First observation of excited states of 173Hg

The neutron-deficient nucleus 173Hg has been studied following fusion-evaporation reactions. The observation of the decay of excited states via γ radiation are reported for the first time and a tentative level scheme is proposed. The proposed level scheme is discussed within the context of the systematics of neighboring neutron-deficient Hg nuclei. In addition to the γ -ray spectroscopy, the α decay of this nucleus has been measured yielding superior precision to earlier measurements.
Published in
Physical Review C
  • O'Donnell, D., Page, R., Scholey, C., Bianco, L., Capponi, L., Carroll, R.J., Darby, I., Donosa, L., Drummond, M., Ertugral, F., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P., Hauschild, K., Herzan, A., Jakobsson, U., Jones, P., Joss, D., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., . . . Uusitalo, J. (2012). First observation of excited states of 173Hg. Physical Review C, 85(5), 054315.
Open Access
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