Ihmisen ominaisuudet ihmisen ja koneen automatisoidussa erottamisessa
Tietotekniikan kehityksen myötä yhä useammat aiemmin ihmisen tehtävänä olleet työt ovat siirtyneen tietokoneiden vastuulle. Monissa tehtävissä kone kykeneekin jo nyt korvaamaan ja jopa ylittämään ihmisen kyvykkyyden. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin automatisoidun Turingin testin (eng. Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, CAPTCHA) uusien toteutuksien avulla mitä ihmisen ominaisuuksia koneilla ei vielä ole. Näitä ominaisuuksia ovat monet ns. intuitiiviset kyvyt kuten luonnollisen kielen poikkeavuuksien tunnistaminen, kolmiulotteista hahmottamista tukevat syvyysnäön piirteet, päättelykyky sekä kyky tulkita epäsuoria sisäisiä merkityksiä kuten huumoria.
Many tasks formerly conducted by humans have been transferred to be executed by computers, along with the development of the information technology. At many tasks the computers are able to replace and even to exceed human abilities at the moment. This paper examines the new implementations of the Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) to find out what human abilities computers still do not have. This kind of abilities are for example many so called intuitive abilities such as the identification of anomalies in the natural language, some supporting properties of the stereoscopic vision, the reasoning ability and the ability to interpret indirect internal meanings, such as humor.
Many tasks formerly conducted by humans have been transferred to be executed by computers, along with the development of the information technology. At many tasks the computers are able to replace and even to exceed human abilities at the moment. This paper examines the new implementations of the Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) to find out what human abilities computers still do not have. This kind of abilities are for example many so called intuitive abilities such as the identification of anomalies in the natural language, some supporting properties of the stereoscopic vision, the reasoning ability and the ability to interpret indirect internal meanings, such as humor.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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