Työkykyä selittävät tekijät metsäteollisuuden työntekijöillä : tapaus-verrokki tutkimus
Johdanto. Metsäteollisuuden työntekijöiden työkykyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä on tutkittu vähän. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia millaiseksi metsäteollisuuden työntekijät kokevat työkykynsä ja psyykkiset voimavaransa. Lisäksi tarkoitus oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat työkykyyn.
Menetelmät. Tutkimusjoukkona olivat suomalaisen metsäteollisuuden yrityksen kahden tehtaan työntekijät (n=636), joista tapauksiksi valikoitui 140 henkilöä (sairauspoissaoloja ≤1,5 % viimeisten 6,5 vuoden aikana). Verrokeiksi arvottiin 140 henkilöä muista työntekijöistä. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella, jolla kysyttiin työkykyä, psyykkisiä voimavaroja, tule-oireita, työn imua, elämänhallintaa, fyysistä aktiivisuutta, terveydentilaa, työn fyysistä kuormittavuutta ja suhdetta esimieheen. Vastausprosentti oli 65.4 %. Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin Mann Whitneyn testiä ja lineaarista regressioanalyysiä.
Tulokset. Ryhmien välillä ei ollut eroja työkyvyn ja psyykkisten voimavarojen kokemisessa. Molemmilla ryhmillä työkykyä selittivät hyvä koettu terveys, hyvät psyykkiset voimavarat, vähäiset tule-oireet. Lisäksi tapauksilla (≤1,5 % sairauspoissaoloja) työkykyä selittivät matala ikä ja alhainen työn fyysinen kuormittavuus. Verrokeilla (>1,5 % sairauspoissaoloja) ikä ja työn fyysinen kuormittavuus eivät olleet merkitseviä. Mallit selittivät työkykyä tapauksilla 66 % ja verrokeilla 63 %.
Pohdinta. Työntekijät kokevat työkykynsä keskimäärin hyväksi tai melko hyväksi. Työntekijöillä, joilla on vähemmän sairauspoissaoloja, hyvää työkykyä selitti terveyden, psyykkisten voimavarojen ja alhaisten tule-oireiden lisäksi matala ikä ja alhainen työn kuormittavuus. Työ-hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi olisi suositeltavaa arvioida työn fyysisen kuormittavuus ja kohdistaa työhyvinvointia tukevat toimenpiteet raskaisiin ja kuormittaviin työtehtäviin sekä niihin henkilöihin, jotka ovat sairauspoissaoloriskissä.
Objectives. Factors affecting forest industry employees’ work ability has been studied a little. The aim of this study was to examine employees subjective work ability and psychological resources and factors explaining work ability among forest industry employees. Methods. The study population was a finnish forestry industry employees of two factories (n = 636), of which 140 were selected as cases (sickness absence ≤1, 5 % over the past 6.5 years). Controls (140) were randomly selected from the other workers. The data were collected via a questionnaire, which asked about the ability to work, psychological resources, musculoskeletal symptoms, work engagement, sense of coherence, physical activity, health status, physical strain of work and a relationship to a supervisor. The response rate was 65.4 %. The statistical methods were used Mann Whitney´s test and a linear regression analysis. Results. There were no differences in the experience of work ability and psychological re-sources between two groups. Good perceived health, good mental resources and minor mus-culoskeletal symptoms explained work ability with all groups. Additionally with cases (≤1, 5 % of absences due to sickness) low age and low physical workload explained good work abil-ity. In the control group (> 1.5% of absences due to sickness) age and physical workload were not significant. The models explained work ability 66% of cases and 63% of controls. Conclusion. Employees experienced their work ability an average of good or fairly good. Employees who have fewer absences due to sickness (cases), health, mental capacity and low musculoskeletal symptoms explained good work ability in addition to the low age and low physical work load. To support the well-being of workers in the forest industry employees is recommended to evaluate the physical strain of work. Programs to support the well-being at work should be subjected to tasks which load heavy work, as well as to those employees who are at risk of sickness absence.
Objectives. Factors affecting forest industry employees’ work ability has been studied a little. The aim of this study was to examine employees subjective work ability and psychological resources and factors explaining work ability among forest industry employees. Methods. The study population was a finnish forestry industry employees of two factories (n = 636), of which 140 were selected as cases (sickness absence ≤1, 5 % over the past 6.5 years). Controls (140) were randomly selected from the other workers. The data were collected via a questionnaire, which asked about the ability to work, psychological resources, musculoskeletal symptoms, work engagement, sense of coherence, physical activity, health status, physical strain of work and a relationship to a supervisor. The response rate was 65.4 %. The statistical methods were used Mann Whitney´s test and a linear regression analysis. Results. There were no differences in the experience of work ability and psychological re-sources between two groups. Good perceived health, good mental resources and minor mus-culoskeletal symptoms explained work ability with all groups. Additionally with cases (≤1, 5 % of absences due to sickness) low age and low physical workload explained good work abil-ity. In the control group (> 1.5% of absences due to sickness) age and physical workload were not significant. The models explained work ability 66% of cases and 63% of controls. Conclusion. Employees experienced their work ability an average of good or fairly good. Employees who have fewer absences due to sickness (cases), health, mental capacity and low musculoskeletal symptoms explained good work ability in addition to the low age and low physical work load. To support the well-being of workers in the forest industry employees is recommended to evaluate the physical strain of work. Programs to support the well-being at work should be subjected to tasks which load heavy work, as well as to those employees who are at risk of sickness absence.
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Master thesis
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