Effect of low-frequency stimulation on the maturation of neuronal networks in vitro
Solunsiirtohoitoja voidaan tulevaisuudessa mahdollisesti käyttää neurorappeumasairauksien, kuten Parkinsonin ja Alzheimerin tautien, hoitoon. Ihmisen kantasolut ovat suuren erilaistumiskykynsä vuoksi yksi lupaava hoitomuoto. Paljon tutkimuksia kuitenkin vaaditaan, ennen kuin kantasolunsiirtohoitoja voidaan tehdä ihmisille. Toimivan siirteen edellytyksenä on, että se pysyy elinkykyisenä ja pystyy integroitumaan olemassa olevaan hermostoon. Sähköisen stimulaation on osoitettu lisäävän hermoverkkojen aktiivisuutta ja parantavan niiden uusiutumiskykyä sekä in vitro että in vivo. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin miten matalataajuinen sähköinen stimulaatio vaikuttaa alkion kantasoluista erilaistettujen hermosolujen kypsymiseen.
Alkion kantasolut erilaistettiin hermosoluiksi menetelmällä, joka oli aikaisemmin optimoitu meidän tutkimusryhmässämme. Hermosolut siirrostettiin mikroelektrodihiloille (MEA), joiden avulla voitiin mitata hermoverkkojen aktiivisuutta. Hermosolujen annettiin kasvaa mikroelektrodien päällä yhdestä kolmeen viikkoa, jonka jälkeen niitä stimuloitiin sähköisesti. Stimulaatiossa käytettiin ohjelmoitavaa erikoisvalmisteista stimulaatiolaitteistoa. Testasimme erilaisia stimulaatioparametrejä, joille oli yhteistä sama amplitudi ja pulssin leveys, jotka olivat ±800 mV ja 2 ms. Muut parametrit vaihtelivat riippuen kokeesta. Kokeilimme stimulaatiota käyttämällä frekvenssejä 1, 5 ja 20 Hz. Stimulaation kesto vaihteli 21 tunnin ja 72 tunnin välillä, lisäksi stimulaation intensiteetti vaihteli eri kokeissa. Stimulaation jälkeen hermoverkon aktiivisuutta mitattiin MEA-tekniikalla. RT-PCR-analyysillä tutkittiin stimulaation vaikutusta geenitasolla.
Tulokset osoittivat, että 5 Hz stimulaatio nosti hermoverkon aktiivisuutta, kun taas 20 Hz stimulaatio laski aktiivisuutta. 1 Hz stimulaatiolla ei ollut vaikutusta tai vaihtoehtoisesti se saattoi hieman laskea hermoverkon aktiivisuutta. Mitkään näistä muutoksista eivät kuitenkaan olleet pysyviä. Muutaman päivän stimulaation päättymisen jälkeen, stimuloitujen verkkojen aktiivisuus palautui samalle tasolle kuin kontrolliverkkojen aktiivisuus. RT-PCR-tulokset osoittivat, että kypsien hermosolujen markkerit, mictorubule-associated protein 2 ja neurofilament 68, hiljenivät 20 Hz stimulaation jälkeen.
Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että matalataajuinen stimulaatio käytetyillä parametreillä ei aiheuta pysyviä muutoksia hermoverkoston aktiivisuudessa ja siten se ei tue kehittyvän hermoverkoston kypsymistä. Tämä voi tarkoittaa sitä, että alkion kantasoluista erilaistetut hermoverkot eivät ole tarpeeksi kehittyneitä, tai vaihtoehtoisesti ne ovat liian muuntautumiskykyisiä, jotta ne voisivat antaa pysyvän vasteen solun ulkoiseen stimulaatioon. Tulokset osoittivat, että matalataajuinen stimulaatio ei ole tehokas tapa edistää hermoverkkojen kypsymistä.
Cell transplantation therapies may be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, in the future. Human embryonic stem cells are one potential option to treat such diseases because of their great differentiation potential. However, much research is required before stem cell transplantation therapy can be used to treat humans. In order to get functional transplant, it must remain viable and have the ability to integrate into the nervous system. Electrical stimulation has been shown to evoke neuronal activity and improve nerve regeneration in vitro and in vivo. In this thesis, we investigated how the low-frequency electrical stimulation effects on the maturation of the human embryonic stem cell-derived neuronal cells. Human embryonic stem cells were differentiated to neuronal cells by using the protocol which was earlier optimized by our group. The neuronal cells were plated on microelectrode arrays (MEA), which allowed measuring of spontaneous network activities. The neuronal cells were allowed to grow on top of microelectrodes for one to three weeks before stimulation. The stimulation was performed with the custom-built programmable stimulation system. We tested various stimulation parameters, which all consisted of the same amplitude of ±800 mV and pulse width of 2 ms. Other parameters varied depending on the experiment. We tested the frequencies of 1, 5, and 20 Hz and stimulation durations between 21 h to 72 h and also various stimulation intensities. After stimulation, the electrical activity of neurons was monitored using microelectrode arrays. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect the effects of stimulation on gene level. We found out that the 5 Hz stimulation increased the network activity, while the 20 Hz stimulation decreased the activity. The 1 Hz stimulation either had no effect or it decreased the network activity slightly. However, none of the changes were permanent. A few days after the stimulation, the activity of stimulated networks recovered to the same level as the activity of control networks. According to the RT-PCR results, the mature neuronal markers, microtubule-associated protein 2 and neurofilament 68, were silenced after the 20 Hz stimulation. These findings suggest that low-frequency stimulation, with used parameters, does not cause permanent changes in networks activity and thus does not promote maturation of developing neural networks. This can mean that hESC -derived neuronal cells are not mature enough, or they are too plastic that they could respond to extracellular stimulation. Also high-frequency stimulation could produce longer effects than low-frequency stimulation. Our results suggested that low-frequency stimulation is not an effective way to promote neuronal network maturation.
Cell transplantation therapies may be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, in the future. Human embryonic stem cells are one potential option to treat such diseases because of their great differentiation potential. However, much research is required before stem cell transplantation therapy can be used to treat humans. In order to get functional transplant, it must remain viable and have the ability to integrate into the nervous system. Electrical stimulation has been shown to evoke neuronal activity and improve nerve regeneration in vitro and in vivo. In this thesis, we investigated how the low-frequency electrical stimulation effects on the maturation of the human embryonic stem cell-derived neuronal cells. Human embryonic stem cells were differentiated to neuronal cells by using the protocol which was earlier optimized by our group. The neuronal cells were plated on microelectrode arrays (MEA), which allowed measuring of spontaneous network activities. The neuronal cells were allowed to grow on top of microelectrodes for one to three weeks before stimulation. The stimulation was performed with the custom-built programmable stimulation system. We tested various stimulation parameters, which all consisted of the same amplitude of ±800 mV and pulse width of 2 ms. Other parameters varied depending on the experiment. We tested the frequencies of 1, 5, and 20 Hz and stimulation durations between 21 h to 72 h and also various stimulation intensities. After stimulation, the electrical activity of neurons was monitored using microelectrode arrays. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect the effects of stimulation on gene level. We found out that the 5 Hz stimulation increased the network activity, while the 20 Hz stimulation decreased the activity. The 1 Hz stimulation either had no effect or it decreased the network activity slightly. However, none of the changes were permanent. A few days after the stimulation, the activity of stimulated networks recovered to the same level as the activity of control networks. According to the RT-PCR results, the mature neuronal markers, microtubule-associated protein 2 and neurofilament 68, were silenced after the 20 Hz stimulation. These findings suggest that low-frequency stimulation, with used parameters, does not cause permanent changes in networks activity and thus does not promote maturation of developing neural networks. This can mean that hESC -derived neuronal cells are not mature enough, or they are too plastic that they could respond to extracellular stimulation. Also high-frequency stimulation could produce longer effects than low-frequency stimulation. Our results suggested that low-frequency stimulation is not an effective way to promote neuronal network maturation.
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Master thesis
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