Employers' intention to hire highly educated foreign workforce in the Kokkola region : implications for higher education
The rational for this research is to find out the intentions of employers to hire
highly educated foreign workforce in the Kokkola region. The research analyses
how employers have prepared themselves for meeting the diverse needs of future employees, how strongly and on what basis employers are committed to
recruit a foreign workforce, how many they have recruited so far, and what the
contribution of Centria University of Applied Sciences could be to improve recruitment of a foreign highly educated workforce in the region. Internationalisation of higher education in Finland has led to the fact that degree programmes offered in English both in traditional universities and in universities
of applied sciences have increased and now there is available a foreign highly
educated workforce on the labour market. When graduates are employed on
the local labour market Centria University of Applied Sciences meets the “Third
Mission”. A brief presentation of human resource management of today and
recruitment is presented to find out employers’ recruitment plans. The theoretical framework covers intention and research findings are analysed from commitment, behaviour, action, and change aspects. This is a qualitative research
with a hermeneutical phenomenology aspect. Employers are interviewed and
the informants form a case study. The empirical results are analysed based on
employers’ recruitment strategy, commitment to employ, recruitment process,
perceptions, experiences, preparations, and the picture of available foreign
workforce in the region. The research findings show that recruitment plans
strongly influence the intention to employ a foreign workforce, but if no commitment is involved there is nothing guaranteeing that intention will lead to
behaviour. This research has also implications for higher education, both related to programme curricula and cooperation with local companies.
Main Author
Doctoral thesis
University of Jyväskylä
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-6404-7Use this for linking
Published in
Jyväskylä studies in business and economics