Pelastaako pelaaminen matematiikan? : pelillisyys osana kuudennen luokan matematiikan opetusta
Danschu, P. & Salminen, M. 2015. Pelastaako pelaaminen matematiikan? Pelillisyys osana kuudennen luokan matematiikan opetusta. Jyväskylän yliopisto. Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydenius. Kasvatustieteen pro gradu -tutkielma. 105 s. ja 5 liitettä.
Tarkasteltaessa kansallisten sekä kansainvälisten matematiikan oppimiseen liittyvien tutkimusten tuloksia on todettu, että oppilaiden asenne matematiikkaa kohtaan on heikentynyt Suomessa 2000-luvulla. Yhtenä ratkaisuna asenteiden muuttamiseen on nähty pelien ja pelillisyyden tuominen osaksi matematiikan opetusta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia opettajien käsityksiä pelillisyydestä ja sitä, millaisia vaikutuksia pelillisyyden toteuttamisella oli heidän pedagogiikkaansa sekä toimintatapoihinsa. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, millaisia vaikutuksia pelillisyydellä oli matematiikan oppimiseen oppilaiden näkökulmasta.
Tutkimusote oli fenomenologis-hermeneuttinen. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui kolmesta kuudennen luokan luokanopettajasta ja heidän oppilaistaan, joita oli yhteensä 38. Aineistonkeruumenetelminä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua kyselylo-maketta, sähköistä puolistrukturoitua kyselylomaketta ja ryhmähaastattelua. Aineiston analyysi tehtiin hermeneuttisen kehän sekä fenomenologis-hermeneuttisen analyysin avulla. Analyysin pohjalta rakentui seitsemän merki-tyskokonaisuutta.
Tutkimus osoitti, että opettajien näkemykset pelillisyydestä olivat dynaamisia, kuten koko pelillisen oppimisen kenttä on vielä tällä hetkellä. Pelillisyyttä osana matematiikan opetusta on haasteellista toteuttaa kaikessa siinä laajuudessa, jota termi pedagogisesta näkökulmasta tarkoittaa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan päätellä, että matematiikan ja pelillisyyden yhdistämisessä on otettava huomioon muun muassa pelillisyyden teoreettinen viitekehys, oppilaiden sitouttaminen ja motivointi, pelillisyyden monipuolinen toteuttaminen, oppimispelien sisältöjen tunteminen ja opettajan kokonaisvaltainen rooli pelaamisessa. Lisäksi tutkimus osoitti, että pelillisyys lisäsi hauskuutta matematiikan oppimiseen, mutta oppilaiden motivaatio ei noussut odotetulla tavalla. Pelillisyys ei yksinään tutkimuksemme mukaan pelasta matematiikan opetusta ja muuta oppilaiden asenteita matematiikkaa kohtaan.
ABSTRACT Danschu, P. & Salminen, M. 2015. Can Playing Games Save Math? Gameful-ness in Teaching Mathematics for the 6th Grade. The University of Jyväskylä. Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. Master’s thesis in education. 105 pages, 5 appendices. The results of national and international research on learning mathematics show that in Finland the pupils’ attitudes toward mathematics has declined during the 21st century. Introducing games and gamification in teaching mathematics has been suggested as a possible solution to shifting the attitudes. The objective of this research was to study teachers’ views on gamification and the possible effects implementing gamification may have in their teaching and their working methods. Additionally, we studied how the pupils viewed the effects of gamification on their learning of mathematics. Our research method was hermeneutic phenomenological. The research group comprised of three 6th-grade teachers and their 38 students. The methods used in the data collection were semi-structured questionnaire forms, online semi-structured questionnaire forms and group interviews. The data analysis was conducted by using the hermeneutical circle and a hermeneutic phenomenological analysis. On the basis of the analysis, we compiled seven meaning categories. The research showed that the teachers’ views on gamification were dynamic – as is the whole field of learning through gamification at the moment. Implementing gamification as part of teaching mathematics as broadly as it is viewed from the educational point of view presents a challenge. On the basis of this research, we concluded that the theoretical frame of reference of gamification, commitment and motivation of pupils, versatile actualization of gamification, knowledge of the contents of learning games, and overall role of the teacher in the playing need to be taken into account when combining mathematics and gamification. Moreover, the research showed that whereas gamification increased the level of fun experienced in learning mathematics, it did not, however, increase the pupils’ level of motivation in the way we had anticipated. According to our results, gamification alone is not enough to save the teaching of mathematics and change the pupils’ attitudes toward mathematics.
ABSTRACT Danschu, P. & Salminen, M. 2015. Can Playing Games Save Math? Gameful-ness in Teaching Mathematics for the 6th Grade. The University of Jyväskylä. Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. Master’s thesis in education. 105 pages, 5 appendices. The results of national and international research on learning mathematics show that in Finland the pupils’ attitudes toward mathematics has declined during the 21st century. Introducing games and gamification in teaching mathematics has been suggested as a possible solution to shifting the attitudes. The objective of this research was to study teachers’ views on gamification and the possible effects implementing gamification may have in their teaching and their working methods. Additionally, we studied how the pupils viewed the effects of gamification on their learning of mathematics. Our research method was hermeneutic phenomenological. The research group comprised of three 6th-grade teachers and their 38 students. The methods used in the data collection were semi-structured questionnaire forms, online semi-structured questionnaire forms and group interviews. The data analysis was conducted by using the hermeneutical circle and a hermeneutic phenomenological analysis. On the basis of the analysis, we compiled seven meaning categories. The research showed that the teachers’ views on gamification were dynamic – as is the whole field of learning through gamification at the moment. Implementing gamification as part of teaching mathematics as broadly as it is viewed from the educational point of view presents a challenge. On the basis of this research, we concluded that the theoretical frame of reference of gamification, commitment and motivation of pupils, versatile actualization of gamification, knowledge of the contents of learning games, and overall role of the teacher in the playing need to be taken into account when combining mathematics and gamification. Moreover, the research showed that whereas gamification increased the level of fun experienced in learning mathematics, it did not, however, increase the pupils’ level of motivation in the way we had anticipated. According to our results, gamification alone is not enough to save the teaching of mathematics and change the pupils’ attitudes toward mathematics.
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Master thesis
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