Kompression ja 2 ½-viikon korkeaintensiteettisen intervalli-harjoittelun vaikutukset naisjääkiekkoilijoiden hermo-lihasjärjestelmään
Kinnunen, Juho-Ville 2015. Kompression ja 2½-viikon korkeaintensiteettisen intervalli harjoittelun vaikutukset naisjääkiekkoilijoiden hermo-lihasjärjestelmään. Liikuntabiologian laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto. Biomekaniikan Pro gradu -tutkielma 64 s.
Korkeaintensiteettinen intervalli-harjoittelu (HIIT) on yleinen harjoittelumuoto, jolla voidaan saada aikaan vasteita aineenvaihdunnallisesti sekä hermo-lihasjärjestelmässä. Harjoittelumuotoa voidaan hyödyntää muun harjoittelun lisänä ja siten saada aikaiseksi vasteita lyhyemmillä harjoitteluajoilla, kuin perinteisessä harjoitteissa. Kompressiolla on puolestaan todettu olevan vaikutuksia perättäisten räjähtävien suoritusten keskitehon kasvussa ja palautumisessa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää lyhytkestoisen HIIT-harjoittelun ja kompressiovaatteiden yhdistelmän vaikutukset suorituskykyyn sekä hermo-lihasjärjestelmän vasteisiin. HIIT-harjoittelulla tarkoitetaan tässä työssä 30 s suoritteita 4 minuutin palautumisjaksolla täydellä teholla ylämäkeen, jonka keskikaltevuus oli 9.5 % suorituksen määrän ollessa 6 per harjoituskerta. Harjoituskertoja oli 2 kertaa viikossa 2 ½ viikon ajan.
Kahdeksantoista naisjääkiekkoilijaa ilmoittautui vapaaehtoisiksi tutkimukseen, joista neljätoista osallistui kaikkiin mittauksiin ja harjoituksiin. Osallistujat jaettiin kahteen ryhmään kompressio (COMP; pituus 165 ± 6 cm, paino 68 ± 12 kg, ikä 22 ± 4, N = 6), joka käytti kompressiovaatteita harjoittelun aikana sekä kontrolli (CON; pituus 166 ± 5 cm, paino 66 ± 13 kg, ikä 22 ± 3, N = 8), joka ei saanut käyttää minkäänlaisia kompressiovaatteita tutkimuksen aikana. Koehenkilöiltä mitattiin räjähtävään voimantuottoon ja suorituskykyyn vaikuttavia hermo-lihasjärjestelmän vasteita ennen ja jälkeen harjoitusjakson. Voimantuotonnopeuteen ja maksimaaliseen voimantuottoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä tutkittiin selkäydintason vasteiden (H-refleksi) sekä keskushermostovasteiden (V-aalto) avulla. Koehenkilöitä mitattiin myös lihasaktiivisuus laboratoriossa tehtyjen mittauksien aikana, jolla pystyttiin määrittämään harjoituksen aiheuttamat lihasten aktiivisuuden muutokset. Laboratoriomittauksien lisäksi koehenkilöt suorittivat luistelutestin, jossa mitattiin luistelukiihdytys ja -nopeus.
Molempien ryhmien plantaari fleksion isometrinen MVC (COMP: pre 1051 ± 166 N, post 1213 ± 92 N, p = 0.028;CON: pre 1197 ± 300 N, post 1305 ± 257 N, p = 0.025) ja RFD (COMP: pre 4321 ± 1216 N∙s-1, post 4998 ± 1247 N∙s-1, p = 0.028; CON: pre 4613 ± 2136 N∙s-1, post 5301 ± 2046 N∙s-1, p = 0.012) kasvoivat huomattavasti. Harjoittelu vaikutti keskushermostotason (normalisoitu V-aalto) vasteisiin yhdistetyllä ryhmällä (pre 0.27 ± 0.11, post 0.31 ± 0.12, Δ 16.0%, p = 0.009) sekä vastavaikuttajan aktiivisuuteen RFD:n aikana (pre 0.51 ± 0.23, post 0.41 ± 0.18, Δ -18.9%, p = 0.028). Ryhmien välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkittäviä eroja. HIIT –harjoittelulla saadaan parannettua räjähtävää sekä maksimaalista voimantuottoa koaktivaation vähenemisellä sekä motorisen ohjauksen kasvulla. Kompressiolla ei ollut merkitystä harjoitusvaikutukseen eikä HIIT-harjoittelun vaikutuksia havaittu luisteluominaisuuksissa.
Kinnunen, Juho-Ville (2015). Neuromuscular adaptations to 2½-week high-intensity interval training with compression garments in female ice hockey players. Department of Biology of Sport, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis, 64 pp. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) improves performance in various ways more promptly than a more traditional training (Tschakert & Hofmann 2013). Although metabolic responses and performance improvements are more commonly reported in HIIT, neuromuscular adaptations occur as well (Buchheit & Laursen 2013b;Creer et al. 2003;Jemma et al. 2005). Compression garments have been shown to improve explosive performances like vertical jumps height (Doan et al. 2003), vertical jumps mean power (Kraemer et al. 1996) and repeated sprint performance (Hamlin et al. 2012;Born et al. 2014). It has been suggested that improved proprioception might be one of the mechanisms, which improves performance due the compressive garments (Kraemer et al. 1996). HIIT in this study is referred as 30 second all-out sprints on a hill with a gradient of 9.5%. Six sprints in total were made in a session and four-minute rest periods were held between sprints. The aim of this study was to investigate neuromuscular adaptations to HIIT and use of compression garments during training. The goal was to clarify if compression garments can be used to further enhance improvements in ice-hockey-specific test, and whether neuromuscular adaptations (enhanced neural drive and α-motoneuron excitability) can explain the improved performance. Eighteen Finnish championship level female ice hockey players volunteered to participate in this study. Four subjects dropped out due to personal reasons or illness. The remaining fourteen test subjects participated in all tests and training sessions. Participants were assigned into two groups. Compression group (COMP; height 165 ± 6 cm, weight 68 ± 12 kg, age 22 ± 4, N = 6), which used compression, garments during HIIT. Control (CON; height 166 ± 5 cm, weight 66 ± 13 kg, age 22 ± 3, N = 8) group was not allowed to use any kind of compression garments during the intervention, however, otherwise the training program was same as in COMP. To investigate effects of HIIT between groups all measurements were made before and after two and a half week training intervention. Neuromuscular attributes that affect rate of force development (RFD) and maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were investigated with spinal (H-reflex) and central nervous system (V-wave) responses. Muscle activity changes during RFD and MVC were investigated with surface EMG during laboratory measurements. In addition to the laboratory measurements, subjects also performed skating sprint and acceleration tests. Both groups improved their plantar flexion MVC (COMP: pre 1051 ± 166 N, post 1213 ± 92 N, p = 0.028;CON: pre 1197 ± 300 N, post 1305 ± 257 N, p = 0.025) and RFD (COMP: pre 4321 ± 1216 N∙s-1, post 4998 ± 1247 N∙s-1, p = 0.028; CON: pre 4613 ± 2136 N∙s-1, post 5301 ± 2046 N∙s-1, p = 0.012) significantly. Training increased neuronal motor drive (normalized V-wave) in a combined group (pre 0.27 ± 0.11, post 0.31 ± 0.12, Δ 16.0%, p = 0.009) and decreased antagonist muscle activity during RFD (pre 0.51 ± 0.23, post 0.41 ± 0.18, Δ -18.9%, p = 0.028). There were no statistically significant differences observed between groups. HIIT improves RFD and MVC by enhanced neuronal motor drive and decreased coactivation. Compression did not have effects on training response and HIIT did not improve skating performance.
Kinnunen, Juho-Ville (2015). Neuromuscular adaptations to 2½-week high-intensity interval training with compression garments in female ice hockey players. Department of Biology of Sport, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis, 64 pp. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) improves performance in various ways more promptly than a more traditional training (Tschakert & Hofmann 2013). Although metabolic responses and performance improvements are more commonly reported in HIIT, neuromuscular adaptations occur as well (Buchheit & Laursen 2013b;Creer et al. 2003;Jemma et al. 2005). Compression garments have been shown to improve explosive performances like vertical jumps height (Doan et al. 2003), vertical jumps mean power (Kraemer et al. 1996) and repeated sprint performance (Hamlin et al. 2012;Born et al. 2014). It has been suggested that improved proprioception might be one of the mechanisms, which improves performance due the compressive garments (Kraemer et al. 1996). HIIT in this study is referred as 30 second all-out sprints on a hill with a gradient of 9.5%. Six sprints in total were made in a session and four-minute rest periods were held between sprints. The aim of this study was to investigate neuromuscular adaptations to HIIT and use of compression garments during training. The goal was to clarify if compression garments can be used to further enhance improvements in ice-hockey-specific test, and whether neuromuscular adaptations (enhanced neural drive and α-motoneuron excitability) can explain the improved performance. Eighteen Finnish championship level female ice hockey players volunteered to participate in this study. Four subjects dropped out due to personal reasons or illness. The remaining fourteen test subjects participated in all tests and training sessions. Participants were assigned into two groups. Compression group (COMP; height 165 ± 6 cm, weight 68 ± 12 kg, age 22 ± 4, N = 6), which used compression, garments during HIIT. Control (CON; height 166 ± 5 cm, weight 66 ± 13 kg, age 22 ± 3, N = 8) group was not allowed to use any kind of compression garments during the intervention, however, otherwise the training program was same as in COMP. To investigate effects of HIIT between groups all measurements were made before and after two and a half week training intervention. Neuromuscular attributes that affect rate of force development (RFD) and maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were investigated with spinal (H-reflex) and central nervous system (V-wave) responses. Muscle activity changes during RFD and MVC were investigated with surface EMG during laboratory measurements. In addition to the laboratory measurements, subjects also performed skating sprint and acceleration tests. Both groups improved their plantar flexion MVC (COMP: pre 1051 ± 166 N, post 1213 ± 92 N, p = 0.028;CON: pre 1197 ± 300 N, post 1305 ± 257 N, p = 0.025) and RFD (COMP: pre 4321 ± 1216 N∙s-1, post 4998 ± 1247 N∙s-1, p = 0.028; CON: pre 4613 ± 2136 N∙s-1, post 5301 ± 2046 N∙s-1, p = 0.012) significantly. Training increased neuronal motor drive (normalized V-wave) in a combined group (pre 0.27 ± 0.11, post 0.31 ± 0.12, Δ 16.0%, p = 0.009) and decreased antagonist muscle activity during RFD (pre 0.51 ± 0.23, post 0.41 ± 0.18, Δ -18.9%, p = 0.028). There were no statistically significant differences observed between groups. HIIT improves RFD and MVC by enhanced neuronal motor drive and decreased coactivation. Compression did not have effects on training response and HIIT did not improve skating performance.
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Master thesis
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