Determination of absolute internal conversion coefficients using the SAGE spectrometer

A non-reference based method to determine internal conversion coefficients using the SAGE spectrometer is carried out for transitions in the nuclei of 154Sm, 152Sm and 166Yb. The Normalised-Peak-to-Gamma method is in general an efficient tool to extract internal conversion coefficients. However, in many cases the required well-known reference transitions are not available. The data analysis steps required to determine absolute internal conversion coefficients with the SAGE spectrometer are presented. In addition, several background suppression methods are introduced and an example of how ancillary detectors can be used to select specific reaction products is given. The results obtained for ground-state band E2 transitions show that the absolute internal conversion coefficients can be extracted using the methods described with a reasonable accuracy. In some cases of less intense transitions only an upper limit for the internal conversion coefficient could be given.
Published in
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
  • Sorri, J., Greenlees, P., Papadakis, P., Konki, J., Cox, D., Auranen, K., Partanen, J., Sandzelius, M., Pakarinen, J., Rahkila, P., Uusitalo, J., Herzberg, R.-D., Smallcombe, J., Davies, P.J., Barton, C.J., & Jenkins, D.G. (2016). Determination of absolute internal conversion coefficients using the SAGE spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 812, 24-32.
Open Access
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