Exercise and Healthy Eating Intentions and Behaviors among Normal Weight and Overweight/Obese Adults
Strong evidence suggests that exercise and eating behaviours are strongly linked. Theory of
Planned Behaviour is a theoretical framework that has been successfully used to explain and predict
both behaviours. The aim of the present study is to explore the constructs of Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) that better predicts exercise and healthy eating: a) intentions and b) selfreported
behaviors among normal weight and overweight/obese adults. Participants were 361
adults in Greece (women: N = 152). According to their BMI scores, they have been grouped into
normal weight and overweight/obese. Data were collected with an online questionnaire assessing
variables of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) toward exercise and healthy eating intentions
and behaviors. Correlations between the variables of TPB and behaviors (healthy eating and exercise)
were higher in the normal weight group than in the overweight/obese group. The strongest
predictor of intention to exercise was perceived behavioral control for both groups with the
overweight/obese group showing higher values in comparison to normal weight group values. The
same associations emerged for the prediction of intention for healthy eating behavior. The attitude
was also a statistically significant predictor for both groups with higher values in normal
weight group. The strongest predictor of exercise behavior was the intention, whereas for eating
behavior significant predictors were attitudes, intentions and perceived behavioral control. TPB
framework explained both intentions and behaviors for exercise and healthy eating of normal
weight and overweight/obese adults. Initial information on which TPB constructs explain better
intentions and behaviors by group implied that normal weight group has more positive exercise
and healthy eating attitudes and intentions than the overweight/obese group; the behaviors of the
overweight/obese group were explained better by perceived behavioral control. The above information
can be used to design more effective interventions that aim to produce changes in both
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Scientific Research Publishing, Inc.
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201605092455Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Psouni, S., Hassandra, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2016). Exercise and Healthy Eating Intentions and Behaviors among Normal Weight and Overweight/Obese Adults. Psychology, 7(4), 598-611. https://doi.org/10.4236/psych.2016.74062
Copyright© 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
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