Eriyttäminen biologian opetuksessa yläkouluissa
Eriyttävässä opetuksessa opettaja huomioi oppilaan yksilöllisenä oppijana ja pyrkii opetusmenetelmien ja -materiaalin avulla tukemaan jokaista oppilasta oppilaan omien mahdollisuuksien mukaisesti. Eriyttävä opetus on perusopetuslain mukaan jokaisen peruskoulua käyvän oppilaan oikeus. Biologian opiskeluun kuuluu tärkeänä osana kokeellisuus ja tutkivaoppiminen. Opettajien tyypillinen opetusmuoto Suomessa on opettajajohtoinen, kirjaan sidoksissa oleva opetus. Opettajien tulee tietää, kuinka oppikirjoissa on huomioitu eriyttäminen ja tutkiva oppiminen, jotta voidaan tarjota oppilaille eriyttävää biologian opetusta. Biologian oppikirjojen eriyttävyyttä selvitettiin opettajille ja oppilaille tehdyillä lomakekyselyillä sekä kyselyyn osallistuneiden luokkien käytössä olleita oppikirjoja tarkastelemalla. Oppilaskyselyyn osallistui kaksi 9. luokkaa Kouvolasta. Opettajakysely lähetettiin useiden paikkakuntien opettajille sähköisesti sekä Jyväskylän ja Kouvolan alueiden kouluihin paperilomakkeina. Opettajien vastausten perusteella biologian oppikirjat ovat pääsääntöinen opetusmateriaali, joka on tehtäviltään monipuolista eikä oppikirjojen ulkopuolista materiaalia juurikaan tarvita. Biologian opettajat pitävät eriyttämistä opetuksessa tarpeellisena ja tärkeänä. Oppilaille tehdyn kyselyn mukaan biologian oppikirjojen teksti ja tehtävät eivät ole liian haastavia. Enemmän aikaa kotitehtäviin käyttäneet kokivat kirjan tekstin ja tehtävät helpoiksi. Oppilaat, jotka oli saanut todistuksessa korkeampia biologian arvosanoja, kokivat tekstin ja tehtävät helpoiksi. Oppikirjoja tarkasteltiin kvalitatiivisesti tekstin, kuvien ja tehtävien laadun suhteen. Kyselyyn osallistuneiden oppilaiden luokilla oli käytössään maaekosysteemejä käsittelevällä kurssilla eri kustantajien kirjat. Kirjojen vertailu osoitti tekstin olevan molempien kustantajien kirjoissa faktojen ympärille rakennettua ja tekstit sisälsivät paljon käsitteistöä. Tehtävät olivat Koulun biologia, metsä ja suot-kirjassa perustehtäviä, joiden vastaukset löytyivät suoraan tekstistä. Silmu-sarjan kirjassa oli perustehtävien lisäksi myös ylöspäin eriyttäviä soveltamista vaativia tehtäviä. Tutkimukseni tulosten mukaan biologian yläkoulun opettajat pitävät kirjojen materiaalia eriyttävänä ja suosivat sen käyttöä opetuksessa. Oppilaiden mielestä oppimateriaali ei ole liian haastavaa ja erityisesti koulussa menestyvät, ahkerat oppilaat pitivät materiaalia helppona.
In differentiated teaching teacher sees every pupil as an individual learner and tries to support every student with teaching methods and materials by taking everyone’s abilities into account. Differentiated teaching is every pupil’s right in comprehensive school according to the basic education act. Important part of studying biology is experimentation and investigative learning. Characteristic teaching method in Finland is teacher directed, book orientated teaching. We need to know how textbooks have taken differentiation and investigative learning into account in order to give students differentiated teaching in biology. The differentiation capability in biology textbooks were studied by making a questionnaire survey for biology teachers and pupils in a secondary school and analyzing the biology books used by the student participated the survey. There were two ninth classes from Kouvola participating this survey. Teachers´ questionnaire was sent by email to biology teachers in several areas and paper version was sent to certain schools in Kouvola and Jyväskylä. Teachers used biology books as a primary teaching material and they thought that the book exercises are diverse or material outside the book is needed. Biology teachers think that differentiation is necessary and important. According to the students questionnaire the text and exercises in biology’s textbooks are not too challenging. Pupils that used more time in homework had no difficulties with text or exercises. Those pupils who had high grades in biology thought the text and exercises were easy. The textbooks’ text and exercises were observed qualitatively. The two classes of this survey used books from different publishers. Comparison of the books showed that the texts were fact orientated in both books and included lots of concepts. Basic text part was not differentiating in either book. The exercises were basic type in Koulun biologia, metsät ja suot book. The answers to all these exercises were found straight from the text. Silmu series’ book had also applied higher differentiating exercises apart from the basic type exercises. According to this study biology teachers in secondary school consider that the book material is differentiated and they favor to use books in teaching. Pupils think that the learning material is not too challenging. Advanced pupils who work hard, thought the material was easy.
In differentiated teaching teacher sees every pupil as an individual learner and tries to support every student with teaching methods and materials by taking everyone’s abilities into account. Differentiated teaching is every pupil’s right in comprehensive school according to the basic education act. Important part of studying biology is experimentation and investigative learning. Characteristic teaching method in Finland is teacher directed, book orientated teaching. We need to know how textbooks have taken differentiation and investigative learning into account in order to give students differentiated teaching in biology. The differentiation capability in biology textbooks were studied by making a questionnaire survey for biology teachers and pupils in a secondary school and analyzing the biology books used by the student participated the survey. There were two ninth classes from Kouvola participating this survey. Teachers´ questionnaire was sent by email to biology teachers in several areas and paper version was sent to certain schools in Kouvola and Jyväskylä. Teachers used biology books as a primary teaching material and they thought that the book exercises are diverse or material outside the book is needed. Biology teachers think that differentiation is necessary and important. According to the students questionnaire the text and exercises in biology’s textbooks are not too challenging. Pupils that used more time in homework had no difficulties with text or exercises. Those pupils who had high grades in biology thought the text and exercises were easy. The textbooks’ text and exercises were observed qualitatively. The two classes of this survey used books from different publishers. Comparison of the books showed that the texts were fact orientated in both books and included lots of concepts. Basic text part was not differentiating in either book. The exercises were basic type in Koulun biologia, metsät ja suot book. The answers to all these exercises were found straight from the text. Silmu series’ book had also applied higher differentiating exercises apart from the basic type exercises. According to this study biology teachers in secondary school consider that the book material is differentiated and they favor to use books in teaching. Pupils think that the learning material is not too challenging. Advanced pupils who work hard, thought the material was easy.
Main Author
Master thesis
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