Yläkouluikäisten somalipoikien kokemuksia koululiikunnasta ja koulusta
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää yläkouluikäisten somalitaustaisten poikien kokemuksia koululiikunnasta ja koulusta. Tavoitteena oli saada tietoa siitä, miten somalitaustaisia oppilaita voidaan huomioida koululiikunnassa paremmin. Somalitaustaisten oppilaiden kokemusten pe-rusteella tutkimuksessa pyritään saamaan tietoa koululiikunnan ja koulun mielekkyydestä sekä siitä, miten liikuntatunneista voisi tehdä viihtyisämpiä oppilaille.
Tutkimus oli menetelmälliseltä ratkaisultaan laadullinen, ja siinä oli piirteitä fenomenologis-hermeneuttisesta lähestymistavasta. Tutkimus toteutettiin haastattelemalla kuutta yläkoulussa opiskelevaa somalialaistaustaista oppilasta. Haastateltavat olivat iältään 14–17 -vuotiaita ja heillä oli kaikilla vähintään yksi vuosi peruskoulua käytynä. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina toukokuussa 2015 haastateltavien koulussa. Teemoja olivat uskonto, rasismi, vuorovaikutussuhteet ja koulukiusaaminen. Haastatteluista saatu aineisto litteroitiin ja sen analysoimisessa käytettiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia.
Haastatellut oppilaat kokivat koululiikunnan ja koulun tärkeäksi osaksi elämäänsä. Koululii-kunnassa oppilaat kokivat pärjäävänsä ja saavansa onnistumisen kokemuksia. Oppilaat pitivät uskontoa tärkeänä osana elämäänsä, mutta se ei heidän mielestään vaikuttanut heidän koulun-käyntiinsä eikä koululiikuntaan. Haastatelluista oppilaista osa oli kokenut rasismia koulussa joko opettajan tai oppilaiden taholta. Haastateltavien kokema rasismi ilmeni ihonväriin tai kansallisuuteen liittyvinä negatiivisina ilmauksina. Vuorovaikutussuhteista nousi esille se, että haastateltavat työskentelevät mieluummin koulussa ryhmässä kuin yksin. Kansallisuudella ei ollut merkitystä ryhmien tai ystävien valinnassa. Haastateltavat pitivät liikuntatunneista eikä kiusaamista esiintynyt liikuntatunneilla. Ystävien välinen trash talk eli ’läpän heitto’oli kuitenkin yleistä. Sitä haastateltavat eivät kokeneet haitalliseksi. He pitivät koululiikunnan aktiivisuudesta ja kokivat tuntien aiheet mielekkäinä. Myös vapaa-ajan liikunta oli oppilaille tärkeä osa arkea. Haastateltavien kokemukset koulussa tapahtuvasta kiusaamisesta olivat kaiken kaikkiaan ristiriitaisia; enemmistö ei ollut kokenut kiusaamista. Yksi vastaajista kertoi, että kaikkia koulun maahanmuuttajaoppilaita kiusattiin, kun mediassa nousi esiin negatiivisia asioita.
Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että haastateltavien vastaukset erosivat paljon toisistaan, joten jokainen oppilas tulee ottaa huomioon yksilönä, eikä tietyn uskontokunnan tai kansallisuuden edustajana. Monikulttuuriseen yhteiskuntaan kasvattaminen on vielä kesken ja vähäinenkin rasismin esiintyminen koulussa aiheuttaa sen, että koulusta ei synny sitä turvallista ympäristöä, johon opetussuunnitelmassa pyritään. Liikunnanopetus tarjoaa monikulttuurisuuteen kasvattamiselle mainiot olosuhteet oppiaineen toiminnallisen luonteen vuoksi, joten opettajien tulisi pystyä jokapäiväisessä toiminnassaan kasvattamaan oppilaita suvaitsevaisuuteen liikunnan avulla.
The purpose of this study was to find out Somali-based secondary school students’ experienc-es of physical education and school in general. The goal was to gather information on how Somali-based students can be taken into account better. Based on the experiences of the So-mali-based students the aim was to gain knowledge of the sensibility of physical education and school as well as how one can make physical education lessons much more comfortable for the students. The study was a qualitative study, which had a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. The study was conducted by interviewing six secondary school students who had a Somali-background. The interviewees were aged from 14 to 17 and all of them had at least one year of comprehensive school before the study. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews and they were conducted in the interviewees’ school, in May 2015. The themes were religion, racism, interaction and bullying in school. The materials, from the interviews, were transcribed and they were analyzed by using a data-oriented content analysis. The interviewees experienced physical education and school as an important part of their life. Interviewees felt that they could succeed and gain positive experiences in physical education lessons. The interviewees saw religion as a big part of their lives, but it did not have any effect on their physical education lessons. Part of the interviewees had encountered racism from the teacher and other students in school, but most of the racism was encountered elsewhere. The racism interviewees experienced was based on skin color or nationality. The results showed that interviewees rather work in groups than by themselves. Nationality wasn’t a factor when choosing friends. There was no bullying in physical education classes, except trash talking which took place only between friends and it wasn’t considered harmful. Bullying did not take place in physical education classes because of its pleasant and active characteristics. The experiences of interviewees about bullying were contradicted but the majority reported that there was no bullying in their school. Exercising on their free time was an important part of their daily lives. Based on the results, it can be said that every student should be considered as an individual, not as a representative of a certain religion or nationality because every individual is unique. Based on the results it can be said that educating into a multicultural society is still in the process and the presence of racism in schools isn’t creating the safe environment which the curriculum is targeting. Physical education provides an excellent opportunity for educating students into multicultural way of life due to its characteristics. Therefore, teachers should be able to educate their students towards tolerance, with their daily actions, with the help of physical education.
The purpose of this study was to find out Somali-based secondary school students’ experienc-es of physical education and school in general. The goal was to gather information on how Somali-based students can be taken into account better. Based on the experiences of the So-mali-based students the aim was to gain knowledge of the sensibility of physical education and school as well as how one can make physical education lessons much more comfortable for the students. The study was a qualitative study, which had a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. The study was conducted by interviewing six secondary school students who had a Somali-background. The interviewees were aged from 14 to 17 and all of them had at least one year of comprehensive school before the study. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews and they were conducted in the interviewees’ school, in May 2015. The themes were religion, racism, interaction and bullying in school. The materials, from the interviews, were transcribed and they were analyzed by using a data-oriented content analysis. The interviewees experienced physical education and school as an important part of their life. Interviewees felt that they could succeed and gain positive experiences in physical education lessons. The interviewees saw religion as a big part of their lives, but it did not have any effect on their physical education lessons. Part of the interviewees had encountered racism from the teacher and other students in school, but most of the racism was encountered elsewhere. The racism interviewees experienced was based on skin color or nationality. The results showed that interviewees rather work in groups than by themselves. Nationality wasn’t a factor when choosing friends. There was no bullying in physical education classes, except trash talking which took place only between friends and it wasn’t considered harmful. Bullying did not take place in physical education classes because of its pleasant and active characteristics. The experiences of interviewees about bullying were contradicted but the majority reported that there was no bullying in their school. Exercising on their free time was an important part of their daily lives. Based on the results, it can be said that every student should be considered as an individual, not as a representative of a certain religion or nationality because every individual is unique. Based on the results it can be said that educating into a multicultural society is still in the process and the presence of racism in schools isn’t creating the safe environment which the curriculum is targeting. Physical education provides an excellent opportunity for educating students into multicultural way of life due to its characteristics. Therefore, teachers should be able to educate their students towards tolerance, with their daily actions, with the help of physical education.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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