An investigation into the role of exposure to speech sounds during sleep in auditory perceptual learning
Viimeaikainen tutkimus on osoittanut, että jonkin tasoinen oppiminen unen aikana on mahdollista sekä vastasyntyneillä että aikuisilla ihmisillä tietyissä sensorisissa modaliteeteissä. On kuitenkin epäselvää, voiko unen aikainen altistuminen puheäänille parantaa puheäänten erottelukykyä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkimukseen osallistujat altistettiin toonisia vaihtelua sisältäville vieraan kielen puheäänille unen aikana kahden tunnin ajan neljänä peräkkäisenä yönä, univaihe 2:n aikana. Ärsykkeet koostuivat yhdestä vakiosta ja kahdesta poikkeavasta kiinan kielen /a/ kirjaimen muunnelmasta. Ärsykkeet esitettiin oddball-paradigman mukaisesti satunnaisessa järjestyksessä. Yksi leksikaalinen tooni (nouseva tooni) esiintyi usein. Kaksi muuta tooniltaan poikkeavaa ääntä korvasi sen silloin tällöin (10%) sattumanvaraisessa järjestyksessä. Ennen ja jälkeen altistuksen osallistujien kyky erotella näitä ääniä testattiin antamalle heille tehtäväksi kiinnittää huomiota kaiuttimista kuuluviin ääniin ja painaa nappia, aina kun he kuulivat poikkeavan äänen. Alku- ja loppumittausten aikana herätevasteet (ERP) nauhoitettiin 128-kanavaisen sensoriverkon avulla, ja negatiivista herätevastetta nimeltä mismatch negativity (MMN) käytettiin puheäänien erottelukyvyn mittarina. Kontrolliryhmä toimi tutkimuksen lähtökohtana eikä sen jäseniä altistettu ärsykkeille unen aikana alku- ja loppumittausten välillä. Koeryhmän mittaustulokset eivät paljastaneet oppimisefektiä MMN:llä mitattuna. MMN herätevaste sen sijaan löytyi ja se oli suurimmillaan ajassa 235 – 285 ms. Tämä osoittaa, että tutkimuksen osallistujilla on kyky erotella heille vieraita puheääniä. Tulokset osoittavat, että suomalaisilla tutkimukseen osallistujilla on kyky erotella toonivaihteluita neuraalisella tasolla, mutta on edelleen epäselvää, edesauttaako unenaikainen altistus auditiivista havainto-oppimista.
Recent research has suggested that some forms of sleep learning might exist in newborn human infants and human adults in some sensory modalities. However, it is unclear whether exposure to speech sounds during nocturnal sleep facilitates learning of speech sound discrimination. In the present study participants were exposed to non-native speech sounds including tonal changes for the duration of 2 hours per night, for 4 consecutive nights, during sleep stage 2. Stimuli consisted of one standard and two deviant variations of Chinese vowel /a/, which were presented in odd-ball design, in semi-random order. One type of lexical tone (rising tone) was frequently presented, while two other sounds, differing in lexical tone, replaced it infrequently (10%) and randomly. Before and after the exposure, participants’ ability to discriminate between those sounds was tested by giving them an attentive behavioural task in which they were instructed to detect changes in sounds and press a button when hearing a deviant sound. During the pre- and post-measurement, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded using a 128-channel sensor net, and an ERP response called mismatch negativity (MMN) was used as indicator of ability to discriminate between the speech sounds. Control group proved a baseline measurement and was not exposed to stimuli during sleep in between the measurements. We found no learning effect specific to exposure group in MMN amplitude. However, a frontocentral MMN response was found, peaking at 235 – 285 ms indicating the participants’ ability to discriminate between non-native speech sounds. The results indicate that Finnish participants are able to discriminate tonal changes in speech sounds in neural level, but it remains unclear whether exposure during sleep can promote auditory perceptual learning.
Recent research has suggested that some forms of sleep learning might exist in newborn human infants and human adults in some sensory modalities. However, it is unclear whether exposure to speech sounds during nocturnal sleep facilitates learning of speech sound discrimination. In the present study participants were exposed to non-native speech sounds including tonal changes for the duration of 2 hours per night, for 4 consecutive nights, during sleep stage 2. Stimuli consisted of one standard and two deviant variations of Chinese vowel /a/, which were presented in odd-ball design, in semi-random order. One type of lexical tone (rising tone) was frequently presented, while two other sounds, differing in lexical tone, replaced it infrequently (10%) and randomly. Before and after the exposure, participants’ ability to discriminate between those sounds was tested by giving them an attentive behavioural task in which they were instructed to detect changes in sounds and press a button when hearing a deviant sound. During the pre- and post-measurement, event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded using a 128-channel sensor net, and an ERP response called mismatch negativity (MMN) was used as indicator of ability to discriminate between the speech sounds. Control group proved a baseline measurement and was not exposed to stimuli during sleep in between the measurements. We found no learning effect specific to exposure group in MMN amplitude. However, a frontocentral MMN response was found, peaking at 235 – 285 ms indicating the participants’ ability to discriminate between non-native speech sounds. The results indicate that Finnish participants are able to discriminate tonal changes in speech sounds in neural level, but it remains unclear whether exposure during sleep can promote auditory perceptual learning.
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Master thesis
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