natives. Kasvatus ja aika, 9(1), 107-134. http://www.kasvatus-ja-aika.fi/dokumentit/fenyvesial__0804151248.pdf
Copyright© Kirjoittajat & Kasvatuksen historian verkosto, 2015.