SQL- ja NoSQL-tietokantojen suorituskykyerot
SQL-tietokantoja on käytetty lähes tietokantojen olemassaolon alusta
asti. Nykyään dataa on yhä enemmän kuin ennen, se on monipuolisempaa, ja
sen prosessointi on työläämpää. NoSQL-tietokannat ovatkin nousseet perinteisten
SQL-tietokantojen rinnalle tarjoamaan vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja nykypäivän
haasteiden ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan tietokantojen suorituskykyeroja
käymällä läpi jo tehtyjä tutkimuksia aihealueesta, sekä pohditaan ovatko
NoSQL-tietokannat valmiita käytettäviksi.
SQL databases has been used almost since databases were invented. Nowadays there is a lot more data than before, it is more diverse, and processing it requires more work. NoSQL databases have risen to great favour as they try to offer alternative solutions for challenges we face today in the IT field. In this thesis performance differences between SQL and NoSQL databases are studied basing on existing researches of the topic. Also some reasoning is done whether NoSQL databases are ready enough for usage.
SQL databases has been used almost since databases were invented. Nowadays there is a lot more data than before, it is more diverse, and processing it requires more work. NoSQL databases have risen to great favour as they try to offer alternative solutions for challenges we face today in the IT field. In this thesis performance differences between SQL and NoSQL databases are studied basing on existing researches of the topic. Also some reasoning is done whether NoSQL databases are ready enough for usage.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201605032410Use this for linking