Musiikin terapeuttiset mahdollisuudet alakoulun musiikkitunnilla erityisluokassa
Suomen kouluissa on enenevässä määrin oppilaita erityisopetuksen piirissä. Tukea saadaan yleisenä, tehostettuna tai erityisenä tukena. Yhtenä syynä erityisopetukselle on tunne-elämän häiriö tai sosiaalinen sopeutumattomuus. Tällaisten oppilaiden on vaikeaa tulla toimeen toisten kanssa ja he joutuvat usein konflikteihin vuorovaikutustilanteissa. He eivät osaa tunnistaa eivätkä säädellä omia tunteitaan niin hyvin kuin muut ikätoverit. Kouluikäiset myös kokevat paljon sekä onnistumisia että epäonnistumisia, jolloin hyvä minäkäsitys ja itsetunto korostuvat, koska ne auttavat selviämään epäonnistumisista.Musiikin sekä fysiologisia että psyykkisiä vaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon. Musiikki mm. alentaa verenpainetta, rauhoittaa tai aktivoi pulssia, vähentää stressiä ja edistää mielihyvähormonien eritystä. Musiikki voi tukea identiteetin kehitystä ja auttaa tunnistamaan ja käsittelemään tunteita erilaisissa tilanteissa. Musiikin avulla päästään käsiksi vaikeisiin ja kipeisiin tunteisiin, koska ne ovat turvallisen symbolisen etäisyyden päässä – musiikissa. Maisterintutkielmani on tapaustutkimus alakoulun erityisluokalla, ja sen tavoitteena oli selvittää ryhmämuotoisen musiikkitoiminnan mahdollisuuksia vahvistaa erityisluokan oppilaiden sosiaalisia ja emotionaalisia taitoja. Tutkimusta varten toteutin kahden musiikkitunnin aikana tunteisiin liittyviä ryhmätehtäviä erityisryhmän kanssa ja haastattelin ryhmän luokanopettajaa, musiikin aineenopettajaa ja oppilaita, sekä keräsin oppilailta loppukyselyn. Opettajien haastatteluista selvisivät oppilaiden erityiset sosiaaliset ja emotionaaliset haasteet. Oppilailta sain tietää heidän kokemuksistaan ja tuntemuksistaan koulusta ja toiminnasta ryhmässä. Musiikkitunneilla keskityimme tunteiden käsitteisiin ja niiden ilmaisemiseen musiikin avulla ensin itse maalaamalla, ja sen jälkeen yhdessä soittamalla. Oppilaat pitivät usein siitä kouluaineesta, missä tunsivat pärjäävänsä. Musiikkitunnilla mukavinta oli soittaminen. Tunteista helpoimpia tunnistaa olivat ilo, suru ja pelko. Vihan kohdalla vastaukset vaihtelivat. Vihaa ”mukavana” pitävät saavat kenties vihaisesta musiikista voimaa. Pantomiimitehtävä, missä oppilaat esittivät toisilleen tunteita, oli oppilaiden mielestä erityisen mukava. Siinä he pääsivät heittäytymään ja ilmentämään erilaisia tunteita. Tunteisiin liittyvän soittotehtävän oppilaat arvioivat mukavaksi tai neutraaliksi. Erityisluokassa voi hyödyntää musiikin identiteettiä vahvistavaa voimaa kartoittamalla ja käyttämällä oppilaita miellyttävää musiikkia rauhoittavana tekijänä. Opettaja voi pienillä musiikillisilla tehtävillä saada aikaan oppilaille onnistumisen kokemuksia yhdessä tekemisen kautta. Voidaan myös keskustella musiikkikappaleen tunnelmasta ja tunteesta. Miksi siinä kappaleen tarinassa on jokin tunne? Miten musiikki kuvaa sitä tunnetta? Näin päästään käsittelemään tunteita liikkuen joustavasti symbolisen kokemuksen ja käsitteellisen ymmärryksen välimaastossa. Musiikkia voi myös integroida muihin kouluaineisiin, milloin motivaatio käsiteltävään musiikin aiheeseen sekä integroituun aiheeseen lisääntyy. Oppilaat voivat esimerkiksi tehdä äidinkielentunnilla tehdä omia rap-sanoituksia tai soittaa opiskelemansa historian aikakauden aikaista musiikkia.
In finnish schools increasing number of students needs special education. Aid may be general, enhanced or specific. One of the reasons for special needs for education is a disorder of emotional or social maladjustment. Such pupils have difficulty to get along with others and often have conflict interaction. They will not be able to recognize and regulate their own emotions as well as other age-mates. School age children experience a lot of successes and failures in different situations. A good self-image and self-esteem helps to cope and deal when facing a failure. Poorer self-esteem may be associated with a variety of defense mechanisms while dealing with failures. Musics physiological and psychological effects in humans have been studied extensively. Music has been found to lower blood pressure, calming or activating pulse and reduce stress hormone and so on increases the feel of pleasure. Studies of changes in activity in brain section, and the changes of hormonal and immune systems are also very interesting. This seems to be the effect of music training and hobby. Positive experiences with music helps to develop the identity of a child's, as well as to identify and deal with emotions in different situations. Music is used to gain access to difficult and painful emotions and feelings, so that they are at a safe symbolic distance - the music. In my research at primary school special class I interviewed classroom teacher, music teacher and all students of the group. Interviews with teachers came up with the social and emotional challenges of pupils. From pupils I got to know about their experiences and feelings about school and working in group. Music lessons focused on the concepts of emotions and expressing themselves through music, first by painting, and later playing together. I noticed that students often like the subject what they felt to cope. In music lessons instrument playing was the most comfortable. The easiest feelings to identify were joy, sorrow and fear. Answers concerning about anger varied a lot. The ones that feels angers as “comfortable feeling” might get some feelings of power from music. The mime-exercise where students played each other emotions, was in their view, comfortable. There they were able to throw themselves and express a variety of emotions. Playing music by emotions -exercise was rated comfortable or neutral. In special education class, you can take advantage of the reinforcing power of music by identifying the pleasant music and then using it as a calming factor. The teacher can make little common musical tasks to provide students experience success together through doing. It is also possible to discuss about atmosphere and feeling of some piece of music. Why there is some feeling in a piece? How can music describe that feeling? This then leads to deal with the feelings of a symbolic distance away - music. Music can be integrated into other school subjects, when the motivation to the subject of music, as well as an integrated subject increases. For example, students can make the mother tongue class to make your own rap lyrics or play some historical music of the era they are studying.
In finnish schools increasing number of students needs special education. Aid may be general, enhanced or specific. One of the reasons for special needs for education is a disorder of emotional or social maladjustment. Such pupils have difficulty to get along with others and often have conflict interaction. They will not be able to recognize and regulate their own emotions as well as other age-mates. School age children experience a lot of successes and failures in different situations. A good self-image and self-esteem helps to cope and deal when facing a failure. Poorer self-esteem may be associated with a variety of defense mechanisms while dealing with failures. Musics physiological and psychological effects in humans have been studied extensively. Music has been found to lower blood pressure, calming or activating pulse and reduce stress hormone and so on increases the feel of pleasure. Studies of changes in activity in brain section, and the changes of hormonal and immune systems are also very interesting. This seems to be the effect of music training and hobby. Positive experiences with music helps to develop the identity of a child's, as well as to identify and deal with emotions in different situations. Music is used to gain access to difficult and painful emotions and feelings, so that they are at a safe symbolic distance - the music. In my research at primary school special class I interviewed classroom teacher, music teacher and all students of the group. Interviews with teachers came up with the social and emotional challenges of pupils. From pupils I got to know about their experiences and feelings about school and working in group. Music lessons focused on the concepts of emotions and expressing themselves through music, first by painting, and later playing together. I noticed that students often like the subject what they felt to cope. In music lessons instrument playing was the most comfortable. The easiest feelings to identify were joy, sorrow and fear. Answers concerning about anger varied a lot. The ones that feels angers as “comfortable feeling” might get some feelings of power from music. The mime-exercise where students played each other emotions, was in their view, comfortable. There they were able to throw themselves and express a variety of emotions. Playing music by emotions -exercise was rated comfortable or neutral. In special education class, you can take advantage of the reinforcing power of music by identifying the pleasant music and then using it as a calming factor. The teacher can make little common musical tasks to provide students experience success together through doing. It is also possible to discuss about atmosphere and feeling of some piece of music. Why there is some feeling in a piece? How can music describe that feeling? This then leads to deal with the feelings of a symbolic distance away - music. Music can be integrated into other school subjects, when the motivation to the subject of music, as well as an integrated subject increases. For example, students can make the mother tongue class to make your own rap lyrics or play some historical music of the era they are studying.
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Master thesis
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