Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in Heterogenous Software Defined Network : A Reverse Combinatorial Auction Approach
In this paper, resource allocation for energy effi-
ciency in heterogeneous Software Defined Network (SDN) with
multiple network service providers (NSPs) is studied. The considered
problem is modeled as a reverse combinatorial auction game,
which takes different quality of service (QoS) requirements into
account. The heterogeneous network selection associated with
power allocation problem is optimized by maximizing the energy
efficiency of data transmission. By exploiting the properties
of fractional programming, the resulting non-convex Winner
Determination Problem (WDP) is transformed into an equivalent
subtractive convex optimization problem. The proposed reverse
combinatorial auction game is proved to be strategy-proof with
low computing complexity. Simulation results illustrate that with
SDN controller, the proposed iterative ascending price algorithm
converges in a small number of iterations and demonstrates
the trade-off between energy efficiency and heterogeneous QoS
requirement, especially ensures high fairness among different
network service providers.
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Conference paper
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Peer reviewed
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
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Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC'2015). Symposium on Signal Processing for Communications
- Zhang, D., Chang, Z., Zolotukhin, M., & Hämäläinen, T. (2015). Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in Heterogenous Software Defined Network : A Reverse Combinatorial Auction Approach. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC'2015). Symposium on Signal Processing for Communications (pp. 739-744). IEEE.
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