Pilvilaskenta pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Pilvilaskennan merkitys on korostunut huomattavasti viimeisten vuosien aikana maailmanlaajuisesti ja se on mullistanut sekä informaatioteknologista alaa että yritysmaailmaa. Pilvilaskennan joustavuuden, skaalautuvuuden ja tarvittaessa saatavilla olevien resurssien on huomattu tuovan mukanaan merkittäviä etuja. Tämän seurauksena yhä useamman organisaation täytyy kyetä omaksumaan pilvilaskenta pärjätäkseen nykyaikaisessa kilpailuympäristössä. Pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset toimivat nykyaikaisten kansantalouksien innovaatioiden ajureina sekä tuottavat suuren osan kansantalouksien bruttokansantuotteesta. Omaksumisen merkitys korostuu pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tapauksessa, sillä ne kohtaavat usein haasteita liittyen rajoitettuihin resursseihin ja kapasiteettiin. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka tarkoituksena oli selvittää lähdekirjallisuutta apuna käyttäen ja siitä johtopäätöksiä tehden ne mahdolliset hyödyt ja haitat, joita pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset voivat saavuttaa omaksuessaan pilvilaskentamallin toimintaansa. Tuloksena havaittiin se, että pienet ja keskisuuret yritykset voivat saada pilvilaskennan omaksumisesta merkittäviä hyötyjä. Pilvilaskennasta seuraavat haitat kyetään ratkaisemaan helposti, jonka seurauksena pilvilaskennan omaksuminen on hyvä ratkaisu pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille.
The importance of cloud computing has experienced a radical growth during the last few years and it has transformed the IT industry and the business environment enormously. The flexibility, scalability and on-demand model of cloud computing are able to bring large-scale benefits to cloud users. Because of this, modern enterprises need to be able to adopt cloud computing in order to survive in the modern business environment. Small and medium-sized enterprises are known to be drivers of contemporary national economies, and they produce a major part of the GDP of these economies. The importance of cloud computing is highlighted in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, because they often run into challenges regarding restricted capital and capacity. The purpose of this study was to examine the possible advantages and disadvantages that are able to emerge from the adoption of cloud computing for small and medium-sized enterprises. The research was conducted as a literature review. The source material for this study was acquired from existing literature addressing cloud computing and small and medium-sized enterprises. The key result of this study was that small and medium-sized enterprises are able to gain undeniable benefits from the adoption of cloud computing. It was also found that there are certain challenges regarding cloud computing adoption, but that these challenges can easily be overcome.
The importance of cloud computing has experienced a radical growth during the last few years and it has transformed the IT industry and the business environment enormously. The flexibility, scalability and on-demand model of cloud computing are able to bring large-scale benefits to cloud users. Because of this, modern enterprises need to be able to adopt cloud computing in order to survive in the modern business environment. Small and medium-sized enterprises are known to be drivers of contemporary national economies, and they produce a major part of the GDP of these economies. The importance of cloud computing is highlighted in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, because they often run into challenges regarding restricted capital and capacity. The purpose of this study was to examine the possible advantages and disadvantages that are able to emerge from the adoption of cloud computing for small and medium-sized enterprises. The research was conducted as a literature review. The source material for this study was acquired from existing literature addressing cloud computing and small and medium-sized enterprises. The key result of this study was that small and medium-sized enterprises are able to gain undeniable benefits from the adoption of cloud computing. It was also found that there are certain challenges regarding cloud computing adoption, but that these challenges can easily be overcome.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201605242679Use this for linking