Negotiating informal housing in Metro Manila : forging communities through participation
This research project examines socialized housing programs available to informal
settlers in the megacity of Metro Manila, Philippines, and the socio-political and
institutional relationships that enable or impede access to housing. Megacities are
urban agglomerations with populations of over 10 million inhabitants and Asia and
Africa contain some of the fastest growing cities in the world. The challenge of
Southern governments to meet the housing needs of hundreds of thousands of urban
poor is exacerbated by the influx of migrants into these economic hubs, the scarcity of
land for low-income housing and the inequalities and infrastructure deficiencies in
developing countries’ cities. The study takes a three-pronged thematic approach to
understanding the complexities of organizing housing for squatter communities. The
core of the data forms the first focal point around the analytical concepts of access,
participation and community building, and is drawn from 20 interviews with
community members, NGO staff and state housing program coordinators. The second
focal area cover examines the social programs in light of housing rights and urban
governance. The third thematic focus is poverty and megacities. The study confirms
challenges faced by poor families living in slums while at the same time highlights the
relevance of viewing informal settlements as communities where resources are shared
through informal associations. These associations are essential for gaining access to
housing of both NGOs and government, but their roles are different for the two types
of housing providers. The issue of professional squatters is examined, as their presence in
squatter communities poses considerable concern and mistrust. The requirements of
the housing programs are considered to be unique due to the formalization of “values
formation” and “social preparation” as participatory actions for community building.
The concept of urban disconnect is introduced to demystify the urban governance
challenge. Finally, the thesis proposes that the increased application of community-
level participation for housing access, especially by government agencies, have
transformed power structures in ways that are reflective of a social movement.

University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6590-7ISSN Search the Publication Forum
informal housing informal settlers professional squatters community participation values formation social preparation poverty megacities Metro Manila suurkaupungit perheet köyhyys kansalaisjärjestöt paikallisyhteisöt osallistaminen viranomaiset yhteisöasuminen asuinyhteisöt asuminen asuntopolitiikka talonvaltaus Manila Filippiinit
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